New show about Knights Templar treasure

4 negative commentaries/doubts so far. From susanMN, boogeyman, Ibuyen, & JoeL.

But what the rest of the T'netters don't realize, is that those 4 are set up as shills. They know full well the accuracy of the clues and treasures. But have been sent to cast doubt, and dissuade others from searching for the certain treasures. No doubt they are sent from the Illuminati, freemasons, govt. etc.... to provide "cover". Cleverly masked/disguised as ordinary T'net poster/hobbyists. I smell a conspiracy at play !!

Opps, how did my Tat show up here, pay no attention to it and don't Knights-templar-crusader-knight-tattoo-97994.webp watch this show.

Just a waste of time watching that crap...Scott W. can`t find his own butt with both hands,and now he`s got Berry
C. in the same shape .
It`s the same tripe over and over again...telling the same story so many times.


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One thing I like about the show is the interesting places Wolter goes. Sometimes obsession drives people to discover great things. Who knows?

.....Who knows?

Who knows? I do :) And several others here concur & know that it's folly. "Obsession" has also driven people to do chase non-existent fantasies and silly ghost stories.

I meant who knows if he'll accidentally stumble onto something interesting...not whether or not it's folly...

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I was over in the Oak Island threads and I think I have a new theory. There are several, like Wolters, who seem to believe that everything that happened in Europe and the Americas between the years 900AD and 1800AD somehow involved the Templars; and that the Templars had a direct and continuous link from Hospitallers/Knights of St. John) right on up through the Norman conquest of England and was continuous with the modern version of the Masons (which was re-introduced in 1717). So my theory is that someone is trying to come up with a "Templars Were Everywhere" theory. Probably in the interest of producing documentaries for the History Channel instead of uncovering historical events. Pity.

There are an awful lot of holes in this "Grand Templar Unification Theory" that proposes the Templars did everything everywhere and gaps of centuries where, as far as I have read or know about, no connections have been proven. Sure, the Norse had settlements and camps in North America around 1,000 AD. Those have been found. But there is no evidence they shared the knowledge or there was Templar travel to the Americas. That has yet to be found.

And the supposition that Templars were trained in Asian martial arts? WTF? Where did that ever come from? They would have been pretty darned "martial" all on their own. The Mongols got as far as Moscow and Kiev in the 1300's and then ran up against the wall of Norse determination and were stopped. If the Templars were going to "buddy up" with anyone for battle tactics it was the Norse/Normans.

MY theory is that the spread of ideas and goods was not the Templars at all but the Norse. They'd start with offers to trade; and if that didn't work out then they went to raiding. We know they were everywhere from America to Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Iran. You found a Templar Cross somewhere? Maybe what you found was trade goods raided from a monestary that ended up miles away in the cargo hold of a Longboat rather than the treasure cabin of a Templar operated ship. When they dissolved in 1300 AD the Templar goods were dispersed in trade or conquest and the "line" vanished until someone picked it up again in 1717, and tried to ravel together a fabricated history that made them seem more important than they were (are).

Remember Occam's Razor - look for the simple solution. Not the most convoluted, mystical, 40 pages of star chart drawings pseudo-science to find non-existent treasure.


I'm 50/50 0n Wolters. Some of his points are valid in my eyes, yet others make me think he's another Jessie "the body" conspiricy nut. I believe the stuff about the Kennsington rune stone, but the 13 tribe of Isreal settling in an Illinois cave.... bhaw.. haww!! That treasure looked horribly fake.


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Tom that's burned popcorn you smell.

Well I saw the first one, missed the second, may watch the next one since I can't get on here as much.

I'm figuring this is one of those FF deals where you have to pick out the truth in all the fiction, yes there were Templars....
Everything else is up to you.

Excuse me, gotta make more popcorn.

And these loopy shows do take you to interesting places.

You don't have to believe Merlin the Wizard made Stonehenge or the Nazca Lines were alien landing strips to be impressed with what they are.

Look at it this way: if 1,000 years from now some archaeologist pulls a miraculously preserved three-band Enfield made in London out of the dirt at Bull Run he may film a documentary on the British military presence in the US. That's the danger of putting significance on happenstance finds.

I have been watching this show tonight. On Scott's America Unearthed show he was called a Forensic Geologist, now his new acting role on this new show, he is called a Knight's Of The Templar Historian. We should have a poll on how many times a Hooked X will show up on this seasons show.

Where do I sign up for someone to do a TV show? Seems everybody who's nobody has one, so why not me?

I could have Scott have a field day with me. Get it? field/scarecrow, oh never mind. I can see it now, "Hidden treasure of the Scarecrow"
Maybe make it a Halloween special.

I've got it all.

Bunch of stones stacked around my post, so we can tie in the Masons, and shadow signs when the sun is right.
The post itself is a cross or a T, so religion and Templer covered there.
My hat is from an old KKK hood, so got that covered.
Crow doo doo has gotten my glove on one hand stuck in the form of a W. Again, religion and Mason.
Got a couple of X's sewed on for eyes, so got the X and all seeing eye bit handled, Illuminati.
My nose is a triangle, so pyramids, ancient Egypt taken care of.
My mouth is a bunch of stitches crossing a long line, could be rail road, or telephone poles, or measurements.
One arm pointed down, one pointed up, so what am I pointing to?
Not to far from the Mason/Dixon line.
High School mascots in the area, Vikings, Indians, Mounties, Trojans, need I say more?
The well at the other end of the field tends to glow phosphorus sometimes at night. Takes care of the Ghost hunters.
Might even throw in that the last two owners of the old farm house have had mysterious deaths occur right after moving in.
Saw a UFO once, real close. One supposedly crashed nearby.
Got some deep ponds, so underwater hunts taken care of. Atlantis?
Did I mention 3 Dowsers have located Gold/Silver/Diamonds on the property, from a photo?
Or how bout the "Watchers" that guard certain parts of the land. Not the nicest folks you want to meet up with.
Got a Werewolf legend here, could be someone's confusing Big Foot for it. He comes around every once in a while. Doesn't say much, terrible poker player, and a mean drunk when he gets into the moonshine stills around here.

See you could have everyone of the "reality" hunters all show up and figure out where/what the treasure is.
And since none of them has ever found anything, I could let them look for a season or two, and then explain that the land is the treasure. And that would take care of the Occam's Razor thing, looking so hard for something that they miss what's right in front of them.
The land, home to coal, natural gas, and timber. :icon_thumleft:

Oh, oh! You can interview me over a related corporate conspiracy to control our minds by food manipulation.

More than coincidence?


Dr. Syn, EXCELLENT POST ! Brought a smile to my face. Puts an accurate light on all the conspiracy theory and embellished treasure lore nonsense that's out there.

I have been watching this show tonight. On Scott's America Unearthed show he was called a Forensic Geologist, now his new acting role on this new show, he is called a Knight's Of The Templar Historian. We should have a poll on how many times a Hooked X will show up on this seasons show.
If I remember right his creds as a forensic geologist weren't exactly stellar. He was working as a concrete inspector to pay the bills & buy the toys. So I think they opted for historian now.

I'm waiting for the episode where he finds a Katana with a bent hilt and he proclaims it has to be Templar because it represents a hooked X. :laughing7: Gotta give him credit though, he has a real knack of explaining assumptions and I believes so they sound like it has to be a fact.......

It's comical how many times the same baloney gets repackaged and resold to an ever gullible consumer . This reminds me of
the Oak Island program a year ago, where they also were trying to sell us on a Knights Templar connection . Don't get me
wrong , I do believe there are a number of legit treasures out there - still hidden - but these shows are done in a very
insulting , and shoddy manner - they remind me of a Dan Brown novel . Like Jeff , I'll give it a miss !

I want to detect the grassy knoll, if I can just find some way to connect Lee Harvey to the Templars.

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