My friends...""The courtesy of your hall is somewhat lessened of late, Théoden King."

meaning to say, what greater treasure on earth, is there than freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?
Am I to cause you the pain of suffrage because I ask you to consider certain views? To consider that the people
who framed our constitution worded that document to preserve our rights rather than grant us said rights?
Is this suffrage?
Am I to suffer uninformed peoples voting without knowledge, or understanding or anymore gumption to learn anything
other than what they tell you on fing t.v.?

suffrage is the right to vote. Is that how you are intending to use the word?

Okay, just figured I would check in every once in a while and see if anybody wanted to talk compromise. I understand. No compromise.

Okay, just figured I would check in every once in a while and see if anybody wanted to talk compromise. I understand. No compromise.

Oh but people are compromised!
A friend bought a rifle. Due to hours long waits for paper work required it took due to his work hours over a week to acquire.
To buy or sell a pistol more paper work. Just recently the requirement of driving to county seat to have sherriffs office inspect pistol ended. Its still required for finger printing. Also required class and money to obtain a permit with restrictions. Did i mention money?.
While "instant"check can deter a felons purchase,no action is taken when the felon attempting to possess(it can happen)a weapon from a dealer is denied.(that's illegal,the attempting to possess). The lawful burden is on law abiding for transactions.
The result is if you want to be able to carry it will take time. For some no problem. For others its a big problem.

An example would be l.a. riots in 92 if you wanted to acquire a weapon.
Waiting periods,legally required in some areas,gun boards that must approve of applicant,and some only grant to retired police,judges ect.. Puts one in a situation where if life is endangered the police need to be handy. Restraining orders not a physical defence. Thats a lot given up compared to buying a gun when you want and being able to carry it.
With varied laws state to state a crime can be committed when laws are not reciprocal, just passing through in a manner legal from state you were legal in. as usual the responsibility on the owner to know all laws.

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Oh but people are compromised!
A friend bought a rifle. Due to hours long waits for paper work required it took due to his work hours over a week to acquire.
To buy or sell a pistol more paper work. Just recently the requirement of driving to county seat to have sherriffs office inspect pistol ended. Its still required for finger printing. Also required class and money to obtain a permit with restrictions. Did i mention money?.
While "instant"check can deter a felons purchase,no action is taken when the felon attempting to possess(it can happen)a weapon from a dealer is denied.(that's illegal,the attempting to possess). The lawful burden is on law abiding for transactions.
The result is if you want to be able to carry it will take time. For some no problem. For others its a big problem.

An example would be l.a. riots in 92 if you wanted to acquire a weapon.
Waiting periods,legally required in some areas,gun boards that must approve of applicant,and some only grant to retired police,judges ect.. Puts one in a situation where if life is endangered the police need to be handy. Restraining orders not a physical defence. Thats a lot given up compared to buying a gun when you want and being able to carry it.
With varied laws state to state a crime can be committed when laws are not reciprocal, just passing through in a manner legal from state you were legal in. as usual the responsibility on the owner to know all laws.

Relevant, you are confusing me again, lol. So we are willing to talk further compromise or we are not?

Compromise what? Could i vote on issues? Here we have the powers that be select federal or state law,depending on their position on issues,regardless of vote results. I should be allowed the same choice, as they represent me,correct?.quit dogging me and other legal owners and making us tiptoe through a hodgepodge of rules,the states like illinois,d.c. and new york being allowed to trump federal law makes nations policy subject to mayors whims. With that example what would any compromise do?.no mayor will guarantee my life. Their opinion regarding what i own for weapons means nothing to me other than their political agenda. Let them disarm the criminals.

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Compromise what? Could i vote on issues? Here we have the powers that be select federal or state law,depending on their position on issues,regardless of vote results. I should be allowed the same choice, as they represent me,correct?.quit dogging me and other legal owners and making us tiptoe through a hodgepodge of rules,the states like illinois,d.c. and new york being allowed to trump federal law makes nations policy subject to mayors whims. With that example what would any compromise do?.no mayor will guarantee my life. Their opinion regarding what i own for weapons means nothing to me other than their political agenda. Let them disarm the criminals.

Disarm the criminals you say,they would never do that to themselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

XLTer said: "I have also learned we have some promising new blood and hope coming up in the conservative party, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio are all young Republicans to watch in the years to come..... "
Well, you better hide your guns until they get into power.
Cris, I agree totally that something has to be done to keep guns away from nutjobs but, even with a gun registry, I think most gun ownership wouldn't show up on the radar. Not sure but I think only 1 of my guns is registered; no others will be reported even if the Feinsteiners tell me I HAVE to. Any gun registry would record NEW gun sales or transfers. I'm done with those wackos and will NOT comply nor will I compromise anything, especially the ability to protect myself and my family. My rights are my rights as I see them. My wife worked for mental health and had to report anyone threatening harm to themselves or others already. Not sure if authorities went to homes and confiscated their guns though. I know I wouldn't have any problem at all getting guns if I wanted them so taking mine away wouldn't help, I can easily get more.

Okay, just figured I would check in every once in a while and see if anybody wanted to talk compromise. I understand. No compromise.

On the 2nd Amendment, there is not compromise.
The purpose of the 2A is not to allow the people to hunt with a firearm, or go target shooting. The purpose is to allow the people the ability to take up arms against a tyranical government and be able to protect our individual freedom; Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Without the ability to protect your freedoms, then you have no freedom.

The only compromise I would consider is universal background checks. I think this would do allot to curb straw purchases, hopefully.
Living here in Kalifornia, we have some of the strongest firearm laws around, but still we have freedom.

Relevant, you are confusing me again, lol. So we are willing to talk further compromise or we are not?

I'm not replying for RelevantChair, but I will respond to your question:



The Second Amendment has no provision for the registration of weapons. The traitors of the past violated the Second Amendment when they allowed the registration in the first place.


From Miriam Webster

Definition of INFRINGE

transitive verb

1: to encroach upon in a way that violates law or the rights of another <infringe a patent>

2obsolete : defeat, frustrate

intransitive verb

: encroach &#151;used with on or upon <infringe on our rights>

Definition 2 is likely to have been part of the accepted meaning of the word at the time of the Constitution and Bill of Rights being penned. It is only obsolete as we do not use it that way PRESENTLY. It meant, as stated above, the same as the transitive verb "encroach".

As anyone who has ever dealt with historic documents will tell you, you MUST read them in light of the vernacular of the day. Instance in point:

Do you go to the shambles to buy your meat for personal consumption? I'll guarantee you that you do.

During the 1600's in England, shambles was the place one went to buy meat. The word's usage at the time the King James version of the Bible was translated was exactly that. Today, and in most other translations, the Greek is properly translated into "meat market" as that is a term that is understood today.

Thus "The right of the people to bear arms shall not be: defeated, frustrated, violated."

You anti-gun people have definitely 'frustrated' the peoples' right to bear arms.

You anti-gun people have definitely 'violated' the peoples' right to bear arms.

You anti-gun people are working day and night to 'defeat' the peoples' right to bear arms.

Who are the anti-gun people?


On the flip side, nowhere does it say the people MUST bear arms. It says nothing about forcing them to own arms. Why?


When you want to take those away, you have stepped on our toes. That, my friend, is where YOUR LIBERTY ENDS.

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You cant wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.....Navajo proverb

A cattle prod can prove that proverb wrong in less than a second! :)

So basically, nobody's typing anything different than what they were typing on Dec 15th. Guess we just have to wait for the next massacre for excitement.

Only one of my guns has paper trail, that is my conceal carry piece, no others are nor will I ever register them.

Not breaking any laws with my guns either as I was not required to register them when I bought them and not required to register them now either..

"The Right Of The People To Keep And Bear Arms Shall Not Be Infringed"...... Registering our guns is an infringement.....

A cattle prod can prove that proverb wrong in less than a second! :)

So basically, nobody's typing anything different than what they were typing on Dec 15th. Guess we just have to wait for the next massacre for excitement.
Re.cattle prods,check local restrictions.

A cattle prod can prove that proverb wrong in less than a second! :)

So basically, nobody's typing anything different than what they were typing on Dec 15th. Guess we just have to wait for the next massacre for excitement.

If that is excitement for you,better check to see if you imploded on yourself!


    200.5 KB · Views: 88
Crispin, I used the wrong word, yet I think you got the point.

I'm not replying for RelevantChair, but I will respond to your question:



The Second Amendment has no provision for the registration of weapons. The traitors of the past violated the Second Amendment when they allowed the registration in the first place.


From Miriam Webster

Definition 2 is likely to have been part of the accepted meaning of the word at the time of the Constitution and Bill of Rights being penned. It is only obsolete as we do not use it that way PRESENTLY. It meant, as stated above, the same as the transitive verb "encroach".

As anyone who has ever dealt with historic documents will tell you, you MUST read them in light of the vernacular of the day. Instance in point:

Do you go to the shambles to buy your meat for personal consumption? I'll guarantee you that you do.

During the 1600's in England, shambles was the place one went to buy meat. The word's usage at the time the King James version of the Bible was translated was exactly that. Today, and in most other translations, the Greek is properly translated into "meat market" as that is a term that is understood today.

Thus "The right of the people to bear arms shall not be: defeated, frustrated, violated."

You anti-gun people have definitely 'frustrated' the peoples' right to bear arms.

You anti-gun people have definitely 'violated' the peoples' right to bear arms.

You anti-gun people are working day and night to 'defeat' the peoples' right to bear arms.

Who are the anti-gun people?


On the flip side, nowhere does it say the people MUST bear arms. It says nothing about forcing them to own arms. Why?


When you want to take those away, you have stepped on our toes. That, my friend, is where YOUR LIBERTY ENDS.

Speaking in all caps is equivalent to yelling at somebody. That was down right rude. I have no desire to discuss anything with anybody who is yelling at me.

Crispin, I used the wrong word, yet I think you got the point.

I did get the point. Wasn't trying to call you out. It could have been used metaphorically in that context. I thought you were being crafty but then...I was unsure.

Just out of curiosity. I've lost track of the number of times people have stated something along the lines of "Do you not know the definition of infringe?" Is there anybody on this website who has any doubt about whether or not I understand the definition of "infringe?" Unless the answer is 'yes,' then you are just blowing me off to spout more rhetoric. O yeah, I'm back baby...with stocky banned and Dano on the outs, somebody has to pick up some of the slack around here.

never tire of watching Crispin battle the immortals.... You would have been an honored man in Sparta my friend

Crispin, are you trying to teach us how to spot insanity?

Isn't your incessant posts to compromise on the second amendment the very definition of it? It really is getting a little less fun all of the time,, how many times, in how many ways? It is the very same thing we watch liberals do day after day after year after year. Why is it that roughly 30 % of a country gets to hold hostage the other 70% of a country?

Let's try something more fun. How about lets find out if the 30 % are truly more enlightened or are they insane?

I vote insanity.

PS. jeff, you have had a chest reduction this week. And there is a thingy in yer headbone.

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Isn't your incessant posts to compromise on the second amendment the very definition of it?

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

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