Need GPR type device

Bombguy-I had a feeling that you were digging up ordinance because of your username and the fact you were digging everyday. Good luck with that and be very careful. I bet you don't use a backhoe to dig. Would you like to bring your detection methods/skills/devices to Southwest Florida? I will take you to some sites that may possibly have buried treasure on them. We can dig and dig and dig some more.

BDD..Thanks for the offer...and yes I run exs..350 size excavators and even small bull dozers in my job...but mostly run schonstadts.. EM61s..mine lab MDs..and a lot of helimag ops...

The GPR guy on our team works for a water management company. He has used the same model of GPR for over 11 years. He is convinced there is something buried down deep at my Englewood pirate treasure site. We did two shoot/digs for the proposed treasure hunting TV show. He also had a Schonstadts detector. The backhoe we had could not dig as deep as we wanted to go. We also had a problem with the water table. We found an old steel cable EXACTLY where one of the map dowsers said that he got an "archaeological" signal. The GPR showed this object but also showed something much deeper. The Schonstadt detector was going off at the bottom of the hole. My GPR guy is convinced there is something buried there.

I have had at least five other people using various electronic/dowsing/LRL all confirm that they think there is something in the same area (approximately 30' diameter circle). They all say it is silver. I only had one guy using electronics that said it had been there but was now gone. I don't really think this particular guy knew what he was doing. We videoed everything for possible use on the TV show. My contract with the production company runs out this month. They were not able to sell the show to any networks. We were asked to "find" treasure for every episode. I refused to do this. It is all just as well. I am going to concentrate more on achieving fortune and less for fame.

We will we going back sometime in the near future to attempt another dig. I have about eight more possible pirate treasure sites. I started this thread to see if I can get someone to join us that has equipment that I presently cannot afford. They also need to be experienced in its use. HELLO! IS THERE ANYONE OUT THERE?

BDD..let me point out a couple of things to ya.. If your gpr guy is using a schonstedt and he is hearing something in the bottom of your are only 4-6ft away from advice is to keep digging till you clear the hole...if you have have guys telling you its about 30ft in diameter... my thought is that its not treasure..its a rusty steel beam or plate Steele trash...a sunken pirate chest should not give off that big of a signature....I would also like to see some video footage of your gpr guy using the that possible...there is a reason why I am asking and the outcome will help your efforts...-bombguy

I did not mean to imply that the buried object is 30' in diameter. What I meant was that the non-mainstream (dowsers, LRL's, psychics) are all drawn to the same general area. The GPR guy seems to think there are at least two or more objects within this 30' area. Some of the people involved picked up a signal from a half mile away and were drawn to the exact same spot with NO INPUT from me.

All the footage is not available for sharing at this time. I signed a NDA. What is it that you think you would see in the way he used the device? Would brackish/saltwater/groundwater have an effect on the schonstadts device?

It may not be a pirate chest. It could be a bunch of silver bars/coins. I think I may have dug up some silver coins on this site years ago and not recognized them in the piles of dirt. At the time I did not know that the silver would look black.

Bombguy-How would like to take a little vacation in southwest Florida. I will provide you with a place to stay. I will take you and your equipment to some VERY interesting sites.

Tim do you have any sites in the water? Let me know and I will go after them legally. I'll split whatever I find with you. Right now I think it is important for you to generate some income by actually finding something valuable.

Tim do you have any sites in the water? Let me know and I will go after them legally. I'll split whatever I find with you. Right now I think it is important for you to generate some income by actually finding something valuable.

Pete, I mean Salvor6, who is Tim? I am Bigdogdad. We both know I have water sites. One of them was briefly visible on the bottom when the sand was temporarily washed away. The furthest one out at two and a half miles is in only 20 feet of water. I just found out about another uncharted wreck near Charlotte Harbor. As you know I am trying to keep everything I do completely legal. If you have a solid plan, we will talk. You have my number, you have been to my house, you know I am the REAL DEAL.

I also believe I may know the location of one of the missing 1715 Plate Fleet ships. The location would probably surprise a lot people.

I am going out this afternoon with my new Garmin 78SC GPS device to pinpoint the possible location of some buried treasure. The contracts are signed. The backhoe is in place and fueled up. I am setting up the shaker tables and tent. TOMORROW IS THE DAY

The original op is going to get strong from all those holes he is digging.

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Casca-I come off like I live in my mom's basement? Care to explain? I don't insult anyone that is truly trying to help. vor/ECS and I have been picking at each other for about two years. They like giving me a hard time and they know I can take it. Thanks for your concern. Standing up like a horse while researching? I don't get it. OKM's are expensive so to you that means someone wouldn't share it? To begin with I am not trying to borrow it. I am offering some great places to detect legally where the finders can actually keep half of what is found. The op doesn't want advice from a hobbyist? Where did I say or imply that? I will listen to GOOD advice from ANYONE. Are you implying that I am a jackass? Look in the mirror, Jack! You need to work on your attitude.

The GPR guy on our team... used the same model of GPR for over 11 years. He is convinced there is something buried down deep at my Englewood pirate treasure site.. My GPR guy is convinced there is something buried there...

I have had at least five other people using various electronic/dowsing/LRL all confirm that they think there is something in the same area (approximately 30' diameter circle). They all say it is silver.

We will we going back sometime in the near future to attempt another dig.
Is this the same Englewood pirate site as your infamous cesspool dig?
If it is,you may find "booty",but it may not be silver.

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Is this the same Englewood pirate site as your infamous cesspool did?
If it is,you may find "booty",but it may not be silver.

Yes ECS, it is the same property. The septic system has been unhooked for many years. I never dug/dove in the septic tank, it was in the septic field. I ended up getting irreversible brain damage. It causes me to insult people that are only trying to help me. I ended up accidently swallowing some of the contents and I have been full of crap ever since. As far as "booty" goes it just so happens our new band for the TV show was called "Buddy and the Booty Hunters". I am not Buddy. My stage name is "Skyyd Marx". This is all the truth, I am not poopin ya.

There is still a place on our team for you. I need someone to remind me that all the treasures I think exist, don't. German sub treasure-Never happened. Pirate chests-They never buried any. They spent the money partying. Pots-of-gold-Don't exist-CSA was broke. Cloud Mountain gold-a figment of my friend Ovid's imagination. Beale treasure-Doesn't exist. Saddlebags of gold in Georgia-Never happened. I could go on but you get the point.

ECS-I have invited you to my house numerous times. You have declined. I think you were worried that my dogs were going to beat you up and I was going to bite you. Maybe it was the other way around. You are still welcome in spite of the fact you think I am full of PS.

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BDD,its good to see that you maintain your sharp wit! :thumbsup: Great reply. LOL :laughing7:

Expanding resources is good.
Let us know when you get there.

I came up with a new saying. "When you find yourself in the bottom of a hole, keep digging". I jokingly say this because just about every time I have dug for treasure and not found anything, I always wonder if should have dug a little deeper. Or maybe a little more to the left or right. I am sure many people on here have found themselves second guessing what they should have done differently. As usual on this latest dig we got a later start than anticipated. It took longer than planned to get to the point of actually digging. We had multiple spots to dig and we got in too big of a hurry. Nothing of value was found. Another empty hole. Another story to add to the list. A little older and maybe just a tiny bit wiser.

I started this thread to try to get some help. In fact I joined Treasurenet to get help. I have met a lot of great people and have learned many new things. I want to continue to learn. One of the things that I have learned is that if you are going to go to all the trouble to dig a hole on someone's property, you need to try to be sure you are digging in exactly the right spot, and if it is worth the trouble to dig in the first place.

I believe I have access to numerous properties that are highly likely to have buried treasure on them. I have gotten permission to dig on many of them. Whether or not there is something of value remains to be seen. The only way to truly find out is to dig. Nothing is foolproof. GPR, magnetometers, metal detectors, LRL's, dowsers, old maps, etc all have limitations. Unfortunately I have limited time and resources and have not been able to do things as I probably should. I haven't let anything stop me but I do need to learn from my mistakes. If I keep making the same mistakes over and over I guess that would make me look like a fool.

I have a couple of sites that I am convinced have chests of treasure buried on them. I have not contacted the property owners yet as I am trying to get my act together. I have multiple sites that I have dug on and can dig again. The only thing that I think I need is the latest 3D imaging GPR and someone that knows how to operate it. We can then see if there really is something in the ground and this will help me persuade the property owners to allow me to dig holes in their manicured lawns on their valuable waterfront property. I don't expect very many people reading my posts to believe I know what I am doing. There is a method to my madness. I will eventually figure this all out. Anybody know anybody that has access to the equipment I need? It could be the adventure of a lifetime. A "Golden Opportunity" so to speak.

Reminds me of a story!

I heard a story of a ship being spotted in an area between 2 reefs.
Told to me by a guy that operated a glass bottom boat. Spotted it after a storm, but was covered up on the next storm. This was about 50 years ago.
I live in Alaska, the story teller had moved here after a divorce. He died about 20 years ago. He said something about stained glass that was visable. rs

Hello Rashburn and welcome to treasurenet. So, where is this shipwreck?

I heard a story of a ship being spotted in an area between 2 reefs.
Told to me by a guy that operated a glass bottom boat. Spotted it after a storm, but was covered up on the next storm. This was about 50 years ago.
I live in Alaska, the story teller had moved here after a divorce. He died about 20 years ago. He said something about stained glass that was visable. rs

There does not seem to be much wreck diving happening on the west coast of Florida. If there is I don't see much written about it. I believe our coast is littered with wrecks. Part of the problem is that they are buried down in the sand. Occasionally the sand is temporarily washed away by a storm or currents and the wreck becomes exposed. That is the case with one wreck that is only about 150 yards from shore. I think I know of one that must have been blown completely over the barrier island and is now at the bottom of a deep hole in the bay.

I am taking a person that claims to be able to locate gold to one of my sites Friday. Some friends of mine own over 150 acres with a historical creek running thru it. There is good reason to believe there may be some gold on the property. My friends have a backhoe that I can use on their property anytime I want to. This is becoming my test site. On Friday if this person shows me a location where they think something is buried I will go get the backhoe and try to dig it up. No ifs and or buts. No excuses. I have another friend that is willing to purchase a pretty good amount of gold to be buried on another property to be used for testing. I want to find out who and what works. With enough time, effort and digging I will eventually figure this all out. Persistence is the key.

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We did the dig on Friday. The old man that I brought to the site was 100% convinced there was a huge amount of gold buried in multiple locations. I surprised him when I said I would go get a backhoe and attempt to dig up the "gold". Once I started digging and he saw the unusual gold colored he realized that it was not what he thought. He became convinced that the gold looking soil is full of microscopic "gold". He wanted some to take with him to be tested. We also found some very different rocks in the area that look like iron but did not read on the metal detectors. Maybe a meteor landed in the distant past. Who knows? No one else involved had ever seen soil like this anywhere in Florida.

Later that night my wife and I were watching "GOLD RUSH" and one of the cast members talked about microscopic gold. We have both always wondered why they don't do more old fashioned panning. She then asked me why we hadn't tried panning some of the "golden" dirt from our Friday dig. Good question. I am going to go back and get some and give it a try. I will break out the gold pan that was given to me as a gift. It would be kind of funny if some gold showed up in the bottom of the pan.

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BDD...question....When you started seeing the YELLOW far down were you and did you pass a layer of clay/caleche?

In the area we dug the yellow sand was at or near the surface. It went down 2-3 feet and there was clay below it.

Howdy Big Dog Dad! I am looking into finding the latest GPR device as well. Question. Did you find one? I am a Big Dog Mom, BTW. No better position to be in. :)

I have not found one yet.

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