Naturallly Occuring Formation OR Manmade Treasure Marker/Sign?

Some, I think are apparently manipulated, either for eye catchers, or?
Maybe they're part of a directional or triangular system to be noticed.
But they (whoever they all are), knew how to do remarkable things.
It's a wonder how some of the procedures didn't do more than stunt. 8-)

Thanks for y'all's pics & comments, all worth serious consideration... :thumbsup:
... :sunny: :fish:

I can say I know someone manipulated trees for markers. That’s from observation of what’s in my area. The thing with here the trees that you want to really follow up on are the same. They’re all the same bend about the same size. The same height. I’ve found probably 5 that look like twins. All over a small area. I find one of them there’s more to find if you just look. I’ve found in on top of the mountain that’s a lot like another I found that’s different but it’s obvious they’ve been cut to form. I don’t know how the trails are set up else where but here trees are a part of the system. Dog the treasure hunter likes to say figure out what you’ve got because it won’t be like what someone else has got. He’s right on that there are similarities but we’ve all got different layouts and sign. We do learn off each other and get another step that’s needed to go farther a long the trail. I know everyone on this web sight has helped me in one way or another and I thank everyone


... ~: One more from the road :~ ...

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I call these the twins ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1519342517.662477.webp

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He talkin' Tennessee Whiskey, or?

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This is likely closer to the truth, lol...

Ronnie lookin' & soundin' good, like San Diego CA. in Oct. '77
... :sunny: :fish:

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Full blown sentinel membership, pics, mountain view?
Whatever ye got, sorry not takin', & here's one...

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Hmmm... Disappearing posts edits, like someone shaping
the commentary as they want to... Is that like a sign(s)???

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Interesting, that's a lot of markings. Seems like maybe a heart on each tree too,
the left one maybe with initials. Is this place known by locals, maybe a hangout?[/QUOTE

when one sees initials carved whether it be on a rock, tree or whatever they used everything must be taken in consideration. nothing is random--think outside of the box and go where no one else will go. you will find things, trust me. I would 95% say this is not a hangout spot. it is in a remote area of the mountains
This tree is like 20 years old

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