Need help decoding Jesuit symbols

I believe this to be a Jesuit symbol, maybe directions to a church treasure?
It is chiseled into rock on the coast of British Columbia in one of the many inlets. The geometry is %100 accurate and it’s evenly and fine chiseled like a mason would chisel a gravestone. See picture attached
In trying to break codes I’ve seen the triangle in a circle represent the Christian Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Ghost, in unity/infinity of the circle). Which leads me to think this could be related to that, especially with the cross symbol next to it.

But I can’t understand how the square relates to it or find anything online where there is a square present.
The square could relate to a tunnel or mine. So if the triangle relates to something precious, or sacred...
You need to search the entire area, & take pics to see if there's anything else that may be a sign or clue.
Remember, the Jesuits were masters of signs right in plain sight, & with the use of shadows only showing
up at certain times of day/year... Take lots of pics all around at different times if possible, & look closely
at them on your computer screen. & that includes condensed thumbnails, as well as blowing them up
to examine every detail. See if you have anything like what is posted in any relative thread, like:

Someone apparently did spend a lot of time making it... Likely for a significant reason.
It doesn't look like a random carving, but it is unusual, & you should definitely try for an aura,
which you can learn all about how to do that in the above thread, & don't worry about the Jokers.
Try studying good pics & try to get an aura, study the entire place surrounding, & go from there.
Some places take some time to discover, & see what is around there, so don't get discouraged.
Keep looking & trying, Something else may very well be discoverable & show up, good luck...

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A circle can represent:
1) Eternity. If you trace a circle it never ends.
2) An orb; either celestial or terrestrial
3) spirit

In this application I’d read it as:
Triangle = God
Square = Jesus (Son of Man)
Circle = The Holy Spirit

Cross: Sacrifice made via the influence of Triangle, Square & Circle.

So, I’d estimate religious influence.
The treasure not being of the intrinsic kind. IMHO 👍🏼

Funny I've never known of the Son of man being represented as a square.
At least you pretended to be trying to help, but it's more like a joke, sorry.
Maybe the Templars really were there having a special church service,
& took all the time to carve it, just to leave a sign, like "we were here" ...

Your obvious lack of knowledge doesn’t make my statement a joke, nor am I pretending.
If you would read esoteric writings you would understand. I’m guessing Facebook hasn’t led you very far yet.
3 has been the number of Perfect God for eons. 4 is often referencing man; hence the possibility for The Son of Man. If none of you BFFs care, you may try reading some of Albert Pike’s writings; possibly his Morals & Dogma. It isn’t ancient, but is derived from his studies of ancient mysteries.
I apologize if I hit a nerve. I believe in treating others as they treat me. You seemed to be playing the “insult” card. I thought I should follow suit.
Hopefully you’ll one day learn that not everything beyond your comprehension is wrong/funny.
I’ve enjoyed your posts in the past.
Hopefully this is just a bad day.

I was not referring to but agreeing to you that people not helping
I agree, & didn't think you were, but I don't want to argue BF about Albert Pike,
who holds none interest for me whatsoever, or anything else seeming childish
like Facebook or BFF's, which I don't even do. I may be feeling a bit ornery today,
& my joke went too far. Well, 4 is not in reference to any man, much less the Son of
man, though more like the earth, which is where we (some) supposedly came from.
The nerve was apparently his, & the petty insults showing off his speed, not mine. I
really did think it was a joke. No insult was intended actually, & I don't really care if
you BF never read another one of my posts. Just seemed in line with the other jokers...
Thanks for the pics you shared with me in PM, adventurewithpurpose I hope your's are.

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