I purchased the photo because the person looked "familiar" to me, and "appeared" to be someone famous/recognizable.

Breezie ~

The photograph was purchased at a San Diego, California area antique shop. I did not discuss any details with the dealer because I did not want to raise his suspisions nor the price. The price tag simply said "Old Photo of Gentleman." The only Teddy Roosevelt connection to San Diego that I am currently aware of is that he visited the Panama-California Exposition here in 1915 (Which was after his presidency that ended in 1909).

The glasses/no glasses aspect is definitely an important clue. Although not entirely conclusive because in several of the pictures already posted he is not wearing glasses. :dontknow:



Raginn---Now you have gone and ruined my day. I have to go back and put flowers everywhere now. Curse you!

I'm just not techy enough today to deal with pictures, but this link shows Teddy thru the years:

Look closely at his left ear. It is practically attached to his head, not the free hanging lobe in the picture under discussion. His nose slopes down, not up.

I vote no for Teddy, nor does it seem to match the other candidates. Lets keep looking!

To the responder re:, see if you can use it at your local library, either on their computers (put on a thumb drive), or you can use your own laptop. It's free at many libraries.

Hey Tigger: Analize the subject and Bat. I thought both the ears and the nose were in line. Keep a little +- for the artist's handywork. I would be interested in what you think after further review.

High Plains Digger said:
Hey Tigger: Analize the subject and Bat. I thought both the ears and the nose were in line. Keep a little +- for the artist's handywork. I would be interested in what you think after further review.

Fair question. Ears are very close, especially with the earlier pix Chukers posted. But see how straight the nose is, how sturdier the brow is, but how softer/rounder the jaw is - in both pix. Our unknown subject has a lighter brow ridge, more defined jaw, and I can't get past the nose. Of course, maybe our artist couldn't do noses justice, they are indeed, difficult!! :laughing7: Mustaches can come and go in style and thickness, but men's eyebrows pretty much were what they were, I doubt that they would have been "thinned" for artistic sake. But I can see how you'd vote 'yes' for Bat!!

Say, Sodabottlebob - can you take the pix into your local genealogical/historical society, or library and see if they know him? (Or email them.) If he was a local, he might be remembered. Also, the pix could be sent to a Bat Masterson authority - his birthplace, or something like that.

Sure is an interesting topic though!! (I checked the Earps, btw, no chance.)

hombre_de_plata_flaco said:
Butch Cassidy? Nah... The chin is all wrong.....
Arch Stanton?


Tigger--the eyebrows could have been fully artistic, like you said was possible. If I understand the process, they would take a photograph and paint it (or on it as it may be) to look lifelike. Didn't take any artistic skills, just coloring book skills. That may be where some of your minor discrepencies may have occured. Also, if I understand right, perhaps not this one, but WWI photos were airbrushed to give color, but that is harder to understand. It seems like it was more of a faint color, and blended, rather than hard line seperation as on the subject. Experts?

Someone questioned how a portrait of Bat from Kansas would get to San Diego. That is easy to understand--people move and take things with them. After all, wasn't the Erp family living in LA 1880s and on? And they came from way back east somewhere.

Also, btw, my wife's family had portraits taken in 1968 or so, and had them hand painted. Apparently not a past art. And btw, her portrait did not resemble the girl I met in 1969. That is why I said a little +- for the artistic work.

Maybe we could try and work with the clues. Can anyone determine what language it is?

1st picture below : Upper left corner of photo ... (penciled) Mal no6
Mal No.6? Does Mal mean anything?

I think it says #6 somewhere else.

The following observations may help ...

3rd picture: Penciled word on back side of cardboard. Appears to be ... Ksoenott
Kroenott? Kroenert?

I would be tempted to try to remove the paint/chalk in the lower right hand corner to reveal the stamp. :D

For $10.00 you can get an expert to evaluate this portrait. I've used this company several times when I want a Certificate of Authenticity. I have an open case with them now on verifying a celebrity's autograph. They are fairly fast too.


I have several comments to make, thank you's to express, etc. But since the hour is late, I will save them for tomorrow and for the time being leave you with the following two pictures ...

~ Theodore Roosevelt - Harvard Senior - 1880 - Age 22 ~


  • Theodore Roosevelt as a Harvard Senior.gif
    Theodore Roosevelt as a Harvard Senior.gif
    25.2 KB · Views: 1,258
  • Old Photo - Unidentified Re-sized.webp
    Old Photo - Unidentified Re-sized.webp
    6.7 KB · Views: 1,246
The stamped word looks like"RY-----"Rychaert,D...Rybrack,P...Ryckere,B...Rydberg,GF..they are all artists..

ok here's my take on it it looks so much like leonardo dicaprio that it looks famous so much so i think it could be his relative


  • thumbnailCAI4IAK7.webp
    5.9 KB · Views: 1,213
~ Bat Masterson - 1876 - Age 23 ~


  • Old Photo - Unidentified Re-sized.webp
    Old Photo - Unidentified Re-sized.webp
    6.7 KB · Views: 1,199
  • Bat Masterson 1876 Age 23.webp
    Bat Masterson 1876 Age 23.webp
    10.3 KB · Views: 1,195
  • Old Photo - Unidentified Re-sized.webp
    Old Photo - Unidentified Re-sized.webp
    6.7 KB · Views: 1,194
All things considered, and based on the evidence presented thus far, I am currently of the opinion that our mystery man in the photograph is neither Theodore Roosevelt nor that of Bat Masterson. This doesn't mean I am giving up the search, but rather that I am moving on to other possible candidates.

Furthuremore, I intend to take the advice of those individuals who pointed out that the best course to follow would be to focus more on trying to decipher the penciled text, as well as other bits of evidence such as the stamped word on the edge of the photo. By the way, I followed Big Cy's suggestion and scraped off some of the paint on that stamped word, only to discover that the word itself started to come off as well because the two were mingled as one. It may very well be that of an artist or studio name, but we will likely never know unless I have a professional work on it. Which brings me to Breezie's suggestion of employing someone to examine it more closely, that I may do eventually. In the meantime, I invite others to join me in what might best be described as my own feeble attemps at research and identification. Plus, my offer to compensate the individual(s) who find verification of the individual's identy, resulting in the sale of the photo, still stands.

I more than anyone would love for the photograph to be that of someone famous, but I have to admit that the task of this becoming a reality may be a difficult one to prove.

Below is a link to the best website I am aware of, and the one I have been using almost exclusively in the search of old photographs. It is called "Picsearch." Just enter the name you are looking for in the search box, and then scroll through an almost endless array of corresponding photos. It's fun and may eventually turn up the person we are looking for.


Thanks again to everyone for your much appreciated time and efforts here, as they are fully acknowledged. And please keep in mind; It isn't over until the fat lady sings!


SODABOTTLEBOB ... a.k.a. ~ "The California Kid" :headbang:

Unfortunately, he was probably someone's great grand pa and they didn't know who he was anymore. When he went to the nursing home, his kids sold and/or trashed everything they couldn't get a buck or two out of, and great grand pa was out the door. That is how we loose so much family history.

I am currently in the process of sending images of the photo to various websites who specialize in such things. If/when I hear back from any of them, I will be sure to let everyone know right away. I did not offer a reward to those contacts. That is exclusive to this forum only. It is very possible that we have a John Doe here ... but then again, you never know. I just can't dismiss the idea that I have seen that face before. But the $64,000.00 question is, "Where?" :icon_scratch:

Thanks again.


Additionally ...

Although I am not offering a reward to the websites I am contacting, I did indicate that the photo would be available for sale if and when it was identified, and if they were interested in purchasing it. I did not suggest a value, as it is way too soon to cross that particular bridge.

However, if someone were interested in gambling on the possibility of the photo as being that of someone famous, I would be willing to entertain offers for it's purchase. I realize this is a true "shot in the dark," but if you are a gambler and want to take a chance on it, just send me a personal message with your offer and I will gladly consider it. Just think, you might have an opportunity here to get a true all American treasure, possibly worth hundreds, for only ...

"A Fistful of Dollars"



High Plains Digger said:
Unfortunately, he was probably someone's great grand pa and they didn't know who he was anymore. When he went to the nursing home, his kids sold and/or trashed everything they couldn't get a buck or two out of, and great grand pa was out the door. That is how we loose so much family history.
I once worked at an assisted living facility and this is so very true. I just couldnt believe the family photos that went to the dumpster.

I would have to say the last pic of Bat Masterson looks pretty good. You could sell it on eBay as unknown but put these 2 pics side by side and Ill bet you get some nibbles. :D

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