New Beale story

Justintime said:
1967 a friend of mines dad went to a flea market in PA and seen the iron box with fishing lures hangging off of it. The guy said ill sell you the lures for three bucks apeice or twenty$ for everything. The box laid around till the early 90's we were haulling off scrap,when I asked what about this box he said tossit so it got tossed. It it a woodburning stove we had already loaded, and half the box desentigrated on impact. There amist the wreckage was a rolled up peice of paper sticking out, stuck through the drawstring of a leather bag the other drawstring had a handle off some type of box. The handle had hyrogliphics onit. It was in a false bottom. My friends dad passedaway and it laid dorment till eight years ago. When I insisted we sell it. WhenI discovered it had multiple maps and initialsTJB

Sorry Justintime it seems as though you ran out of time. The iron box was found by Pauline Innis by the directions given her by George Hart, Clayton Hart's brother. You can read all about the iron box in her new Book Gold Cover. She found it with the Otey Family in Roanoke, Virginia. Now if you or anyone else wants to find the iron box you will have to go to Washington, D.C. and get it that is where you will find it. I know she had the iron box and there was nothing in it but a couple of pieces torn from a receipt which could have been paper where TJB was deciding how to encrypt the codes.

bottomline is, its fact no longer a faction...


Sorry Franklin the turtle you don't know nothing. Just because You read it in a book don't make it true. Just sayin.

Yo, Just,
not kool, sometimes the less u speak, the more u hear... but calling a man a liar who has came 2 my attention of being well thought of in this field, that aint right...


Well, this is interesting, indeed. A person comes into the forum claiming he found an iron box that contained materials concerning the Beale Papers, but that he no longer has the iron box. Enter another person who claims he knows the box existed because he knows another person who had possesion of the all-important box after finding it from information provided to them by someone else who knew where the all-important box was at. And last, we learn that the all-important box is in Washington DC, apparently in some top secret location. Now mind you, not a single one of these people, even while fully realizing just how important that all-important box was, ever thought to click a picture of it and it's contents because, well, it just wasn't that important, I guess. What we have here is a classic case of the pot/pots calling the kettle black. So please, Justintime, continue with your version of the iron box and your story. So far, your story of the iron box has just as much proven documentation and credibility as anyone else's. :thumbsup:

or maybe noone has 2 justify having proof of it bign, would u??? really want that out there???


kgunn said:
or maybe no has 2 justify having proff of it bign, would u??? really want that out there???


"Absolutely!" If I saw or had possession of it I'd take a picture and post it and everything I knew about it so others could do good work. My goal here has never been about finding a treasure, it's been about discovering the truth, and I don't care who discovers that truth. If I have something that can help them discover that truth then that would be, "absolutely fantastic!" And I mean every word of that. 127 years of thousands of people toiling around in the same dirt has gotten nowhere and it never will. Time to look elsewhere. I hope you guys have a great time exploring around in Bedford Co, and I really mean that. But,.....what's the point in looking around until you know what the truth is? Do you really think, with all the information that some of these people are peddling, that proof of that iron box wouldn't pay/play big towards their peddling and credibility? Trust me, if they could prove that box existed at all they would have long since used that critical, "asset". If they can prove it I'll eat every word, but they can't, just the same as Justintime. What I find so ironic is that these same people will jump straight down the throat of another for simply saying that they know something about the box. No need for all the instant attacks when your guilty of the same "exact" unproven claim.

nor am i attacking u, u have done nothing 2 warrant the such, so if u took it as so, my most sincere apologies...i would not want it 2 b public knowledge if i had it, especially if i like a private life... but reather put it in a book so that it can b authenticated n im not in the,
we good?

kgunn .

kgunn said:
nor am i attacking u, u have done nothing 2 warrant the such, so if u took it as so, my most sincere apologies...i would not want it 2 b public knowledge if i had it, especially if i like a private life... but reather put it in a book so that it can b authenticated n im not in the,
we good?

kgunn .

kgunn....we're good, didn't take it any other way. :thumbsup: Just explaining my opinion of a very common irony/situation that raises it's ugly head every now and then.

Thx bign,

So Just,
rolled up peice of paper sticking out, stuck through the drawstring of a leather bag the other drawstring had a handle off some type of box. The handle had hyrogliphics onit. It was in a false bottom. My friends dad passedaway and it laid dorment till eight years ago. When I insisted we sell it. WhenI discovered it had multiple maps and initialsTJB
where r these items now???


I never intended to argue, everyone says please tell your Beale experience then when someone does they get acussed of lying. My goal is not to try prove but to enlighten. I get tired of reading in the dark speculation. I got the key. The key is in the hands of a friend, my dear friend Morris. The game is worth the candle and will play it to the end, does anyone no what that means, its a burn on key with hole which is the beginning of the map. Thanks Beale.

I remain as ever.....


Just trying to figure out what to do with it after its open, the search is over and now its open and recover. My delema is I don't know who to call or how to protect a open vault with more treasure than can carry. Repeat this is not a fact battle if you know so much why don't you have it. The keymaster has spoken. This right hear is a historic moment . REMEMBER

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: :D So you ARE "Key Master" from Rockster's web-site! :laughing9: Read the BEALE PAPERS again... it is Robert MORRISS, not MORRIS! :laughing7:

I am a bad speller sorry. Every sense I was kid I had natural ability to find things. Couldn't believe what Was revealed to me at first. Its real. The vault is real. Preservation is my goal just want to tell some of my story. The rocks have spoken.

:o ROCKS?!!! :dontknow: GA (go ahead) & tell your story... take "pics" of bountiful treasure, etc. :coffee2: :coffee2: ;D ANYONE? :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:

Hey Just,
Where was the/your iron box originally found? Did you say Alabama, and if so, can you please tell me near what city?

bigscoop said:
Hey Just,
Where was the/your iron box originally found? Did you say Alabama, and if so, can you please tell me near what city?

No he said it was found in PA. I can verify that Pauline Innis had the iron box of which the code papers were removed by Hazelwood. Read Pauline Innis' book Also google her name and see what kind of woman she was======wife of an Admiral wrote numerous books well just goole her name. She is not one to make up stories. I talked to her several times on the telephone. In one conversation I asked her, "Pauline did you find any other papers in the iron box besides the two small pieces of paper that looked like receipts?" Her reply, " Give me a couple of weeks and call me back" Which I did and her reply then was, "No. That was all there was in the iron box." Can't you see she had the iron box. In her very first book written in the 1960's she plainly states that the two pieces of paper was all that was contained in the iron box. I rest my case. If anyone wants to find this box you will have to check at the Watergate Hotel and try to find what happened to her estate after she died.

hey just,
could u have ur friend take a legible pic of the contents n u put m on ur next post, bc a pic is worth a 1000 words n it will certainly tell ur story...


Franklin said:
bigscoop said:
Hey Just,
Where was the/your iron box originally found? Did you say Alabama, and if so, can you please tell me near what city?

No he said it was found in PA. I can verify that Pauline Innis had the iron box of which the code papers were removed by Hazelwood. Read Pauline Innis' book Also google her name and see what kind of woman she was======wife of an Admiral wrote numerous books well just goole her name. She is not one to make up stories. I talked to her several times on the telephone. In one conversation I asked her, "Pauline did you find any other papers in the iron box besides the two small pieces of paper that looked like receipts?" Her reply, " Give me a couple of weeks and call me back" Which I did and her reply then was, "No. That was all there was in the iron box." Can't you see she had the iron box. In her very first book written in the 1960's she plainly states that the two pieces of paper was all that was contained in the iron box. I rest my case. If anyone wants to find this box you will have to check at the Watergate Hotel and try to find what happened to her estate after she died.

Fine. Whatever. Now can you let Justintime answer the question "He" was asked. Geeeezzzz...... who follows people around from web site to web site defending his private territory anyway? :dontknow:

bigscoop said:
Franklin said:
bigscoop said:
Hey Just,
Where was the/your iron box originally found? Did you say Alabama, and if so, can you please tell me near what city?

No he said it was found in PA. I can verify that Pauline Innis had the iron box of which the code papers were removed by Hazelwood. Read Pauline Innis' book Also google her name and see what kind of woman she was======wife of an Admiral wrote numerous books well just goole her name. She is not one to make up stories. I talked to her several times on the telephone. In one conversation I asked her, "Pauline did you find any other papers in the iron box besides the two small pieces of paper that looked like receipts?" Her reply, " Give me a couple of weeks and call me back" Which I did and her reply then was, "No. That was all there was in the iron box." Can't you see she had the iron box. In her very first book written in the 1960's she plainly states that the two pieces of paper was all that was contained in the iron box. I rest my case. If anyone wants to find this box you will have to check at the Watergate Hotel and try to find what happened to her estate after she died.

Fine. Whatever. Now can you let Justintime answer the question "He" was asked. Geeeezzzz...... who follows people around from web site to web site defending his private territory anyway? :dontknow:

If you had read post #18 of Justintime you would not have had to ask your question in the first place. Also this is forum anyone can answer a question if you want to take it personal with Justintime send him a PM.

hmmm, looky, nothing, im gonna go watch tv
l8r guys...


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