Yo, Franklin! I DID know her name, just can't find it; MY "source" for JB Risque is ONE LETTER, ONE ENCLOSURE - SUBJECT: THE BEALE TREASURE (on the "net"). I have read MANY books; PV's (RIP), Lynchburg, Va. HISTORY, Campbell County HISTORY; JBR's Plantation was near New London. Julia was SIXTEEN, according to several "sources" and NOT a source of "animal contention" of Beale (SR) & Risque as far as I know... It was about HER honor; ie, she wasn't a "HO". ANYWAY...JB Risque's wife (Elizabeth Kennerly) died in the fall of 1808; so it was JBR, his three kids...
Adaline, Ferdinand, & Harriet that later moved to Lynchburg, Va. (1815). I have Masonic Lodge meeting tonight, in which I have a presentation, ROYAL ARCH & SECRET VAULTS TRADITIONS; will "pick this up", tomorrow; read ONE LETTER, ONE ENCLOSURE - SUBJECT: THE BEALE TREASURE "on-line"; don't know who the author is/was, just GOOD info for ME!