New Beale story

:D TY! MY next question is... WHAT have/do you see in the "Vault"? RAW Silver, Gold, Jewelry? :dontknow:

The vault is carved out of solid stone and is still sealed. I figured it was safer there than opened. Eventually someone would have to leave some one would have to stay. If I stayed who would they get that problem bothered me.

I really don't think any of it is raw. These guys had parties, captains,sponsored before they left. A set of laws framed and had to obey at all times. This wasn't gold dust they were after. They had a object in view.

exactly what is meant by 'working up to pics'?


Justintime said:
Nice one rebel, to much gypsy moth dust I presume . Can't tell everything but I will say Its in the County of Bedford. Next....

Everyone already knows this?

Justintime said:
The vault is carved out of solid stone and is still sealed. I figured it was safer there than opened. Eventually someone would have to leave some one would have to stay. If I stayed who would they get that problem bothered me.

"In an excavation or vault--------the vault is roughly lined with stone, the bottom is solid stone and is covered by other stones. Stones noooooooooooot Stone. Dream on.

Since you can not tell us what the decipherment of the other two code papers are, how about telling us which of the cipher text you used----------Pauline Innis', Peter Viemeister's or the Hart Ciphers? Also did you get a clear cipher text when once deciphered or did you just randomly search the letters of TJB to find your supposed vault?

I never had to cipher #1 it was never ment to. The key would merely state the contents of the vault. With the treasures exact location. #2 can be ciphered using any DOI. So, a DOI with the exact location would be the key. #3 u get in vault, here with. Look for paragraph subject. Its very plain. It was like Beale was speaking to me. I seen what he was saying. Justsayn.....

Stones on bottom covered with other stones. Adding words in. That is your problem Frank. Its easy to breeze read and see what you want. Just sayn

Bedford county, one rock leads you to another. In a triangle. It lead me to carvings. The carvings was obliqued. Have to see from right angle it shadows out. Its crazy. I don't really want to say what the carvings were I want to keep it beale..

Justintime said:
Stones on bottom covered with other stones. Adding words in. That is your problem Frank. Its easy to breeze read and see what you want. Just sayn

I don't breeze read though I can------I can read upwards of 5000 words a minute. President John Kennedy could read 1000 words a minute. I have read over everything on the Beale Treasure for over 46 years so don't tell me about breeze reading. I comprehend and see more than you will ever see. As for you coming up to Bedford County and finding any stones with carvings where thousands have stomped over the grounds is well----------------I can't really say. You talk as though you believe yourself enlightened by TJB or is this your way of saying you are an armchair treasure hunter? Personally until you show something of credibility you can shoot the breeze with others here on the forum but some of us are like church members we need something a little stronger than milk. Now you don't have to show or tell us where you found the vault but show us long timers something that we don't already know??????

or how about a pic of these crazy shadows n carvings ???


:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: :D HA! There are NO Rock Maps in Bedford County, Virginia; you PROBABLY dreamed it or had a vision... BUT!
You MAY have a pseudo-Beale Treasure in which a part of the ORIGINAL "BT" is indicated, and "legend" is that it IS the "BT"; seen & heard THAT before! :wink: :coffee2: :read2:

Really reble,you have all figured out. You probable looked at every rock in Bedford. Say all you want ,your ideas are the ones that are off the most. I know.

Am I,LOL! just try to have a open mind to new ideas and maybe it want be so hard on yourself. Every one here on TN, has there own theory. Mine is not.

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ??? "Mine is not"... what? :dontknow: Let me "see"... YOU were chosen by TJB; HE came to you. And... ? :dontknow: The Vault is SEALED... YET! YOU know it is "bountiful", with WHAT? ??? :dontknow:

Chosen , something like that. You have no idea. I have the KEY, ....(with WHAT) KNOWLEDGE

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