New Fisher F-19 Metal Detector

I guess I'm old fashioned, but when Relic hunting, I like to keep it simple, ferrous or non-ferrous. I did feel the T2SE would stuggle at depth with 3 tone, but when I switched to 2 tone it seems more.....pronounced....I dunno, could just be me...Just seems like everyone runs 1+ or least that relic hunts.

Sorry for steering off topic.

No ur right 2 tone all the way I mainly relic hunt myself 2 is a lot easier 3h just gives me more info is all

I use two tone. Grunt or high tone. Makes things simple fast and deeper then the multi tone option on machines like the t2se. 3tone or delta pitch werent as deep or sharp.

Sent from my SM-G730V using Tapatalk

Aren't tones considered audio, and you are using said tones for ID?

Might as well sell your gbp and get the f19 at that point....thatd what theyre gonna tell you to do...

I personally dont need audio id. Never used it on the t2se.

Sent from my SM-G730V using Tapatalk

I'm a single tone man, not big on tones either.

I'm blaming Fisher for me not catching the issue of the GBP not having pinpoint during motion all metal, before I bought it. $650 mistake on my part in addition to the fact the F70 I already had does circles around it in performance. Yeah, the F70 is a better gold machine than the GBP unless you're nugget hunting I guess...

Now they've added the pinpoint on the F19 and still doesn't outperform the F70 and want me to pay $800 for it?

Not gonna do it....

I cant stand any machine with less than three tones, but that's just me.

I totally agree. I hunt with 19 tones most of the time, but never less than 4 unless prospecting. There is a reason they make multi tone detectors

Three tone gets it done. Excellent move by Fisher on three tone, its an absolute minimum. I never used a minelab with a million tones. I like M6, that has 6 or 7 tones which is totally AWESOME. Anything more is too busy for me. Does f19 really have Fisher Autotune all metal I wonder like a cz? If it does, I would drop 6 Franklins on it yesterday.

It seems like they made a detector to compete with the camo Duck Dynasty detector. Why would they make a camo detector? So I look like I am swinging my arm back and forth with nothing in it? Does that hide me from the frisbee kids at the park I am hunting, or from forest rangers? The only thing it does, is make it harder to find when I wander away from it during one of my episodes. I don't even want to hazard a guess as to what the Pink camo is supposed to do.

It seems like they made a detector to compete with the camo Duck Dynasty detector. Why would they make a camo detector? So I look like I am swinging my arm back and forth with nothing in it? Does that hide me from the frisbee kids at the park I am hunting, or from forest rangers? The only thing it does, is make it harder to find when I wander away from it during one of my episodes. I don't even want to hazard a guess as to what the Pink camo is supposed to do.
Its supposed to keep the coins from seeing you before you go in for the kill! The elusive half-cent likes to bury itself in the ground, hiding from predators.

Fisher Duck Dynasty

I am so sad that you are pandering to the fad of the moment. That the detector can't stand on it's own merits. I may be wrong, but the only thing missing is the GPS and touch screen. But you did not want to get that invested as you know fads come and go. I am sorry but this is not innovation, this is following the herd. Cashing in on the moment rather than bring something really new to the table. We already know that 1st Texas just has 2 lines of detectors and then the line that they rebrand. It's a fisher with a different sticker, or a Bounty Hunter with a new sticker. Anyone who designs something with marketings input is a fool. You make, they market. Not the other way around if you want truly innovative products.

I am so sad that you are pandering to the fad of the moment. That the detector can't stand on it's own merits. I may be wrong, but the only thing missing is the GPS and touch screen. But you did not want to get that invested as you know fads come and go. I am sorry but this is not innovation, this is following the herd. Cashing in on the moment rather than bring something really new to the table. We already know that 1st Texas just has 2 lines of detectors and then the line that they rebrand. It's a fisher with a different sticker, or a Bounty Hunter with a new sticker. Anyone who designs something with marketings input is a fool. You make, they market. Not the other way around if you want truly innovative products.

Maybe they camouflaged it so anyone passing by won't see it's a $499 Goldbug with a different coat of paint....

Or maybe saving you the embarrassment of someone discovering you paid $800 for a camouflaged Goldbug...

I am so sad that you are pandering to the fad of the moment. That the detector can't stand on it's own merits. I may be wrong, but the only thing missing is the GPS and touch screen. But you did not want to get that invested as you know fads come and go. I am sorry but this is not innovation, this is following the herd. Cashing in on the moment rather than bring something really new to the table. We already know that 1st Texas just has 2 lines of detectors and then the line that they rebrand. It's a fisher with a different sticker, or a Bounty Hunter with a new sticker. Anyone who designs something with marketings input is a fool. You make, they market. Not the other way around if you want truly innovative products.

Highly unlikely they designed a 'camo' detector. They designed a new 'relic' detector with features that were borrowed from other tek/fisher models, that they happened to give a camo finish. Sure there was marketing involved, if nobody was concerned about the cosmetics of a detector we would all be swinging ugly detectors like Tesoro's! Lol. Like ANY company, First Texas is about profit. If selling an excellent performing camo detector makes them more money then more power to them. I've seen other camo detectors over the years, even before the 'Duck Dynasty" fad, & nobody seemed to care then. Camo has been around for a long time!

Maybe they camouflaged it so anyone passing by won't see it's a $499 Goldbug with a different coat of paint....

Or maybe saving you the embarrassment of someone discovering you paid $800 for a camouflaged Goldbug...

That's simply asinine. F19 is more of a F machine or cz than a bug. Way more.

That's simply asinine. F19 is more of a F machine or cz than a bug. Way more.

I'm all ears for any information you have that the F19 will be deeper than the current GoldBugPro.

How deep a tecter goes depends on the size and type of the coil used and the trash masking effects. VLF coin/relic machines, like f19, cannot be compared to gold machines. Do you want to find small gold in the desert? Get a bug. Do you want a good machine for relics and coins in the trash? Get a f19 or any other good relic/coin shooter. Do you want to go deeper? Get a bigger coil.

How deep a tecter goes depends on the size and type of the coil used and the trash masking effects. VLF coin/relic machines, like f19, cannot be compared to gold machines. Do you want to find small gold in the desert? Get a bug. Do you want a good machine for relics and coins in the trash? Get a f19 or any other good relic/coin shooter. Do you want to go deeper? Get a bigger coil.

Makes perfect sense to me. On my X-Terra I use 6" 18.75 khz DD coil for smaller (2-3 grains) gold nuggets/jewelry and 10.5" 7.5 khz DD coil for larger (coin size) & deeper targets.

How deep a tecter goes depends on the size and type of the coil used and the trash masking effects. VLF coin/relic machines, like f19, cannot be compared to gold machines. Do you want to find small gold in the desert? Get a bug. Do you want a good machine for relics and coins in the trash? Get a f19 or any other good relic/coin shooter. Do you want to go deeper? Get a bigger coil.

Seems my point remains, the F19 will not be deeper than my Goldbugpro and won't come near my F70.

Seems my point remains, the F19 will not be deeper than my Goldbugpro and won't come near my F70.

How can you be so sure? It's likely that f19, coil for coil, can stay right up with its own fisher brothers. Just because a tecter is in the mid range on price does not mean its not as deep. The main thing to remember is that you use the right tool for the job. If you are shooting nuggets in the desert, use a bug. If you are looking for buttons or coins at the trashy old homestead, use anything but a bug. Anything.

Gold bug pro/g2 are awesome relic machines for iron infested homesteads.

Sent from my SM-G730V using Tapatalk

How can you be so sure? It's likely that f19, coil for coil, can stay right up with its own fisher brothers. Just because a tecter is in the mid range on price does not mean its not as deep. The main thing to remember is that you use the right tool for the job. If you are shooting nuggets in the desert, use a bug. If you are looking for buttons or coins at the trashy old homestead, use anything but a bug. Anything.
which bug are you talking about not the gold bud pro are you?

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