My first cache, not what you expect


Gold Member
Apr 24, 2006
This is such a cool and unusual find that I am going to give it it's own thread. I found this today while searching in a park in a nearby town.

I was covering all the play areas, volleyball courts, and sandboxes at this park I passed this morning on the way to a nearby school.

When I came to the sandbox, I started finding a bunch of change, pennies, nickels, and dimes, and then I got a huge signal. I was expecting to find a hot wheels car, instead, I found this.

Gold Box.jpg

I shook it and the sounds inside intriqued me. I was excited because it's a gold foil cardboard jewelry type box but held off opening it until I got home so I could photograph it. As I continued to search the entire sandbox, I found three more.

Gold Boxes.jpg

I put them in my pouch and finished searching the park areas and then also hit a school this morning in my 3 hours of hunting.

When I got home, I opened the boxes. They were all taped with a yellow duct tape. To my surprise they actually have treasure in them!! I was really happy when I saw what was inside as I have found a similar "cache" one time and they held gold coin chocolates, really moldy ones :-\.

Cache T.jpg

Cache F.jpg

Here's a close up of one of them.

Cache goodies.jpg

I must say that this is one of my most unusual finds, and these are actually my first new dollars I have found. Also my first SBA $1 of the year. My 5th Sac $1. I love finding marbles too, so getting 16 in one go is pretty cool.

I guess this was from a "Penny Scramble" in the sandbox during a 4th of July party there, maybe yesterday because I am really surprised that someone wasn't more thourough about finding all these once they found out what was inside. If I was a kid at this party, I would have sifted the entire ;D

I know it's kind of weird but I would like to count this as my first cache. What do you think, is it a cache?

I will post all my weekend finds in another thread in a little while as I still have to clean todays pouchful. I had a really good day yesterday with one of those highlight finds of year for me.

HH and thanks for reading!


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A cache is something that was intentionally buried with the idea of digging it up at a later date. Sometimes caches are dug up by those who buried them and sometimes they are dug up by others...either way a cache is an intentional burial. You have definitely found an intentional burial of "valuables." Therefore, IMO, you have certainly found a cache. Although in four separate boxes, their close proximity would lead me to call all of them a single cache. Congratulations!!!

So are you going to leave them in their respective boxes for the conversation value?

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