NEED ADVICE!! How Do I handle This JERK Who Messed With My 9 Year Old Son

I agree with those who said you started it & He ended it.
Of course it is a Low blow to screw a Kid over.
When he said "Don't worry about it buddy, I just bought them all",
you could have looked at the Seller & ask, did he pay you Yet ? :laughing7:
(maybe even "I'll give you $2 a piece for these my son wants")
if he tries to pay quick.
perhaps after you stormed off He got the even bigger last laugh by
not buying them & letting them sit there. :unhappysmiley:

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As you sow, so shall ye reap, and turnabout's fair play come to mind for some reason. You should not have snaked the bow sale from that guy. Poor form.

It's actually a good lesson for your son. He is 9 years old, time to start learning about the real world. People are a blight on this planet. and they will blight your happiness, if given a chance. There are 9 year olds all over the third world that don't have clean drinking water or food or a Nintendo DS.

Now, take the little shaver to the toy store and buy him a DS game. Lesson learned, and dad is a hero.

I hope that I don't sound too harsh.

I think you lost you opportunity to do something about it when you didn't say anything about the games.

If you want it to be over, drop it or next time you see him say nice job and laugh it off with him. This way in the future you don't have to be concerned what he is going to do next. Especially when you bring you kid to sales.

what do you think he is writing about you on his forum????

Believe me, it is something I think about all too often.

"Is some trigger happy individual going to shoot me today".

"An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life."
-Robert A. Heinlein


Yard sailing is almost a competitive sport now...
Win... or lose trying.

You see it... pick it up... If it is in my hands... and it has not been bought by someone else... its mine.
You should have said to the seller... My son has these already...
He can buy the rest...
I would have looked at seller right in the eyes as I handed him 3 bucks and pointed down at the three games in his hand...
Said "thanks... have a good sale... sell it all"...
Looked at the guy and said...

C-YA !

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"An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life."
-Robert A. Heinlein

Given the number of women killed by domestic violence, your statement is more ironic than you think, perhaps.

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I was kind of in the same situation today however when the guy said how much he was paying for the stuff I knew he was at a decent price but I would've paid more for it. However it's not my place. he was there first and I don't want to ruin any kind of relationship with him for the future. He is a local dealer at the flea market and I know I will probably see him this weekend and ask him how much he wants for it. Maybe even make a couple hundred on it myself if I buy it from him. I don't know though I'd be kind of pissed that somebody jumped the deal I had. But I would definitely do it back. In fact I'll probably go out of my way to do it back no matter what it was. I kind of think you cross the line a little bit by saying anything to begin with. So I'm sure your pissed off. And pissed him off to begin with. And I would call it a draw and leave it at that...

When it comes to a pissing contest, it's better to be pissed off than pissed on. Let it ride, you're even.

Given the number of women killed by domestic violence, your statement is more ironic than you think, perhaps.
Very, very little domestic violence ever committed against a woman armed with a 12 gage shotgun, or .45 pistol..

I personally wouldn't make an offer on something while someone else is negotiating. I understand you would of paid more but you are not at an auction, your at a sale. He got you back and it seams as if he "won" in the end. Hence this post. I do think he chose a bad time to get even but then again he got you where it hurts. I agree with others about calling a truce it will make further sales more enjoyable.

If someone wants to get even with me that's fine but don't take it out on the baby. Me being a horses ass, ask my wife, I probably would have been very crude and ugly. I would have brought it to his attention then and from that day forward he would hate to see me at a sale...d2

Two things, first, whenever someone is haggling with a seller at a garage sale. I stay completely out of it, but have my eyes and ears fully alert for his/her next move. As soon as that person puts it down, or walks away, I quickly move in to action and it's mine now! :-) I would recommend this in the future. I do not do it to anybody, and it would not feel right if someone did it to me. I wouldn't let that get me down. It happened, it's time to move on to your next scores!

Second, use that as a lesson for your son if possible. Explain the art of the score, and how in garage sales you have to move lightning fast before the other person gets it. Explain also, that the day will come, not too far in the future when you and he will come up to a garage sale where there will be many, many DS games, toys, and things scored that will put a big smile on his face as you two are walking to your car. There will be plenty of garage sales for him and you to score. I guarantee a score almost every time you two head out! :-) This will be a great way to bond and for him to learn very valuable life lessons! Here is a phenomenal piece of advice....let's keep this little secret to ourselves....spend the rest of your time thinking on how to make scores happen, and where! This little incident should go bye bye asap!

Regarding the older gentleman, greet, and smile at him, and repeat the process. :-)


The Dad needs to get over his EGO,Give a thought to what kind of man you want your kid to be,you owe it to your son to explain how you were in the wrong and that your sorry he was with you when he saw the guy again.But you do owe your son a explanation as to how you started it,and the OLD man did nothing more than punch the bullie in the nose to stand up for him self.

Reap what you sow.........
But, if you feel the need to test the other guy, next time you see him at a sale pick an item you aren't totally interested in and see if he buys it out from under you. At that point, you have a decision to make.........offer an olive branch, move to sales from which he is absent or go to war...........
Ball is in your court.............

You said you only know the old man by looks. How do you know he wasn't buying those games for his grandson?

Maybe not, but you're *****in' because he did the EXACT same thing to you that you did to him. NOT ONE THING DIFFERENT! He was negotiating a sale price, when you jumped in and outbid him. Not a problem, but when you were still just looking at the NDS Games he bought them. Did he do it just to spite you? Probably, but how did he know you were buying them for a kid? You said yourself you don't really know the guy. Did you try doing the right thing, by going up to him and saying "Hey, I was getting those for my kid, not to sell." You might be surprised at his reaction. You could always have just said "TOUCHE! Can I buy a couple of them for my kid (smiling)?" I have barely known people that we acted like complete jerks to each other until something happened and we wound up having a discussion, and we found out that we really didn't have a problem with each other.


I am flattered here and appreciate every opinion and have read all of them a time or two. Even the guy who equates leveling a gun at a guy at a yard sale to ripping open a bag of chips. There is one of these guys for every internet chat forum, I am sure of it.

Anyways, It has certainly made see see it from a few angles. As I see it now he should have still decided on a better time, a different spot. Without the nine year old there

Ugh. You started it!

There are 2 kinds of people at sales that I cant stand and both are represented in the story above: The aggressive guy who is always where I am messing up my buys and the guy who thinks it is his business to "keep order" at garage sales and creates drama.

So true...haha

my normal response to a seller if he is in a haggle over something I want is to say "if it is still available in a couple minutes let me know." I don't ask or offer an amount, I just let him know I have an interest. On the other hand if it is in my hands and I'm interested and someone else buys it then I say, "guess you bought something else" and I pay for it. The buyer and the seller can work out the details of his refund.

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