NEED ADVICE!! How Do I handle This JERK Who Messed With My 9 Year Old Son

Dear Dad;
Did you not read what BillJustBill wrote? True wisdom; this person has an ax to grind; I don't feel you were in the wrong for offering the 20.00 for the bow; you were standing there and so was the sociopath; he wanted to hag; and you were willing to pay the seller's price; you won. And in the situation with the other sale, he won, but he wanted to make sure he let you know, he upped you one. I know your son was disappointed, but this is the given at a yard sale, the early bird gets the worm, and unfortunately life is not fair, there is a bigger lesson here, for you to teach your son, that it was not meant to be, at that sale, so what, tell your son, to do some research, and find out what games he would specifically like to treasure hunt for, give him 10 bucks, and the treasure hunt is on, for the next sale...including craigs list! Teach your son the art of knowing there are some people in this world, that are toxic, evil, and just plain damn mean, and that you should avoid at all costs. I commend you that you wanted to kick the sociopath's butt, for your kid, but you need to also teach your kid, there are ppl like that, that give off a toxic energy, that says, walk the other way. Those type of people are counting on you to REACT and they feed on it, and escalate it, they are the kind that you read about in the papers that steal or poison your dog, destroy your property, and have PSYCHOSIS, Hon, no kidding! If you choose to face off, you may end up dealing with a psycho like the criminal in the movie, Cape Fear! Learn to pick your fights, because this kind of guy will instigate an aggressive act from you, then call the police, he will then cry victim, and you will be facing charges, legal fees, and a bloody nightmare. BillJustBill is right on the money, this person once engaged with them, will be like a red wasp, they will keep popping you, and they won't stop, till they get bored, or move on to someone else to destroy! Let it go! And don't make a big deal out of it to your son, just say, well ya win some, you lose some buddy, till the next treasure hunt! It will only be a big deal with your son if it is a big deal to don't want your son anywhere around this monster of a human being, because he would very likely provoke you through your son! You aren't going to teach the devil a lesson in morals, and you won't teach that creature that lives for the devil either! AVOID AT ALL COSTS!!!

I am flattered here and appreciate every opinion and have read all of them a time or two. Even the guy who equates leveling a gun at a guy at a yard sale to ripping open a bag of chips. There is one of these guys for every internet chat forum, I am sure of it.

Anyways, It has certainly made see see it from a few angles. As I see it now he should have still decided on a better time, a different spot. Without the nine year old there
Okay ,maybe I am misunderstanding some thing hear. Was this not the next sale he saw you at ? If it was, then why should he have waited until your boy was not with you ? Was it your intention to hide behind your boy? Just admit it YOU were in the wrong. This is the kind of behavior normally seen in a certain kind of old women, Not a man trying his best to raise a young boy to be a man, and admit his mistakes ,after all we all make them . It depends on our actions afterwards wither the people looking on and not being involved make up there minds if you are the type of person they would want to dell with in the future. Just so you know I do not think you were hiding be hind your boy. But you do not know why the old man was buying the game either as some one else said.

C'mon people, it doesn't matter who was right and who was wrong. Give the OP a break. You can't change the past, just how you deal with the guy in the future.

I am flattered here and appreciate every opinion and have read all of them a time or two. Even the guy who equates leveling a gun at a guy at a yard sale to ripping open a bag of chips. There is one of these guys for every internet chat forum, I am sure of it.

Anyways, It has certainly made see see it from a few angles. As I see it now he should have still decided on a better time, a different spot. Without the nine year old there

I think I remember reading something about destroying your enemies by making them your friends? Next time you see this guy with you son, apologize for trying to scoop up his negotiations. At that point it's entirely up to him how to proceede. He can continue to be a dickhead or maybe he will realize he's going to start a war and would be better off with peace.

If it's war he wants...well then you can teach you son a whole bunch of life lessons about a-hole people. If he's sorry and apologizes...everybody wins

C'mon people, it doesn't matter who was right and who was wrong. Give the OP a break. You can't change the past, just how you deal with the guy in the future.
The OP thought he mite have handled it better other wise he would not have wanted our thoughts on it. Yea your right we can not change the past but we can learn from it and change how we react to it,it is a shame the little boy was there but it is a real good chance for him to learn from others mistakes and the father needs to use it for just that and because he wants what is best for his son he ASKED for some ideas. I do not know why the old man wanted the bow and the op should have let that play out before he made an offer .I hope that is what he gets from this because the old man did not do any thing different from what he did.Yea the little boy was there but maybe the old mans grand kid was in school.We do not know But calling the old guy a schizoid for doing the same thing the op did was kinda crazy. or short sighted. There I have covered all I care to on this. I hope the op and his son has many other good hunting days together and who knows depending on who advice you decide to take, it could be that you have met another man that you could shop with.

personally I would never try to haggle over something with another yard saler .
when I see someone checking out an item or negotiating, I pretend disinterest and hope the person walks away
from it.
if they set it back down, and walks away.
of course I will jump in their grave a second later if I'm near enough. :laughing7:

ya snooze ya lose !
but never screw with someone Else's negotiation.
yard sale karma can make or break ya, especially if it's in your regular route

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Okay ,maybe I am misunderstanding some thing hear. Was this not the next sale he saw you at ?
No Bill, they were a couple weeks apart or so the way I read the original statement.
Lots of interesting commentary here. Some good, some not so good.
I must admit I jumped in once on someone haggling before with the seller. I did it because the person was low balling the seller (and he's an asswipe anyway) on an item that was already pennies on the dollar. I'm all about getting a good deal on something but if someone is selling something for $20 and I know it's worth $150-$200 at resale and some schmuck is trying to haggle it for $10 then they deserve to get that item swooped out from under them for trying to hustle the seller. There is a difference between getting a good deal on something and trying to rip somebody off. I don't know if that was this situation but it is my example of butting in on someone else's negotiations. he way I see it is, if something is priced well below what it is actually worth, then pay the damn asking price and stop being such a tight wad, it makes you look like a dirtbag. There is no need to negotiate on every sale. That is a straight up Haitian move in these parts.This is my opinion.

No Bill, they were a couple weeks apart or so the way I read the original statement.
Lots of interesting commentary here. Some good, some not so good.
I must admit I jumped in once on someone haggling before with the seller. I did it because the person was low balling the seller (and he's an asswipe anyway) on an item that was already pennies on the dollar. I'm all about getting a good deal on something but if someone is selling something for $20 and I know it's worth $150-$200 at resale and some schmuck is trying to haggle it for $10 then they deserve to get that item swooped out from under them for trying to hustle the seller. There is a difference between getting a good deal on something and trying to rip somebody off. I don't know if that was this situation but it is my example of butting in on someone else's negotiations. he way I see it is, if something is priced well below what it is actually worth, then pay the damn asking price and stop being such a tight wad, it makes you look like a dirtbag. There is no need to negotiate on every sale. That is a straight up Haitian move in these parts.This is my opinion.

My thoughts exactly, Diggummup! I have stated on here before that if something is already priced pennies on the dollar, I feel no need to alert the buyer, but I can still sleep at night if I pay his asking price. It isn't my fault he didn't do his homework before pricing his item. Still, there is no need to haggle on such an item either and becoming the "dick" in dickering!


I don't haggle on things that are an out & out steal. Everything else is fair game. That means that I sometimes haggle on an item I think might be valuable but don't know for sure. My lack of specific knowledge in all areas doesn't make me a dick. I doubt anyone here could say they have never haggled on an item & found out later it was a bargain at the asking price.

Best advice I read is to let it go. I would add that next tine you see him give him a big smile and a friendly hello. Don't let others ruffle your feathers. Be kind to everyone.

It's troublesome to me to see how many people in this thread have no problem jumping into the middle of another persons negotiation. I cant tell you how many times I have been at a yard sale/thrift store/antique store etc. and someone beats me to the punch on something. Instead of driving the price up or trying to ruin someone else's score, I just congratulate them and move on. I should have been there 5 minutes earlier or had my eyes opened a little wider.

On the other hand, you mess with MY DEAL, you are threatening my livelihood and taking food out of my families mouth. There WILL be a price to pay for interfering.

Who does that to a kid? I'm sorry that happened to both of you and I hope said person leaves you alone next time.
That was good for the kid he has now learned a life lesson .. It could help him out in the future...........

On the other hand, you mess with MY DEAL, you are threatening my livelihood and taking food out of my families mouth. There WILL be a price to pay for interfering.
Sounds like you may have been the guy that the OP bought the bow out from under and then bought all those video games. lol

Sounds like you may have been the guy that the OP bought the bow out from under and then bought all those video games. lol

All I'm going to say is that you need to be VERY CAREFUL on who you screw over.

So, first I would like to thank Junk Puppet for posting this. This is an interesting topic and it's cool to see so many people weigh in.

I think I pretty much agree with 75% of the responses which may make me schizophrenic since some seem contradictory.

In general I do not interfere with other peoples negotiations. However, there are exceptions.

I once saw a large cast iron mermaid. The lady was asking $60. It was worth hundreds. I tried to offer her $50. In a split second the guy behind me handed her the $60. At first I was mad, but then I realized it was just because I was dumb. The person behind me taught me a valuable lesson and I congratulated him the next time I saw him. I never haggle on good deals anymore, I just close them.

If a buyer has an asking price, it's a great deal, but the person in front of me is haggling, I may jump in and offer the asking price. There is nothing wrong with this. However, I typically wait and listen. If it is a great deal, but the other person is too greedy to close, they will often walk away with the full intent of coming back. That's when they loose and I win.

I also agree that if the games where in my hand and the lady said a dollar, I would take the ones I want, hand the lady the money and move one, regardless of what the other guy said. However, if he had already paid, I would have moved one.

I 100% agree with letting it go and setting a good example for your kid. If you make it a big deal, it's a big deal for him too. If you shrug it off, he probably will too. Loosing a couple games should not be devastating to anyone.

I think some of the yard sales vendetta stuff is overblown. Then again, this thread has multiple posts mentioning: 45s, shotguns, UZIs and prices to pay....haha. If this type of craziness is on the table, I would definitely let it go.

In summary, I would say the cost of those games was a couple dollars, while this this thread is priceless. :)

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Theres three sides to every story,yours,his and the truth.You tried to buy out from underneath him,ill also add that assaulting a senior citizen can get you very far up craps creek without a paddle,not to mention the possibility of him being armed,and you being shot dead in front of your son.All because you couldnt take what you gave.

1- Normally if I see someone making a deal on something I'll take a quick look around see there's nothing good and say this guy got it so I'm going to head off to the next one before he gets there. Maybe I can make a good deal at the next one.

2- you messed with A guy who's a bigger a hole than you!! Really though, you stepped on him and he kicked back. I might do this when I have my pistol on my side however to me it's not worth it to crap on someone else when there's so much stuff out there anyways. Not like you can't go to the next house and make $200 on something for 20 bucks. Unless it was a family member or friend of mine having a yard sale who cares if the guy before you gets a good deal. More than likely you would try to haggle too. If he wasn't there. Was it right for him to say something when your kid was there who knows. to be honest you don't know how big of a jerk he is until that moment. Maybe he's buying stuff to sell to pay for his wife's cancer treatments or maybe he's just planning on getting the best deal he can get in order to pay for his kids college you have no idea. Not to mention who cares!

I'm sorry if I sound like a jerk. Not trying to be that way but in reality the guy that had the yard sale didn't care about the thing no matter what. We all see it every weekend, a gold bracelet, an antique thingamajig
Or a rare hoolahoppa... Most people don't know what they have in a lot of them really don't care. It has sat unused for ever and they want it gone. I used to be like this and get upset, stressed out, mad, lose sleep over it... Then I realized the guy at the next sale is selling something else that's worth a crap load of money to someone else and he doesn't care either. It's been so long since I've went out for a whole weekend and not brought back anything to profit on. I don't understand who buys all the stuff but pays my bills! And it will next time too and every weekend after that. Don't stress out about somebody else getting a good deal, you're going to get one and it might be even better! Who knows it might be one that you can retire on. For $20 bucks!

What a thread! I'll just say that if I'm selling something for $20 and one guy offers $10 and then another guy jumps in and offers $20, it's going to the guy who offered $20. I'm all for haggling, I do it all the time, but there's a time and a place, and if an item gets snatched from under your nose because someone else pulled out their wallet faster than you then the lesson learned is be quicker to the draw next time, don't mess around if you wanted it that bad.

Also I want to add that no grown man should be so butthurt over losing something at a yardsale that he takes his revenge on a child, but at the same time no parent should think that a kid not getting a video game or two is traumatizing in any way. It's a dang video game.

Geez guys.

Sounds like a squabble on a kindergarten playground.

Suck it up and get on with life.

For the record I ran into the guy Saturday morning and it was a non-event. I will call this one over unless he decides to carry on with it. Thanks for all of the reply's folks :)

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