My worst sirloin steak ever

LOL.,...yes I get that statment alot. I say I fork my meat. Yes I use it to tenderize the steak, it does not come out like chicken fried steak,,with the sauce and the fork, most of the time they come out tender. Not always becuase there are steaks that no mater what you do,,,they will not,come out worth eating.

Back: A Tip: Don't buy your "Steaks" off the back of a Pickup! Especially if it's next to a Riding Stables! ;)
Don't leave the Meat in a Heavy Acid Marinade too long, or over Tenderize them, they will turn to Mush!!!!


Mr buscadero, I grew up in Texas, born in Paris Texas, have lived in Waco, Austin,Leander,Evadale and Fortworth. I have not and would never buy a steak off a truck, I did step in a cow pie once or twice, and the Marinade I spoke of would most likely turn a steak to mush, hence the reason I dont leave them in very long. I have ridden some bulls in my younger days and stopped chewing tabacco when I was 45.
I make Gumbo and chile weather it is summer or winter, and a good skillet corn bread is betther than any out of a box. I make a mean pintobeans and sasuage and There is nothing better than a fish fry on a warm summer day.
I did use the Mr out of respect, and not malice, you are older than I am.
Hows the weather down there. I think I may have lived in Corpus too, but there is no one left to ask if that is so. Long story dont ask.

I was at an Applebees about two months ago (my second visit. the first time there I was pretty drunk with my friends, so even an old dirty mop would've tasted good). They brought me the wrong entree, and when I told them of this they didn't even offer to bring me the right one!! The server just asked if it was "o.k." I said "Yeah, it's o.k., but it isn't what I ordered." The server then said "I'm sorry about that, sir." and never corrected the problem. The food sucked.

backitup83 said:
. . . and a good skillet corn bread is betther than any out of a box.

You said it!

from someone whose Mother came from Arkansas and taught her daughter how to make real cornbread! If I ever used a mix, she'd rise up from her grave and come after me!


No, Applebees does not do REAL food well. If you are after drinks and appetizers they're ok. But STEAKS? To quote Rodney Dangerfield in Caddyshack: "Who cooked this crap? I can see the crop marks on the steak from where the jockey was whippin' it!"

If you want steak, either cook it yourself, or go to someplace that specializes in it! RUTH'S CHRIS STEAKHOUSE! Very retail, but well worth it!



I stand corrected, it is Applebees that sucks and Ruby Tuesdays is the chain that made a pretty good steak stacker. I am sorry people I hope no one went out and ate a steak on my word tonight. My wife had to correct me, I was thinking it was Rubys where we got the bad food and treatment,,,she corrected me as only a woman can. We ran into the same problem wrong order and my salad looked like it came from the dumpster. My steak, well I like mine a litle more cooked than most, maybe some pink in the middle. My brother says knock his horns off wipe his ass and put him on my plate. I cant eat that kind of steak. Any way sorry for the mix up, I do like the bar though. I do mostly cook my own steaks,,and eat sea food or some sort of fish when I go out.

And roswellborn,,,your Mom must of been like my Mom.
Alot of the chains everyone is talking about Ive never heard off, We have a Grate Steak here where you can cook your own steak on a grill. What a concept, who would of thought, with a perfect grill sitting at home people would go and pay to cook on a grill and cook it them selves. I put that right up there with Bottled water, who would of thought?


backitup83 said:
My brother says knock his horns off wipe his ass and put him on my plate. I cant eat that kind of steak. Any way sorry for the mix up, I do like the bar though. I do mostly cook my own steaks,,and eat sea food or some sort of fish when I go out.

Hey Backitup,

I heard that line in "The Cowboy Way" with Kiefer Sutherland, and I have used it ever since!

Golium,,,I remeber the movie, Im 52 and my blittle brother is a year younger than me and he has been saying long before the movie came out. I think its just me, my three brothers and other people I know can eat a rare steak, I can if I have been drinking lots, if not, I have to send it back or take it home and recook it. Im not a wus, but when it comes to bleeding meat I draw the line.
I had to think about what your wrote for a minute Mrs Oroblanco, it did finaly get what you ment. I think the dog offf to the side through me a bit.

yep it was a good one,,,wonder why they dont show it on the rerun?? its not that old,,,

They run it occasionally on regular TV.



I dont know,,,Ive given it some thought. I have come to the conclusion that I cant throw my truck far enough to hit something and I dont have any thing big enough to shot it out of, but I could put a baited trap in the bed and wait it out. Yum- Yum

i cant even say that i liked the bar at applebys! they measure your drinks with these little pre measured pour spouts on the bottles that calculate the amount of booze to the drop. then they had a "time limit" they put on you before you were allowed to order another drink. it was like drinking at the Wally World bar! that crappy chain should go out of business and do everyone a favor. i don't drink anymore, but if i did i could find 100 bars better to drink at than applebys.

Marc said:
Applebees. TWICE! :P

My family refers to it as Crapplebees. STAY AWAY FROM THE RIBBLETS!

As for the rest:

Ruby Tuesday's - They are the reason I have a list of places I won't eat. I've NEVER had a good meal or good service at one, and I've unfortunately been to a lot of them all over the country.

Lonestar - I wouldn't feed this to the dogs. I've only been to 2 (in NJ and MD) and they were terrible. On the list.

Outback - The first time I went to one, it was pretty good. The last 2 times have not been good at all. Overcooked steaks and VERY salty. On the list. (as an aside, I think Outback and Lonestar are part of the same company)

Olive Garden - I've never had a steak there, but the other food is generally OK if a little overpriced.

Champs - There is one of those in NJ. I'm not if it's the same place, but the one in NJ was a chain. Food was middle of the road and overpriced. We ended up with a free meal because we found "foreign matter" in the food (broken toothpicks). On the list.

Ruth's Chris - Excellent steaks. If I had the cash, I'd go back more.

One other chain that hasn't been mentioned here is Texas Roadhouse. We used to eat there all the time and the food was pretty good and priced fairly, especially on "kid night" when they eat free. However, we had an extremely bad service experience there and they made the list. Then I saw this and they'll never come off the list, especially since the restaurant where I live is covered by the same district management:


I was treated to a steak at Gilleys in Texas some years ago,
It was without a doubt one of the finest pieces of meat i have ever laid on to.

As for the others I have learned

there is no place like home,
no place like home,
no place like home..

no place like home...

no place like home.....


I don't like Applebees either. I've learn one thing .....never eat at a restaurant if you can't smell the food! I made that mistake on a visit to NC. When I walked in the door I didn't smell food. When I was served it was all right out of a can! I love the steaks at Texas Roadhouse.

You guys are just saying that because this is Marcs post. cough cough. ::)

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