Need Help with some research on my Gt. Gt. Grandfather CSA Veteran


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Nov 3, 2008
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Myrtle Beach, SC
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Merry Christmas to All,
I am doing some research on my Great Great Grandfather who served with the 58Th North Carolina which was assigned to the Army of Tennessee fighting against Sherman's March from Chickamauga Ten. to Atlanta then up thru SC to Bentonville NC.
His name was
Levi Arrowood from McDowell County NC.
Company F. 58Th NC.

I am looking for any and all info that is available on him and his military career, where did he train, fight, was wounded?
There was a story in the family that the land that he lived on in the mountains of NC was given to him for his service to the CSA and was wounded.

I intend to make a pilgrimage to all the sites I can and trace his steps from recruitment to his last engagement and look for any relics from the sites I can get access to. Then put together a book about his life.

Any Assistance that anyone can give would be greatly appreciated.
I know that there is info on him at the NARA but as we all know this economy we are in now has limited my assets to very little that I can invest in my research. It seems everyone out there with info wants money for it.

So, if anyone out there can help. Please let me know.

Thanks in advance.

Robert Smith
4390 Jones Road
Myrtle Beach, SC. 29588


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1870 United States Federal Census
Jamestown Township 5, McDowell Co, North Carolina
30 July 1870
Wm. F. Craig, Ass't Marshal
Post Office: Dysartsville

Below is the listed personnel on this census......

You mentioned a Zacariah Arrowood...I find one on this census as well....

Line 2, Arrowood, Zacaria, 78, M, W, Farm Labor
Line 3, Arrowood, Susanah, 25, F, W, Keeping House
Line 4, Arrowood, Clisby, 43, M, W, At Home

Line 22, Arrowood, Levi A., 22, M, W, Farm Labor
Line 23, Arrowood, Martha, 24, F, W, Keeping House
Line 24, Arrowood, Margarette, 1, F, W, At Home
Line 25, Arrowood, Rebecca, 40, F, W, At Home
Line 26, Arrowood, Anna, 70, F, W, At Home

Line 29, Arrowood, Levi, 50, M, W, Farmer
Line 30, Arrowood, Martha J., 38, F, W, Keeping House
Line 31, Arrowood, Martha, 21, F, W, At Home
Line 32, Arrowood, Joseph, 18, M, W, Farm Labor
Line 33, Arrowood, Amaline, 17, F, W, At Home
Line 34, Arrowood, William, 14, M, W, Farm Labor
Line 35, Arrowood, Juda A., 12, F, W, At Home
Line 36, Arrowood, Mary J., 10, F, W, At Home
Line 37, Arrowood, Caladana, 8, F, W, At Home
Line 38, Arrowood, Rosena, 6, F, W, At Home
Line 39, Arrowood, Grayson, 1, M, W, At Home

1880 United States Federal Census
District 137, Jamestown Township, McDowell Co, North Carolina
10 & 11 June 1880
Thomas G. Lytte(?), Enumerator
Sheet B
Page No 6
Supervisor's Dist. 4
Enumeration Dist. 137

On this census are listed William Arowood, his wife Sarah L., Sons: John W. and James and daughter, Mary B.(P.?)

Joseph Arowood, wife Catherine, Sons: James M., Henry G.(J.?), Elxairiun(?), Manly and Lowther(?)

Then I show Levi Arowood, his wife Martha, Sons: William, Grayson, Johney, and Lafayete W. and daughters: Mary and Laurah.

Further down, I show another Arowood....but it looks like his first name is Son(?)

****There is no 1890 census available...just bits and pieces of some places...they were destroyed****

1900 United States Federal Census
District 114, Brackett Township, McDowell Co, North Carolina
9 June 1900
Geo. D. Taylor, Enumerator
Sheet 5A
Supervisor's Dist. 8
Enumeration Dist. 114

On this census, I find:
Prudy Arrowood and his wife Etta J.

Afred Arrowood and his wife Jane M., son George(?) L. and grandson, Franklin

John Arrowood and his wife, Sophia and sons Freddie and "UNNAMED" (born: March 1900) and daughters" Lizzie A. and Hettie B. (looks like Hettie Bell)

Last lines: Levi Arrowood (born: june 1821) and wife Martha J...they move over to the next page with list their son, Lafayette M.

Then I show William D. Arrowwood and his wife Sarah C., Son: Melvin L. and daughters: Dora L. Dollie M., Ola J., Fannie L. and Cora A.

Everyone has birth month and dates except for Levi's wife Martha J.

(I have saved the above census records....I can post on here, but you would not be able to read them I can send in email if you like.)

I also just found where someone has already done your family tree.....

Zachariah Arrowood Jr (abt 1792, Lincoln, NC - Oct 1859 Hawkins, TN)....his father was: Zachariah Arrowood (1768 Lincoln, Frederick, Maryland - 1840 Burke, NC)....his father was: John Arrowood (1745 Queen Anne's, Maryland - 1810 NC)....his father was: James John Arrowood (1720 Maryland - 1778) and his father was: Kenneth Arrowood.....WHEW! There is ore to the tree...but I was just giving you the direct lineage of Arrowood.

I'll modify as I find info....

Gypsy Heart said:
.....and I think we now know everything about grandpa :D

I wish it was,

I still do not know if he volunteered or was conscripted?

Why does he not show up on any more rosters after Aug 31 1864. Battle of Jonesboron, Ga, next day Atlanta Falls,,,,,,(wounded, discharged or too busy to keep records)

I will keep digging until I know all I can and put it down on paper..

Thanks to all who have helped,

PS: Apparently he was not present at Chickamauga, that happened while he was AWOL, then he shows up in Dec 1863 and then present until Aug 1864, (Atlanta Campaign)

Looked on the 1890 Veteran's Schedule and can not find him on there :(

Also tried National Archives Archival Database and nothing...but that does not mean they don't have any records of him, it's just not available online yet (if there are any military records)'s the link to the NA....

I would write them and see if they have any military records on him....

You will need to fill out a form and mail it in or you can request online.... the form is called: FORM NAFT-86 and here's the link to order online:

Link for Civil War Records .....

Also, when requesting older military would be surprised how much genealogical information are in them....I researched for a man a few years back and when I found some data, he ordered his military record and was able to get 3 more generations back! His Great something grandpa was in the Spanish-American War. Alot depends what was put in them too and how much the enlistee knows!

Also try this link: .... always folks out there willing to help!!!

Good luck....

I have been to this site before and have found this info.
Levi Arrowood (First_Last)
Regiment Name 58 North Carolina Infantry.
Side Confederate
Company F
Soldier's Rank_In Private
Soldier's Rank_Out Private
Alternate Name
Film Number M230 roll 1

I have also found on Footnotes that I can get copies of his record but they want me to join it and pay.
I just wish we were in a better financial situation, but it is what it is. Maybe things will get better and I can get back to it when I can afford it.
Thanks for yours and everyones help.

Another Update:
While looking for more info on Levi Arrowood, My Grt,Grt, Grandfather who served in the Civil War.
I have found an Ancestor on mine that served in the War of 1812, ( I know it is not Civil War, But found it interesting )

Listed Belowe is my Linage and info known.

Me: Robert Fred Smith Jr. July 21 1961
Father: Robert Fred Smith December 7 1933
Mother: 30 Leona Arrowood Smith March 20 1931
Grandfather 31 Johnny Winston Arrowood March 19 1900
Grandmother Martha Hull
Great Grandfather 27 John Levi Arrowood circa 1873
Great Grandmother 27 Sophia A. Ward circa 1873
Step Great Grandmother Getty Dixon Arrowood
Great x2 Grandfather 47 *Levi Arrowood May 25th 1821
Great x2 Grandmother 39 Martha Jane Arrowood circa 1834
Great x3 Grandfather 34 Zachariah Arrowood Jr. circa 1792
Great x3Grandmother 26 Anna Arrowood circa 1800
Great x4 Grandfather 37 **Zachariah Arrowood circa 1768
Great x4 Grandmother 37 Elisabeth Commins circa 1768
Great x5 Grandfather 23 John Arrowood Maryland circa Pre 1745
Great x6 Grandfather James John Arrowood Maryland Circa 1720
Great x7 Grandfather Kenneth Arrowood ?

* Levi Arrowood - Enlisted in the Confederate Army in McDowell County at the age of 42 Listed as Farmer, on October 6, 1863, in Company F, 58Th North Carolina Troops.

Reported absent without leave AWOL on October 21, 1863.

Returned to duty on December 22, 1863.

He was court-martialed and sentenced to forfeit one month's pay.

Reported present but sick on February 29, 1864.

Reported present in March through August 31st 1864.
(August 31st was date of Battle of Jonesboro Ga. The next day Atlanta fell)

No further record.

** Zachariah Arrowood - Thirty years after the Revolution, the War of 1812 gave Zachariah his chance to fight the British. On April 21, 1814, he was enlisted at Rutherford for a term of five years by a Lt. Alexander into the 10Th U.S. Infantry Regiment, commanded by Col. Wellborn. Two enlistment records survive: one gave his age as 40 and his birthplace as Lincoln County, North Carolina; the other said he was 51, born in Frederick County, Maryland. He was described as six feet one half (or one and one half) inches tall, with black hair and eyes and a dark complexion, occupation: farmer.
He was listed on a roster at Wilkesborough on May 31, 1814. The duty roster of Capt. E.J. Leigh's Company reported him present Feb. 16, 1815. A medical roster of Capt. James Reed's Company of U.S. Artillery at Fort Washington on April 30, 1815, had him absent sick at Fredericksburg. Another medical report and invalid report of Capt. H.H. Vallard's Detachment at Fort Washington on July 31, 1815 listed him as "present unfit for service."
His enlistment record mentions a discharge dated Inspector's Office, 4th Military Department, Aug. 26, 1815, and records "Book 563, Lt. Alexander's Co. 10th U.S. Infy, Discharged, Aug. 26, 1815, Rheumatism contracted previous to enlistment." Further, it reports a "Roll dated 1815, Capt. Robt G. Hite's Co. U.S. Arty, Discharged, Sept. 8, 1815, by order Col. Mitchell, -10th U.S. Infy made Arty- Discharged from Capt. E.J. Leigh's Co. 10th Infy at Washington, Sept. 13, 1815. Rheumatism." The enlistment record ends with a note, "See Pension Case." However, Zachariah doesn't appear in the published index of War of 1812 pension applicants.

Check with the state archives. They are bound to have information on the unit. If he recieved a pension from the state for his service as well, his application should be there. At least that is how it is with Louisiana.

Another option is to join a local camp of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. They will be able to offer advice on how to track down information.

You can also try this site:
This is the entire Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies online. It is essentially a collection of battle orders and reports from the commanders in the field. Search for his unit to get a better idea of exactly where they were and what they did in any partiular engagement.

Then there is always NARA.

As far as him being present until August 1864, there are several possibilities:

He was wounded and subsequently discharged; rolls were kept after this date but lost to time; incomplete rolls were kept; rolls were not kept at all after this date.

Check with the local library and see if they have the local newspaper on microfilm. If you can find his obituary, it may have a lot of information on his service.

Good luck with your search. :icon_study:

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