View attachment 1668969Here is a photo of and Aspen it is 22" wide I measured it for reference the date is 1947 on it photo was taken in 2018.
That's a pretty cool pic & tree too. Thanks for sharing that zak. I recalled observing aspens just starting to show up
at about the 4,000 ft. level in AZ. & CO. looking around times. But 10,000 ft., the air gets a little thin for so called
flatlanders not really used to it. I guess you take a couple of extra breathers? Sure pretty trees & area up there,
always liked it. Not very likely somewhere an outlaw gang would be looking to deposit most of the weight their
booty that's loading them down after a bank or train robbery, etc. But them industrious & ambitious Spanish
seem to have went lots of places in the time they had, that we were all never even told of, and apparently
also lied to about. You think that's just some people leaving their marks, or something else? Took some
time to do that, & I like the horse symbol, D etc. Interesting the way the tree heals itself by puckering
out, a neat & unique effect there. Thanks again, all real cool stuff to encounter, enjoy & think on.