Needing my fix

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If you can not contribute any worth while information Justintimed butt out.

You call this Worth while. That's funny.

LOL! Pay NO attention to "Just", Franklin... he has NOTHING; he is JUST taunting you & harassing you. PFFFTH! (CHEESY GRIN)... AND! Will check out LYNCHBURG & ITS PEOPLE by Rev. W. Asbury Christian tomorrow; ANOTHER book I like is SKETCHES & RECOLLECTIONS OF LYNCHBURG BY THE OLDEST INHABITANTS by Mrs. Cabell (which I can buy as a paperback, locally).:hello2:

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Hi Rebel Right On! I wanted to come up your way this week. When did you say you would be free? Check for fair weather we want to make a few discoveries. I love to research and hunt for the information. The treasure is only a kind paycheck for all the fun we are having. Also check with the cemetery director we want to co-ordinate our meeting with his free time. Thanks.

OK, Will do... PROBABLY gonna have to wait until next week/month (first week of June); Mr. D is off for Memorial Day, & wife has Jury Duty. Calling for rain the REST of this week... & HOT! LAWD GAWD A'MIGHTY! (WINK)

(WINK) Weather Report from WTJB; by Robert MORRIS, NO kin of Robert MORRISS... RAIN! 40% Tuesday, 30% Wednesday, 30% Thursday, 40% Friday... and HOT! DANG HOT!

Rebel, I have question about James Beverly Risque. I know he was an attorney. He was shot in a duel while he was an attorney in Fincastle. This information was in Margaret C. Cabell's book, "Sketches and Recollections of Lynchburg published in 1858.Stay with me on this. Now since the book was published in 1858 Margaret C. Cabell still knew Robert Morris and Sarah his wife they are mentioned on pages 192, 196 and 197. It talks about their reverses and how they was still able to help the poor and educate their nieces and nephews. He was still quite a wealthy man.

Here is the question. In her book Mrs. Cabell mentions the duell Risque had in Fincastle. She does not say with whom the duel was with but that Risque was only in one duel. It goes on to say he moved to Lynchburg right after the duel. At the time it also does not say what the duel was over. Peter V. says that it was over Julia Hancock, George Hancock's daughter. But at the time of the duel Julia was only 15 years old and Risque was 36 years old, married and had two children. Is there any proof of what the duel was for, there should be some sort of police record does Peter V. give reference to the records of Fincastle for this?? I plan on running up to Fincastle in the next couple of weeks to check this out. I am also going to Campbell County to check out police records up there for TJB. He bound to have had a police encounter while staying at the Washington House.

By the way wasn't Angelina Kennerly the wife of James Beverly Risque. Her sister Harriett married a man by the name of Radford, she later married William Clark about six months after Julia Hancock died in 1820. Julia and her father George died a couple of days apart and were buried in a tomb carved out of solid stone at the headwaters of the Roanoke River.

Yo, Franklin! I DID know her name, just can't find it; MY "source" for JB Risque is ONE LETTER, ONE ENCLOSURE - SUBJECT: THE BEALE TREASURE (on the "net"). I have read MANY books; PV's (RIP), Lynchburg, Va. HISTORY, Campbell County HISTORY; JBR's Plantation was near New London. Julia was SIXTEEN, according to several "sources" and NOT a source of "animal contention" of Beale (SR) & Risque as far as I know... It was about HER honor; ie, she wasn't a "HO". ANYWAY...JB Risque's wife (Elizabeth Kennerly) died in the fall of 1808; so it was JBR & his three kids...
Adaline, Ferdinand, & Harriet that later moved to Lynchburg, Va. (1815). I have Masonic Lodge meeting tonight, in which I have a presentation, ROYAL ARCH & SECRET VAULTS TRADITIONS; will "pick this up", tomorrow; read ONE LETTER, ONE ENCLOSURE - SUBJECT: THE BEALE TREASURE "on-line"; don't know who the author is/was, just GOOD info for ME!

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Yo, Franklin! I DID know her name, just can't find it; MY "source" for JB Risque is ONE LETTER, ONE ENCLOSURE - SUBJECT: THE BEALE TREASURE (on the "net"). I have read MANY books; PV's (RIP), Lynchburg, Va. HISTORY, Campbell County HISTORY; JBR's Plantation was near New London. Julia was SIXTEEN, according to several "sources" and NOT a source of "animal contention" of Beale (SR) & Risque as far as I know... It was about HER honor; ie, she wasn't a "HO". ANYWAY...JB Risque's wife (Elizabeth Kennerly) died in the fall of 1808; so it was JBR, his three kids...
Adaline, Ferdinand, & Harriet that later moved to Lynchburg, Va. (1815). I have Masonic Lodge meeting tonight, in which I have a presentation, ROYAL ARCH & SECRET VAULTS TRADITIONS; will "pick this up", tomorrow; read ONE LETTER, ONE ENCLOSURE - SUBJECT: THE BEALE TREASURE "on-line"; don't know who the author is/was, just GOOD info for ME!

Now you're talking.

(GRIN) LOTTA rain, last night... MORE today; 60% this Friday, June 1st; may be clear Saturday, June 2nd... dunno. Got FOUR books from Lynchburg, Va. library yesterday & will review today. Will PROBABLY go back to OCC on Saturday, if clear & take "pics"; there was a "hoot owl" tree pointing to CSA Cemetery. LATER! (WINK)

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JB Risque Plantation & the Beale Treasure

:hello: HA! The icons are BACK! James Beverly Risque's Plantation was HUGE; near New London, Va. SOUTH of Forest, Va., and into Campbell County, Va.; only remainst of it is in Campbell County; OLD PLANTATION DRIVE verging off Timberlake Road (Lynchburg, Va.), WEST towards Roanoke, Va. following it to Rt, 460 WEST, you will come to the little village of NEW LONDON! NOW! A "treasure story": 5 mile south of Forest, Va. was buried by CSA on MARSHALL Plantation, in a dried up well, LOTS of GOLD (coins), SILVER (coins & "silver-ware"), & jewelry. It was named MARSHALL Plantation bc members of Marshall Lodge of FreeMasons utilized the old Risque Plantation to bury it... NEVER been found. NOT to be confused with the McIntosh Farm Treasure on Rt. 811 (Thomas Jefferson Highway). :laughing7:

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(WINK) The 4 books I got from Lynchburg, Va. Library yesterday were: LYNCHBURG & ITS PEOPLE by Rev. W. Asbury Christian; THE HISTORY OF LYNCHBURG, VA: 1786-1946 by Philip Lightfoot Scruggs; LYNCHBURG, VA: THE 1ST 200 YEARS by James M. Elson; and STREETS OF LYNCHBURG by Martha Helen Cleveland Craddock, More LATER! (GRIN)

Will get those books back, soon; do more R & I on Robert MORRISS; also look for SKETCHES & RECOLLECTIONS OF LYNCHBURG by Margaret C. Cabel, which is the ONLY "source" for Robert & Sarah MORRISS; NOTHING in the books mentioned above.

SKETCHES & RECOLLECTIONS OF LYNCHBURG by Magaret C. Cabel is "on-line"; "google" SKETCHES & RECOLLECTIONS OF LYNCHBURG by Margaret C. Cabel. HH! WAS gonna buy a copy... $$$$$$! NOW, don't have to.

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LOL! Pay NO attention to "Just", Franklin... he has NOTHING; he is JUST taunting you & harassing you. PFFFTH! (CHEESY GRIN) AND! Will check out LYNCHBURG & ITS PEOPLE by Rev. W. Asbury Christian tomorrow; ANOTHER book I like is SKETCHES & RECOLLECTIONS OF LYNCHBURG BY THE OLDEST INHABITANTS by Mrs. Cabell (which I can buy as a paperback, locally).:hello2:
Justintime sounds more like you and Franklin.

LATEST R & I; Robert MORRISS could have been a DESCENDANT of Robert MORRIS, financier of the American Revolution; I am now aware of Robert MORRIS Sr., RM Jr., RM III, and MAYBE Robert (BEALE PAPERS) got TIRED of it and just changed HIS last name to MORRISS. Happened in MY family "line"... BOLLING to BOWLING. LOL! "Google" Genealogical Notes & Anecdotes: Descendants of Andrew Morris (about 1685-1728).

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NOW: Robert MORRISS could have been a "rake" son of Robert MORRIS II (Financier)[1/20/1734-5/08/1806] or "rake" son of Gouverneur MORRIS [1/31/1752-11/06/1816; MORRISS altered his name bc he was born "out-of-wedlock"... STILL looking into it.

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