My abbreviated theory for the Knights Templar treasure in Nova Scotia

Wolfram Von Eschenbach's Parzival is just as much evidence for the Grail at Montsegur if not more, than the Icelandic Saga's are for Vikings in Newfoundland. Just have to open up your mind a little.
You do realize the difference between fictional stories and verified by documentation real historical events?
Beowulf is not evidence that Grendel terrorized Vikings, and the Grimm Brothers is not proof the existence of witches in gingerbread houses or that a big bad wolf like to eat grandmothers and little girls.

You do realize the difference between fictional stories and verified by documentation real historical events?
Beowulf is not evidence that Grendel terrorized Vikings, and the Grimm Brothers is not proof the existence of witches in gingerbread houses or that a big bad wolf like to eat grandmothers and little girls.

Verified when, 1960 right? What if the evidence garnered from Parzival is eventually verified? You do realize Beowulf was from a Saga, was it verified?

Lots of supposedly fictional stories have been found to have substance!

Cheers, Loki

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Lots? Name some that pertain to the Templars/the Grail/ Oak Island.

I was not referring to that subject because its not fictional, but now that you bring it up everything I mentioned will eventually!

Cheers, Loki

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The Holy Grail;
from the 1982 publication, Holy Blood Holy Grail, pg. 306:
"In many of the earlier manuscripts the Grail is called the Sangraal, is likely that some form-Sangraal or Sangreal-was in fact the original one. It is also likely that that one word was subsequently broken in the wrong place. In other words, 'Sangraal' or 'Sangreal' may not have been intended to divide into 'San Graal' or 'San Greal'-but into 'Sang Raal' or 'Sang Real', Or to employ the modern spelling, Sang Royal. Royal Blood".
The authors continued this line of reasoning with "Its traditional association as the cup that caught Jesus blood... would seem to reinforce this supposition".
In keeping with the Oak Island, Nova Scotia, treasure theme of this section of the Forum, I premise this particular form (mostly in documents, but with a surprise) of the Holy Grail along with other Templar treasures was at one time at New Ross (Charing Cross) Nova Scotia, and moved to the area of Annapolis Basin!
Cheers, Loki

Sorry Loki, But I have information that the New Ross treasures were taken to the US.

Sure I can, anybody can, but that's not what you asked, reread your post 204!
Well get to listing, pilgrim, and stop sidestepping all the questions with you cute retorts of anybody can or common knowledge.
...and here's another question for you;
With so many unproven claims of different Templars sailing to the New World to bury treasure including perhaps "Holy Relics",
who do you believe made this voyage across the Atlantic- de Villers and the Templars who set out from La Rochelle, or Sir Henry Sinclair and his band happy intrepid Templars from Scotland?

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Will get to listing, pilgrim, and stop sidestepping all the questions with you cute retorts of anybody can or common knowledge.
...and here's another question for you;
With so many unproven claims of different Templars sailing to the New World to bury treasure including perhaps "Holy Relics",
who do you believe made this voyage across the Atlantic- de Villers and the Templars who set out from La Rochelle, or Sir Henry Sinclair and his band happy intrepid Templars from Scotland?

You do not tell me what I can and cannot do!

And I have mentioned this many times, not sure what you are trying to do!

Cheers, Loki

By the way I am waiting for some documents from UK, who knows ....

You do not tell me what I can and cannot do!
And I have mentioned this many times, not sure what you are trying to do!
You have asked me to answer your questions, which I have, just requesting that you reciprocate by answering mine.
Do you have a problem with that?
If not, answer the question on POST #210 concerning whether you believe of it was de Villers or Sinclair who voyaged to Nova Scotia to bury Templar treasure and Holy Relics on Oak Island.

Both. But they did not plan to bury anything on Oak Island. A shipwreck there made that happen.

Franklin, are you stating that de Vlllers was among the Templars alleged to have sailed to Nova Scotia on the highly questionable Sinclair voyage?
Is he listed among the names in Diana Jean Muir's "translated" Sinclair Journals?

The shipwreck mentioned, is that the alleged Saint Katherine wreck from Muir's Sinclair Journals of which you paraphrased on THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR CONNECTION TO OAK ISLAND CHALLENGE TN thread?
"the Saint Katherine captained by Sir Henry Sinclair was blown halfway across "Dog Island" by a strong wave from a hurricane...the ship hit a stump on it's voyage onto the island and became lodged between to trees".- Franklin Page 51/ POST#757 Aug 19,2019

Was the word "hurricane" actually used in these Sinclair Journals?

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No just a storm out of the NW that threw the ship into the middle of Oak Island. There were other ships also. Why don't you read the stories yourself?

Are there records of this event outside of Muir's highly suspect "translated" "THE LOST TEMPLAR JOURNALS OF PRINCE HENRY SINCLAIR"?

Are there records of this event outside of Muir's highly suspect "translated" "THE LOST TEMPLAR JOURNALS OF PRINCE HENRY SINCLAIR"?

Let me ask you a question ECS. If say you had the only "Diary of say Benjamin Franklin" and there can be no other diary. How on Earth are you ever going to find any other records of the event? Especially when Sir Henry Sinclair lifetime was over 600 years ago? Have you never read anything in your life and go by the facts of the story to verify the story? Why do you always have to have someone else to verify a story for yourself? Can you not do it for yourself?

You have asked me to answer your questions, which I have, just requesting that you reciprocate by answering mine.
Do you have a problem with that?
If not, answer the question on POST #210 concerning whether you believe of it was de Villers or Sinclair who voyaged to Nova Scotia to bury Templar treasure and Holy Relics on Oak Island.

I have never premised anyone burying anything on Oak Island, only that the dating of the coconut fibre to around the 14th century indicates the Templars were on Oak Island.
My reasoning;
There there were no coconuts anywhere in the Atlantic Basin prior to being brought there by Portuguese sailors in 1499.

"Coconut coir", a product made from coconut fibre in the area of the Indian Ocean and sold by Indian merchants was known to have been used in the Middle East during the 13th and 14th centurys through Indian trading.

The Templar's were based in the Middle East during that time with a headquarters on Cyprus late in the 13th century until the early 14th.

The Templar Grand Master was summoned from Cyprus by the Pope to Poiters, France in late 1306. de Molay left Cyprus with a large retinue of his forces and much of their treasure, more than likely with coir ropes and packing in their holds in early 1307 knowing full well of the impending trouble for his Order. Once in French port they would not have unloaded their vessels awaiting whatever trouble came their way.

In September of 1307, one month before the arrests of all Templars in France the vessels along with 2nd in Command of the Order Gerard de Villers left port never to be seen again, more than likely with large amounts of coir still on board. de Villers who is said to have been elected the new Grand Master of the Order (de Molay had been among those arrested on October 13), became the most wanted man in France shortly after this.

A few other European countries did trade in the Middle East during that period, but if they had used coir from there taken it to a home port, unloaded it and then used it for a transatlantic voyage, it would have been well recorded.

My premise; The escaping Templars spent the winter of 1307-1308 in Scotland, there is some evidence they were at Ardchattan Priory that housed a Sister Order to the Cistercian's which founded their own Order. Not necessarily part of the evidence of this but interesting is that Robert the Bruce held a Parliament at Ardchattan supposedly in 1308 or 09.
Leaving Scotland in early 1308 with a few vessels, Gerard de Villers and some of the Order, following Viking routes to Vinland landed on Oak Island where they made repairs while searching for a location to deposit some important items they carried. From Oak Island they eventually made their way around Nova Scotia to Annapolis Basin where they hid some things at a site I visited in 2009. After several letters to Nova Scotia Museums it was determined that I needed an Archaeologist to obtain a permit to investigate this site further.

Some of this is different than my earlier premise's because of new information, some of which was garnered from discussions on this and the several other Arcadia, Acadia, related forums I have been associated with.

Cheers, Loki

As far as your question concerning Henry Sinclair you need to converse with Franklin as that is within his area!

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Let me ask you a question ECS. If say you had the only "Diary of say Benjamin Franklin" and there can be no other diary. How on Earth are you ever going to find any other records of the event? Especially when Sir Henry Sinclair lifetime was over 600 years ago? Have you never read anything in your life and go by the facts of the story to verify the story? Why do you always have to have someone else to verify a story for yourself? Can you not do it for yourself?

ECS... I love ya brother... BUT...

He does have a point. heh

THE reason this is a topic here at all is because of one simple thing that ties all things like this in the same category.


The definition of a legend is a story handed down through generations which is believed to be historical.

IF it could have been "solved" or "proven".

It would no longer be considered a legend.

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