My Best Finds from Poland


Jr. Member
Sep 16, 2006
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Golden Thread
Detector(s) used
Fisher CZ-3D
My name is Mark, I live in Poland. I'm finding item from IWW, Polish-Soviet War and IIWW. On my grounde I'm finding many oldest items too.
I would like to show few items precious object for me.

This part propable is American bomber B-24 Liberator crash in Warsaw 1944 year.

Eargle Veteran War 1863, this eargle do 500 piece. This one item in Poland.

Stars from Soviet flag

"Dog tag" Polish P.O.W. in 1939 year

Russian emblem, I'm happy with good condition


Russian medal for good shuting


This very popular coin:

Counter coin

......end many, many other......

This item order to Archaeological Museum

Many photo this items not cleaning, and look like I find his. In my collection I have many military buttons and other items bind with history of Poland. If you want to see him I can show him.
Two days ago I was have a happy day in one houre I find this:

Like this look my finds in one day typical:

Best regast from sun Poland!

Upvote 0
I'm not trying to hijack your thread, but I found this button about two hours ago. looks identical.

Yes it's the same button. I find two kind this button, one of them you find.

While the collection is of FABULOUS finds,, I think I will commend you on your photographic skills. Every picture is close up, full focus and lighting. Great detail in every picture. Great job!


You have a nice detector ,I have a CZ3D too and it works great at finding old better metal items .Nice job on the pictures.I find hip mounting my CZ3D is very much agreeable to me .

I'm happy that you watching my finds. Last time I don't have time to detecting for that I show you little interesing items.
I want show you find from few weeks ago, this is Jewish amulet secure for "bed eye" and Diphtheria. Below information witch I get from colegue from polish forum:

"Amulet, który zawieszano na szyi małego
chłopca żydowskiego. Amulet miał chronić go przed "złym okiem". Na awersie
widnieje litera hebrajska "He" symbolizujaca imię Boga - święty
tetragrammaton. W otoku fragment błogosławieństwa wypowiadanego podczas aktu
obrzezania: "Dziecko to niech wyrosnie dla Tory, chupy i dobrych uczynków".
Na rewersie modlitwa: "Oby było wolą Twoją, Wiekuisty Boże nasz i Boże ojców
naszych, abyś uchronił dzieci ludu Twego Izraela od "złego oka", aby nie
dotknął ich dyfteryt, abyś wychował je dla Tory w miłosierdziu Twoim, amen".

I can't translate this that you understand everything. If somebody know Polish and English please translate this.

Maybe this is not Best Finds but I'm happy that I find him. I'm looking something like this few years. In my neaberhood was live many Jewish, witch II WW was killed by Nazi in Treblinka. It good-looking find but sad history.


Hi Mark:

You put on a super nice show. Your english is good enough for me, 100 percent better than my polish. I think your photo skills are as good as your hunting skills and I envy you your hunting area. In the U.S.A. we don't have but 300 years of history, where as you have 3000 years. keep the finds coming and happy hunting.


WOW! Nice finds! You are very lucky!!!

Keep up the good work!

nice findes! Your Russian emblem - it is a pre-soviet period or russian collaboration's troops period 1941-45

this is my last good find, silver coin 1 złoty from 1792:

I love big silver coin ;)

Curiosity, few coppers coin after fire or intentionally covered with silver:

Next very old finds, bronze buckle about IV AC...

...apart from that many copper coins, a few different silver, of buttons, religious symbols, shell and many many different of "treasure"

I love the beautiful patina exhibited on many of your finds, and your pictures are fantastic. Can't wait to see more. Thank You.

in this week is anniversaries - 92 years ago was battle for Fort Zegrze and 82 years ago was battle with Russian "Cud nad Wisłą". This happend in my neaberhood. Many my finds is from this of events.
My last good finds are:
Russian cross from "IN MEMORY OF WAR 1853-1856". This cross is discraib, look on link:
I don't translate this ;D
My cross is not good condition, but I work on him.

Cooper coin is Solid 1650 year. It is a unique coin, In catalogues he has the label R3 this mean around there was left of 601 - 3000 kept pieces of such coins. This coin I found in the bog, she isn't in the good condition but it doesn't harm.

Part of German "dog tag" from IWW. Letter old style.

Russian button discraib

For now I get lazy, we have good weather but I don't now out ;)

Marek, thank you very much for such a great display of pictures and a interesting history lesson. I have polish friends that I will show this too when I see them.
Your picture taking is very professional, and your descriptions are very clear.
Keep up the good english, you are doing very well.

God bless
Peter Gill (South Africa)

Peter, I'm VERY happy that I can show you my finds. My country has interesting history and place where I live always something happend. Unfortunately littel of people on the world know Poland and her history. I would like by this post show my country and history.
My colleague to migrate out to South Africa, maybe we have the some friends ;)
You write about my good picture, I do photo old Nikon Coolpix 3100. This camera have good macro and BBS function. Photo I do on my hands, colour of skin is good for camera and for that are good.
I'm happy that you like my post.
I am greeting you!

Hello Mates,
Completely I'm forget of you ;)
We have to sum up the 2007 year, in this time I will not show picture finds but I will praise my find of my life.
I find..... old village, now I'm sure of my discovery. From few years I have a supposing that I'm looking in such a place, On this place was taken excavations in autumn. Archeologist confirmed my supposing. Is old village from 2000 years, it was a big village, they smelted iron there, they hunting and they were trading.
It's nice that nobody find this place befor me, village wait for me so long. ;D

Remains of the building which was in ground they are very important to my region, for my find, work I get from of Minister of the Culture award.

Lower down few photo from this place during excavations:

Remember, it is still not end ;)


Incredible finds there Congrats.

Hello Piorek,
welcome to TresureNet forum.
Very interesting finds you have there!
One of your medals I think is pretty much alike mine :o
(see pics) . Do you have an idea how old it could be? ???
17th centuries or earlier?
It got lost because its upper part was brocken,then someone
bored (per hand ) a new hole on its side.Then once again it
got lost ! Only this last time it was for centuries forgotten
until someone
found it with his detector ;D


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