My first cache, not what you expect


Gold Member
Apr 24, 2006
This is such a cool and unusual find that I am going to give it it's own thread. I found this today while searching in a park in a nearby town.

I was covering all the play areas, volleyball courts, and sandboxes at this park I passed this morning on the way to a nearby school.

When I came to the sandbox, I started finding a bunch of change, pennies, nickels, and dimes, and then I got a huge signal. I was expecting to find a hot wheels car, instead, I found this.

Gold Box.jpg

I shook it and the sounds inside intriqued me. I was excited because it's a gold foil cardboard jewelry type box but held off opening it until I got home so I could photograph it. As I continued to search the entire sandbox, I found three more.

Gold Boxes.jpg

I put them in my pouch and finished searching the park areas and then also hit a school this morning in my 3 hours of hunting.

When I got home, I opened the boxes. They were all taped with a yellow duct tape. To my surprise they actually have treasure in them!! I was really happy when I saw what was inside as I have found a similar "cache" one time and they held gold coin chocolates, really moldy ones :-\.

Cache T.jpg

Cache F.jpg

Here's a close up of one of them.

Cache goodies.jpg

I must say that this is one of my most unusual finds, and these are actually my first new dollars I have found. Also my first SBA $1 of the year. My 5th Sac $1. I love finding marbles too, so getting 16 in one go is pretty cool.

I guess this was from a "Penny Scramble" in the sandbox during a 4th of July party there, maybe yesterday because I am really surprised that someone wasn't more thourough about finding all these once they found out what was inside. If I was a kid at this party, I would have sifted the entire ;D

I know it's kind of weird but I would like to count this as my first cache. What do you think, is it a cache?

I will post all my weekend finds in another thread in a little while as I still have to clean todays pouchful. I had a really good day yesterday with one of those highlight finds of year for me.

HH and thanks for reading!


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Thats really cool....i hope i get something like that :)


What a cache!!! It's not everyday you find something like that. Congrats on the new dollars and Susan!

It's four caches!

If you keep this up, I'm going to nickname you Johnny Cache! :D

What a fun find!



Wow, you sure know where to search BDoo..that's very cool!

Boobydoo said:
I know it's kind of weird but I would like to count this as my first cache. What do you think, is it a cache?

From The American Heritage Dictionary: cache (n.) A place for concealment and safekeeping, as of valuables.

By that definition I would say you found a cache! My coins don't come gift boxed though ;D


Doo, that is such a cool cache.... Those marbles are such great looking ones. The coins, well no complaints there... the best part of it is that you dont have to clean them ;D

God bless

Very Cool BDoo. I just hope they were done with their treasure hunt and you didn't ruin it for any kids. It's possible there were clues as to the whereabouts of the numbered boxes...?? But most likely they just missed some. But you would think that the person who organized the treasure hunt would have known that #18, #3, etc were missing and tell the kids to keep looking or else I would have recovered them myself.

As for qualifing as a cache...not in my book. To me the true definition of a cache is hiding some "valueables" so as not to be found. These were hidden with the intention of having someone find them.

Must have been exciting digging it up and not knowing what was in the first box. ;D ;D


Very cool, stumbled across a staged hunt with real prizes That was neat.

that is just too cool! One would have been cool but four is awesome! :D Leave it to Bdoo to find something so unusual! :D Just you leave anything at all for others who live around there to find? lol :D

Congrats on the marbles and those dolar coins, not often you find four in a day. May not be a cache but still a fun find!

now thats a great find ! and you didnt have to clean them , i'd love to find those ;)

piggman1 said:
What a cache!!! It's not everyday you find something like that. Congrats on the new dollars and Susan!

Hi PM!! Thanks a lot buddy!
I am on a roll with the $1 coins of late. I think that's about 10 in the last month.
You would think we are in Canada or as we don't ue the coins as spendable currency like they doo.


Ridley said:
It's four caches!

If you keep this up, I'm going to nickname you Johnny Cache! :D

What a fun find!



I think that screen name is already taken (and I love his avatar too, it's so cool!)

It was a memorable find for sure, not worth big bucks, but fun indeed!

Thanks Ridley. Good luck to you out there!


rtde3 said:
That's one for the the books! Too funny, buy hey I'd take them!

Thanks Rob, you always have such cool and surprsing finds from the sharkpit, I guess today, it was my turn.


Natman said:
Wow, you sure know where to search BDoo..that's very cool!

Boobydoo said:
I know it's kind of weird but I would like to count this as my first cache. What do you think, is it a cache?

From The American Heritage Dictionary: cache (n.) A place for concealment and safekeeping, as of valuables.

By that definition I would say you found a cache! My coins don't come gift boxed though ;D


Thanks a lot Nat, great to see you!
I guess it's debatable, but heck, it may be the closest I come to finding a real cache.

HH and good luck!


pgill said:
Doo, that is such a cool cache.... Those marbles are such great looking ones. The coins, well no complaints there... the best part of it is that you dont have to clean them ;D

God bless

Both marbles and big coins are two of may fave finds. I'll take it!

Thanks for the read and comment my friend.
It is very good to see you buddy, missed ya!

God bless!


Mirage said:
Very Cool BDoo. I just hope they were done with their treasure hunt and you didn't ruin it for any kids. It's possible there were clues as to the whereabouts of the numbered boxes...?? But most likely they just missed some. But you would think that the person who organized the treasure hunt would have known that #18, #3, etc were missing and tell the kids to keep looking or else I would have recovered them myself.

As for qualifing as a cache...not in my book. To me the true definition of a cache is hiding some "valueables" so as not to be found. These were hidden with the intention of having someone find them.

Must have been exciting digging it up and not knowing what was in the first box. ;D ;D


Oh no, I better go put em ;D ;D ;)

In the 15 ft X 15 ft sandbox, I probably pulled about 120 or so coins out in maybe 25 or 30 minutes, plus the four boxes. I think it was just a big ole penny scramble of some type. I was digging em out in handfuls, maostly pennies but quite a few dimes and nickels too. Hey, it was a cool and memorable find, that's the main thing. Better then moldie chocolates like last time.

Thanks Bob, good luck to you my friend!


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