I'm afraid your chances of a study group being formed fall precipitiously when you toss in precepts like "Atlantis" and 13,000 year old dinosaurs.
First step wouid be to compare your horseshoe to a couple others of similar age found at alternate locations to see if your "accretions" are just soil minerals and iron oxide.
PS - Lake Agassis drained when the glacial dam(s) melted. The current analysis of basins and strata is that this occurred several times between 13,000 and 8,500 years ago as it drained and refilled. It was not a single, catastrophic event.
all I can say is that is what all the evidence will lead to.
I understand how outrageous these claims may sound to most, because students have had a false reality forced upon them. it's hard to let go from ideas that were taught by, what was supposed to be a reliable source, but the source was not reliable, it was based on a belief and not actual science. the actual science agrees with my interpretations... [I realize that I should probably just focus on the 1811 event, at least until it has found proper investigation, though the suspense...]
I have been unable to locate any man-made objects that come close to this appearance [iron and minerals are more evenly distributed [like the pistol] and rarely form large clumps of carbonates on such young objects, such as caliche or gypcrust...] can you find an example?
lake Agassiz was what was left from the Tethys after the impact 13 kya and was a major inland sea covering much of north America [the great lakes were at the bottom] having several ice dams that would thaw every spring, emptying out a large amount of its contents but never fully, until a comet struck, pushing Greenland up toward the northeast. After the comet struck 10.5kya there was no more lake Agassiz...[there are many waterlines in the sediment layers [strata] showing this draining sequence...]
...understand that a catastrophe occurred approx. 11k-bce and again at approx. 8.5k-bce and that all the effects have to be accounted for. this leaves little choice but to come to these conclusions. there is a loss of magnetism directly over the Hudson bay, I believe this is due to the fact that the cometary nucleus is still attached [welded and magnetically] to the mantle, blocking the force, or,- what else would cause this effect, in an almost perfectly rounded geographical design? [the islands show the obvious 'shatter' effect] ...an ice sheet?
...ask yourself why you believe so strongly that bones can last for sixty-five million years. what evidence made everyone accept this hypothesis? was it based on any tangible science? what was the process of dating? ...and how was it so convincing?
...and do you want the next generation of students to be subjected to such a dictation, with no other choice, no other options? [when there is clear evidence on satellite, chemical analysis, core samples, sediment layers, historical accounts, observable geography,... that is pointing directly to the fact that the Mediterranean sea, Hudson bay and Mississippi embayment are all impact craters from the extraterrestrial forces that have shaped this planet and the life on it...]
I do appreciate your insight.
...knowing that I have contacted most that would be involved with these matters and had such little response, [although there are some that are trying to help] if this were you and you had this information, what would you do?
[...you all have been very helpful, thanks!;-]