New Fisher F75 Owner Here!

There is some historical significance here!!! I was wondering how long it was going to be before IAN gave up all the knobs. allthough i think watching me blow through the area near him and leaving nothing behind might have helped a bit.
we have been doing a LOT of comparing the f75 to my xlt simply because thats what we have to compare, quite a bit we are checking each others vdi's and comparing real time on site, i would say for the last week every time one of has a good or iffy signal its "come on over and here and check this one" so far the machine have both come up with almost identical signals and vdi readings, i run the xlt wide open and know this machine like the back of my hand so i get good results with it, HOWEVER
i will honestly say that on some of the targets the 75 had a cleaner lock on the target with the deeper items around 9" or more, i still felt i knew the reading i had was right but listening to the tone on the 75 it was a bit clearer and obviously has a bit more depth.
as for the EFI the whites machine has the same issues especially near power lines, its really not that big a deal, if you want to find the deeper stuff you have to crank it to the verge of instability, they simply put their f75 presets on the verge, you can back it off a bit and make it go away, of course you lose a bit of depth but you still have better chances of finding the items near an efi source than with the conventional type machine. as for brand loyalty, with me it doesnt come into play, i used ians dfx for a few hours and hated that machine in my mind its a piece of %^&*.
I think i'll be be buying one of these f75's soon as i only have one detector.and i wouldn't know what to do without a second machine, i would be having withdrawals if my xlt gave up on me.
as far as the build on the f75, that doesnt even matter, this stuff can modified, tweaked and reworked to fit our needs.
I think once he gets a few more hours on the f75 he might actually be able to find something I left behind and the machine has also given me a good enough demonstration
for me to buy one.

anyone selling????


Ian, Great job on the mods!! Nothing as fun or cool as customizing the machine to your own tastes! I thought you would love the FX-1 probe!! It rules, doesn't it? Great pics, I'll post my mods any day now. (Of course, a lot of mine are internal.) Xdantheman, I own a Spectrum XLT also, and for what it's worth, the '75 will run rings around it, and I've owned it for 10 years, so , needless to say, have quite a bit of experience with it. By the way, if you use E-Bay, they have had slightly used '75's for sale for about the last year. I, also, use or have used all brands of machines, but the '75 has awesome potential, once I've fixed the kinks! If you truly would like to buy an F-75, I looked on E-Bay and found this one:|66:2|65:12|39:1|240:1318 Who knows, sometimes they go cheap!! Thanks again, Ian. Please keep us posted!! Good luck and great hunting all!! Regards, Richard.

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I will be buying one shortly i hestitate buying used stuff though unless i can put my hands on it first
i will pay the moeny if need be....

No doubt!! That's my favorite way also. Just thought you might want the option. Great hunting and good luck!! Regards, Richard.

Dantheman and I hunted a very old homesite today (thanks to his awesome research) and I found a few nice things with the F75. Today I feel as if I "turned the corner" in my learning with this machine. I started to catch good signals that I was likely skipping over. I came up with a good sweep speed that seemed to help me get to deeper targets. So I found a few targets - but they were quality and DEEP. I got 3 coins at between 6-9 inches each. They were solid repeatable - small signals. I also love that FX-1 pinpointer - it makes it so much easier and causes no interference with the detector at all!

One other thing, my battery meter went down one notch from full for the first time in about 26 hours since I put fresh batteries in. Wow - great battery life.



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Great Info guys..Ian you sound like me when I first got the F75..I work alot and Time is limited and the F75 has
Been a Hot Rod to get in a few quick Hunts..Your Mod looks trick..Glad you like it..looks like your finding the good stuff..good luck..james

WOW Ian looks like you have a few honey spots..sweeeeeet..finds..thanks for posting.

Okay boys and girls, I'm going to crank the F75 up a bit for tomorrows hunt. I've been running:

DE, 80 , disc 9, 2f - with this setup, I am getting astounding performance in my hunts!! I know it gets even better.

I'm thinking about this:

JE, 75, disc 4, 2f - this should be quite a bit hotter and chattery, but should get me a little extra depth.

I'll let you know what that does for performance. I'm at this point convinced that this may be the best detector that I have used.


I got out with the F75 this weekend and dug some great stuff! 1866 Sheild Nickel w/ Rays, 1865 Indian Head, 1874 indian head, three old flat buttons - one gold! I'll say it again, the F75 is working great and the more I use it, the better I understand it and my finds have increased. I was running a hotter setup today and dug the 1865 IH at every bit of 10 inches deep - which is great for a penny.



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SaginawIan said:
You are right. That 1266x is by far better constructed and more sturdy than the F75. My F75 also has that bend to the control box when you plug the headphones in. I guess that's the trade off for light weight, I dunno. I hope it's not solely to keep production costs down. I think it will be strong enough to hold up. I did have a problem with the battery springs being too loose. I stretched them out and it worked for a while but it cut off a couple of times. I read your post about a fix for this and I'll try that later.

Okay, so I really love this machine. I really like the sound of the signals it and the ease of swinging it. I hunted an iron infested cellar hole and it was so fast, I was able to pick a couple of targets between the nails. I got a childs silver spoon, and various other trinkets. No old coins though, just a few new quarters >:(

Couple of thoughts:

1. Strange that they wouldn't have figured out the battery spring issue at the factory?? Seems like they all have the problem - even though it's a simple fix they should have caught this.

2. EMI - My pinpointer (vibra probe 560 - makes the detector unusable) This probe stays on for about a minute or two at a time with auto shut off. So, the second you turn it on - the detector goes crazy and only stops when the probe shuts off. I'll be getting a different probe since I like the detector so much - maybe that FX-1 inline probe?

3. Amazingly smooth detector. Once I got that notch thing figured out ( I was inadvertently accepting Iron), it is a great smooth detector. I can't get over the nice and accurate zip zip sound and the dead on pinpointing. I think I'll put an X on the coil where the sweet spot is.

I'm going in the morning again as I didn't have much time this morning. Dantheman and I are hitting a very old homesite at dawn!


I had the same problem with the VibraProbe. Got a Uniprobe pocket Uni and that solved the problem. I can also use it with all my other machines and it goes deeper than anything out there
Here are some settings that I use when I go to upstate NY and want to hunt deep silver, cents and old nickels..JE, Sens 70-80, Disc 65, Notch in low nickels (28-31) 3H you will dig Wheaties, large cents and old silver at depths that you wont believe

Ian, Great to hear from you!! Congratulations on those super finds!!! :thumbsup: Looks like you have taken to the '75 like a duck to water!! Great!! Thanks for posting all those neat finds for us all to envy... uhh, I meant enjoy!!! ;D Great hunting and good luck!!! Keep us updated, please! Regards, Richard.

erikk - thanks for the tip. I've been looking to find a large cent and I'm thinking that those may be a bit deeper. Tell me this, disc at 65? That seems high, you say it still gets great depth? I've been hunting at disc 15 all the way down to 6 - but by all means if that works, I'll give it a whirl - anything helps. I've never hunted very much in JE - I tried it, and it got a littl noisey so I backed off. Maybe hunt JE and 70 sensitivity would be better.


Observation - the F75 coil doesn't seem to scratch . . .

I've put 50-60 hours in on the F75 w/ stock coil over ROUGH terrain -relic hunting in rocks,trees,sticks,thorns, glass, and who knows what else. I have not been gentle with it - banging trees and bushes out of the way. I have not used a coil cover. I've been scared to examine it - thinking I probably ruined it. I just cleaned it with soap and water, and by gosh there isn't a scratch on it!! How can that be? I'm really confused because all of my other coils are toast under these conditions.

Am I nuts or am I onto something?


Ian, Not nuts at all!! That is one thing that seems better than before, the epoxy used in coil construction. By the way, if you would prefer not using a cover ever, then may I suggest using Rhino or equivalent truck bed liner, in spray on cans? That way the coil is protected but you never have to take off a cover to clean out dirt and dust! Plus, it would be another way to personalize, or "trick out" your machine!! Works great, but don't get any on the control housing, as it is a little rough on plastic in the bonding stage!! Good luck and great hunting!!! Regards, Richard.

Hello, Willy. Never tried liquid PVC before, could you please tell me what is it marketed as? I really like the idea and would like to try it also!! Many thanks! Great hunting and good luck!!! Regards, Richard.

Evenin' Richard. Liquid PVC comes in one of those small metal cans with a screw on lid that has a metal tube extending down into the liquid and bristles at the end (brush applicator). It comes in various colours, the most common being black. Another name for it is Liquid Electrical Tape : The stuff is really tough.. basically, it turns into a skin of plastic. ..Willy.

Willy, Thanks a lot! I really appreciate you taking the time to reply and add the website on also! Man, it does come in lots of colors! I think I'll try black, though, blue-green wouldn't look bad on a few of my Tesoros! Anytime I can repay the favor, please let me know!! Great hunting and Good luck!! Regards, Richard.

Latest F75 find. Dug 3 hours ago under 4" of snow and 6" of dirt. Pretty darn good considering it was a "can't miss" strong signal.

F75 is rockin it!



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Ian, Hello! Great find, I've never found a two cent piece before, but the ones I've seen around that were found around here, (usually in farm fields), are really for the most part in bad shape, due to fertilizer I suppose. Yours is great shape, looks like!! Great job!! 10 inches deep, man, that's something else!! :thumbsup: I should have my '75 finished sometime next week, I can only work on it in small amounts of time, but I'll post it if you think I should. Great hunting and good luck!! Regards, Richard.

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