This is the 5th time this has happened. The largest with gold but 2nd in size. The last one had 100 Morgan's and 10 rolls of halfs, 10 quarters and dimes. Silver was $19/0z. I think I forked out $4500.
This works every time. I bought a small set a year ago for $1800. Silver was $26ish. Had two Small gold coins in it. Like 1/20 oz.
Every time if they have coins, ill ask what they are going to do with them. Most say nothing, I don't know what they are worth or going to a coin shop. OK. Good start. Next I'm honest. I'll say if your interested, I can tell you what they are worth so you know ahead of time before you go in there blind. That opens the door right there. So now, you have to know what your looking at and be honest. I asked him what he thought the gold coins were worth and he said $175 total! And I told him no they're worth more like$ 2000 but he had another five dollar gold coin too. I went through the sets and I told him what he would expect a coin store to get for them and what most people pay for them which is melt or sometimes a tiny more. So after he showed me everything which I just kind of looked at the tubes that are clear so I could see quarters and had sorted out what was just regular coin, I estimated his set to be around $4000.- $4500. So I left at that. And came home. I called him an hour later and asked if he would take $3000 cash.
I get to his house and he wants to keep the gold. But after 10 min of trying to figure out a price for all the silver I set the money on the table. He looked at it and said I'll sell the gold with it as long as I can keep one of the $5 gold coins. (There were 3) I said I think he should, I have one from my dad I would never sell either. And he said OK! Sounds good. Deal done.
He has a business and knows I have to make some profit. I didn't expect so many key dates, but then I have all the work of selling it too. So I will keep the gold unless I get it graded. And the 1914s quarter. All the rest will find new homes. There is a sweet 1904 o Morgan in there along with an awesome 1921 peace dollar. Basically there is 2 of every coin. One ugly one really nice. I enjoy it and I also have a business where I sell for people on eBay. So I'll get to see his whole estate as he said his kids only want the cash. After he sees what his fist stuff sells for over a yard sale.... Well~ I'm sure ill be busy!