Too many things going on at once.
So, your horseshoe was from 12,900 years ago in what is now the US? Where horses had not been introduced until the 1500's by the Spanish? Or from 1811, in which case why are we going back to pre-history?
And I'm unsure at which time the moon hit the Earth in the Mediterranean Sea and then changed it's mind and broke free once again of Earth's gravity just enough to attain a stable orbit? Was that 1811 or 12,900 years ago?
And there are "man-made" structures under the impact crater ejecta in the Yucatan of what is conventionally believed to have occurred 66 million years ago - about 60 million years before "man" was even approaching our current genus and species categories?
I wouldn't say these fall under "knowledge"; which implies a grasp of certain facts. I'd say this is pretty fringe fantasy speculation.
As for your artifacts - I suggest you build an electrolysis bath or soak your iron pieces in diet Coke for a better idea of what they are. As for the rest - not really the right place to discuss.
again a misunderstanding. the horseshoe was from the 1811 event.
can knowledge be a treasure?
impact physics is currently badly flawed. the Moon has impacted the Earth on several occassion. This last impact shows up on the satellite views as every single geological structure surrounding the Mediterranean exhibits the effects. Study the design, just like a baseball hitting a windshield, the shatter effect is obvious.
The Moon was in very close orbit near the end of the Pleistocene and came in at low trajectory, releasing its plasma at the Black sea, and a glancing blow, scraping the Tethys ocean, which was an enormous inland sea, and lofting millions of tons of sedimentary limestone, along with all the water vapour, sea creatures, mountains, hills, valleys, civilizations and any animals and plants,... pushing and piling all this burnt matter and forming the Appalachian range, ripping the north American plate from the mantle, producing the Mariana trench and folding the entire thickness of a tectonic plate forming the Mississippi embayment, exhuming the Ozarks, Betic Cordilleras, rock of Gibraltar,... As the ejecta blanket fell it formed all the unusual structures, such as the Kasha-Katuwe tent rocks...
every single detail that I am presenting has been recorded within the geography of this planet and will only find explanation through these hypotheses...
When the Moon impacted it formed a self-made springboard when bending in the plate, this, along with electromagnetic repulsion, sent the Moon out to a more stable orbit, leaving a much better balanced planet. The Moon received little punishment, because it is the crystallized iron inner core from a once habitable planet in a now defunct solar system that was travelling in front of this one and whose star had went supernova...
There is no real stable orbit and the Moon is slowly retreating to Earth's magnetopause at a rate of more than an inch per year...
the man-made structures [pyramids and temples] were built on top of the Chicxulub crater at some point during the Pleistocene and were then covered by the ejecta blanket from when the Moon impacted 13kya
[obviously the structures could not have been there before the Chicxulub impact had occurred, whenever that was, as there is now evidence by Gerta keller and Princeton university that Chicxulub impact came much earlier and was not a big enough impact to create the destruction and form the planetary iridium layer currently being suggested. There are many craters as big and bigger...]
...and just recently dinosaurs have been discovered in China containing soft tissue and even feathers, proving they are not that old. [many already knew this over 25 years ago]
The rest of the dinosaurs died out 13kya because of this impact, as this not only caused mass-extinctions but also slowed the outer plates and mantle down in relation to the faster spinning inner core, increasing gravity, electromagnetism and the length of Earth's day [approx. 34 min.].
The megafauna and megaflora of the older dryas, where everything grew larger and lived longer is not able to grow as large with the extra gravity that now exists... [genetics that evolved during the Pleistocene have since become distorted and most the animals, such as the larger dinosaurs are not able to exist...]
[would it be so strange to understand that the most technologically advanced era in this planet's history, so far, was actually during the Pleistocene? ;-]
Understand that this information [not the Holocene impact event but the December 16, 1811 meteor impact] must be proven in order for this site and these rocks to be of value...