this is prob not the pamphlet morriss,just more to
mull over,beale was not @ this morriss when the census
was taken,it started in aug. & ran into sept. 1821
see link. the #s for free white males,show 2 @ 26
yrs of age or under,but not younger than 16 yrs
& 1 free white male 45 and over. in 1820 our morriss
would have been 32, if the obit of May 21, 1865 is
our morriss. this morriss must have had $$,as no one
on the census engaged in,Agriculture,Commerce or
Manufactures, yet had 9 slaves
census info
i grouped the counts, from the original layout @ link
b/c i couldnt get the wp program to work right
Morriss, Robert
0 0 0 2 0 1
1 3 0 2 0
0 0 0 0
3 0 1 0
2 1 2 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Census_Year 1820
Microfilm # Microcopy 33, Roll 129
State Virginia
County Campbell
District: Lynchburg Town pp. 111-121, County pp. 121-150
Enumerators: John R.D.Payne,M.Davis
heads of families..Morriss, Robert
Free White Males
Free white males under ten years- to 10...0
Free white males of ten and under sixteen... 0
Free white males between sixteen and eighteen...0
Free white males of sixteen and under
twenty-six, including heads of families....2
Free white males of twenty six and under
forty-five, including heads of families...0
Free white males of forty five and
upwards, including heads of families....1
Free white females
Free white females under ten years....1
Free white females of ten and under sixteen...3
Free white females of sixteen and under
twenty-six, including heads of families....0
Free white Females of twenty six and under
forty-five, including heads of families....2
Free white females of forty five and
upwards, including heads of families.....0
Foreigners not naturalized...0
Numbers of persons engaged...0
in Agriculture
Numbers of persons engaged...0
in Commerce
Numbers of persons engaged...0
in Manufactures
male slaves
Males under fourteen...3
Males of fourteen and
under twenty-six....0
Males of twenty-six and
under forty-five.....1
Males of forty-five and upward....0
female slaves
Females under fourteen....2
Females of fourteen and
under twenty-six........1
Females of twenty-six and
under forty-five.........2
Females of forty-five and upwards...0
free colored persons of
any age male or female....0
pdf blank 1820
"JOB PRINT" R. MORRISS died in 1863... dunno.