need name of Admiralty ship lost in gulf

If this workz, I can think of a few aircraft that are underwater that need finding?

Really, though...joska, care to explain a little?

Wow, all this and none can tell me what the name of the ship could be? Its just a matter of curiosity...of what it could be.

I signed an agreement not to divulge the technology used unless its in person, and even then I can only give the layman's interpretation of how it works.So no its not: synthetic aperture radar, or blue green laser developed by CSIRO in Australia or Mel Fisher's squirkometer or dosing. If I had the financial ability I would have done it covertly and the heck with the state and foreign countries.

It is deep in the mud, an entire ship, 140 feet long, and you can tell the different types of coins in boxes stacked vertically??

Since it appears you are getting this information from someone else, why havent they tried a recovery? Provenance can come later.

Did you contact Vox?

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Black Duck,if he chooses to take your challenge of your known site.that,s up to him since other person did the same as they also had numbers on target and guess what he was dead on in the middle of no where in the Atlantic.So how do you suppose he did that one.

Curtis I gave you a shipwreck name. That's the only one I could find in my records that fits your description.

It could be Nuestra Senora Caca de Toro.

Since you haven't actually found a shipwreck, it could be anything...why not use your imagination even further ??

I have kept my fingers shut... heh
But now that others have posted...

The general area specified here ... even as vague as it is... is/has been known to "some" to contain the remains of MANY ships containing cargos of various values.

You could place a map on the wall and throw a dart... and have a better chance of finding one of them.

"short cuts" in the biz of locating items in the water have never replaced the basic gut and luck / instincts of the bloodhound diver.
Finding anything in the water... ANY water... ONLY consists of three things ultimately.

Research / gathering the known facts is the first step...
Forming a good theory through common sense ... known facts... thrown in a blender with a bit of imagination is second...
And finally...

Jumping in the water.

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""And finally...

Jumping in the water. ""

Yep !! Ya gotta " get wet !"

Clearly this was a pre-Colombian Templar ship carrying King Solomon's treasure from Oak Island to Atlantis.

Where do I sign up to invest? There's nothing I like more than a discovery where nothing has actually been discovered and my fecund imagination is allowed to roam free...


Something has been discovered, I just ask for help putting a name to it. The lady archeologist has the name she believes is for this ship based on less info than I have posted constitutes a discovery doesn't it? I can give you more info than a ballast pile wouldn't that be a discovery? and I know you are joshing about the Templar ship but this could also be a Chinese ship form the days when they traversed the known (to them) world of the Carolinas, and California. Trade items from china have been found in both of those.....but I do think its Spanish or maybe portages or maybe a hired French or duchy ship.

To open another can of worms I would like to claim it, proposing its a ship captured in a pirate attack, and sunk in a choice spot for latter retrieval. Laffite could have done it. Its in his operational area!


I have never done the scuba thing, yes another landlubber, my Dad was a merchant marine and at 16 was taking war material to Europe during the war..dose that count any? In my area of treasure hunting we say you have to put boots on the ground..and I have done that for years! I would love to partner t-hunting with someone to learn scuba and get wet half a much!

Curtis, the folks on this forum want you to succeed. They really do. But you cannot introduce some new "secretive" technology, but then say nothing about it, and expect applause. Many of us are much more than armchair researchers. Like you, we have boots on the ground, and we know what technology is out there. My friends and I have access to military grade satellite technology, marine technology, and all sorts of valid tools to use. But we have all been (or know someone who has been) scammed by people who propose "new" technology, and nothing comes of it. So forgive us if we poke fun - it's the nature of the beast in this industry until proven otherwise.

I hope your quest turns out to be all you hope for. And good luck with Texas.


It is my opinion ( for what it's worth), you should email back and forth with Darren( who is one of the highest integrity guys on this site).

He can guide you as to where, when, who and how you should proceed with this, there are a lot of humorous individuals on this site ( I for one) who will make you crazy with their very well thought out posts.

If this is a serious project, get going on it by pm ( Darren can guide you who to pm) or email.

Just my not so humble opinion........

Curtis, I believe that Vox already offered assistance, did you follow up with him?

I also offered assistance with a PM. Have not heard from Curtis.

seeker..yes but he will not be available for quite some time.

Thank you Daren and Sads and salvor6. Please believe me when I say I am not trying to be secretive. I have had this technology for over 5 years and found this ship 4 years ago...but when your resources are as limited as mine and you don't know where to go its hard to divulge much. I tried a couple of people who post here one was recommended and turned out to be some kid that really didn't have the after a year I decide to try again. I had thought about trying to find out who the attorney was who did the work for Mel Fisher, but didn't know where to start.

In regards to the technology, like I said in the beginning I was the doubting Thomas, but when I tried it out I soon saw that it truly works. I have no intention of trying to sell anyone on this and feel really privileged (blessed ) to have found it at the perfect time, as it is not available any longer. I will be doing some PMs shortly. Thank you for your encouragement!

It is likely that Vox was your best chance, for a number of reasons.

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