More Interesting New Findings From The Beale Ciphers

Most not much different from that Disney guy. The Mason crap is getting old!...
So do you have anything new to add to the enlightenment of the Beale story, or have you returned to make one liner put downs of others?

Again, how many would you like and what subject and/or suspects would you like them built around? :laughing7: You tell me what general nature you want and I'll get right on it for you.:icon_thumleft:

If someone had a decipherment it would be on the internet somewhere that they indeed did it. Here, there or yonder! Some are only after the gold and some only after the fame of being the only one to be able to correctly decipher the Beale Ciphers. The ones after the gold make up whatever they want the Ciphers to say just to run around with shovel's digging holes. The ones who's interest are pure decipherment will not let you see there deciphered work.

If someone had a decipherment it would be on the internet somewhere that they indeed did it. Here, there or yonder! Some are only after the gold and some only after the fame of being the only one to be able to correctly decipher the Beale Ciphers. The ones after the gold make up whatever they want the Ciphers to say just to run around with shovel's digging holes. The ones who's interest are pure decipherment will not let you see there deciphered work.

I have many such decipherments, both random and computer generated, have been afforded the opportunity to see many others over the years, I can easily create more effected by all manner of subject, they are not on the internet. Why, because they are all just simple creations with no real substance. If you go way back in these forums you will find post where I have even admitted that I created one using Disney characters...and I wasn't kidding. This is what I have been trying to relate to folks and it's also why I hold the positions that I do on the subject of the Beale ciphers. "They can be anything anyone wished them to be."

I have many such decipherments, both random and computer generated, have been afforded the opportunity to see many others over the years, I can easily create more effected by all manner of subject, they are not on the internet. Why, because they are all just simple creations with no real substance. If you go way back in these forums you will find post where I have even admitted that I created one using Disney characters...and I wasn't kidding. This is what I have been trying to relate to folks and it's also why I hold the positions that I do on the subject of the Beale ciphers. "They can be anything anyone wished them to be."

I am referring to people that have deciphered the ciphers. There are many who have attempted to do so. This is were we see our decipherments fall short. If someone used the book The Ticket as a key, then all that came from it was wasted time and paper this doesn't count as a decipherment just an attempt. With many attempts made, but few people actually to a point they can say they have accomplished it. There is a standard that shows us who has actually accomplished the work of decipherment. That would be the release of the key to the ciphers so others could verify the decipherment as realized.

I am referring to people that have deciphered the ciphers...
There is a standard that shows us who has actually accomplished the work of decipherment.
That would be the release of the key to the ciphers so others could verify the decipherment as realized.
With all the claims made on these threads, who have you placed your money on:
Tad 10

They all can't be right, but they all can be wrong. :thumbsup:

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To correct the record, I did not decipher anything. I was given information from Emma Jean Rose's research. It was her work that was the source for my endeavors. It did lead to significant local historical finds but no "treasure" as of now. But I have one last place left to dig.

Hopefully, whoever finds the treasure, that treasure will be accepted as the "real McCoy" and not disputed for the next century. We can all agree that any treasure found, whether it is Beale connected or not, is a good thing.

I am referring to people that have deciphered the ciphers. There are many who have attempted to do so. This is were we see our decipherments fall short. If someone used the book The Ticket as a key, then all that came from it was wasted time and paper this doesn't count as a decipherment just an attempt. With many attempts made, but few people actually to a point they can say they have accomplished it. There is a standard that shows us who has actually accomplished the work of decipherment. That would be the release of the key to the ciphers so others could verify the decipherment as realized.

Well, I don't know if you missed it or not, but I offered a couple of different times now to produce clear text for C1 containing any subject matter that this person desired. This is what folks just don't understand about the shear amount of code in the cipher and the complete unknowns in regards to actual contents, if anything at all. It is all of the unknowns that allow for no limits in the creative/manufacturing process which allows so "One can create a finished decipherment containing any subject matter he/she desires by many different processes." This is fact, a cold hard reality. Even a beginning cryptologist will readily confirm what I'm telling you. A finished decipherment means absolutely nothing, nothing at all. "Anyone can achieve it."

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To correct the record, I did not decipher anything. I was given information from Emma Jean Rose's research. It was her work that was the source for my endeavors. It did lead to significant local historical finds but no "treasure" as of now...
Emma Jean Rose wrote a novel based on the ciphers of Thomas Jefferson Beale, "MYSTERY BENEATH THE BANEBERRY BUSH".
Emma Jean H. Rose publishes new book ?Mystery Beneath the Baneberry Bush?

"Mystery Beneath The Baneberry Bush" is an interesting, intriguing, and thought-provoking mystery novel that will make readers re-think of the Beale ciphers mystery".
Another work of fiction used as proof of the original fictional Beale Papers of 1885.

Well, I don't know if you missed it or not, but I offered a couple of different times now to produce clear text for C1 containing any subject matter that this person desired. This is what folks just don't understand about the shear amount of code in the cipher and the complete unknowns in regards to actual contents, if anything at all. It is all of the unknowns that allow for no limits in the creative/manufacturing process which allows so "One can create a finished decipherment containing any subject matter he/she desires by many different processes." This is fact, a cold hard reality. Even a beginning cryptologist will readily confirm what I'm telling you. A finished decipherment means absolutely nothing, nothing at all. "Anyone can achieve it."

I would like to call your BLUFF. You produce a clear text? Yes? Well, I do not believe you can do it? First you must have a letter of the alphabet repeat every time on the same cipher. You can not do it. The only way it can be done is if you can decipher the encoded message one hundred percent accurate. Even the author did not achieve this with his decipherment of C2. So you perform the impossible let us see your "MIRACLE" at work. I do not mean to just put down a random worded message. Do it with a clear text message but you must have the same letter on the same cipher every time that cipher comes up. Put your hand on the table and let us see your cards. Only a voice blowing in the wind.

I would like to call your BLUFF. You produce a clear text? Yes? Well, I do not believe you can do it? First you must have a letter of the alphabet repeat every time on the same cipher. You can not do it. The only way it can be done is if you can decipher the encoded message one hundred percent accurate. Even the author did not achieve this with his decipherment of C2. So you perform the impossible let us see your "MIRACLE" at work. I do not mean to just put down a random worded message. Do it with a clear text message but you must have the same letter on the same cipher every time that cipher comes up. Put your hand on the table and let us see your cards. Only a voice blowing in the wind.

Now you're getting it Franklin, at least some of it. "To date nobody has produced a 100% grammatically correct cipher because it can't be done." Yes, you can create/manufacture all manner of cipher solution through substitution, etc., just as everyone has had to do and always will, including you, me, and anyone else. Now then, what has your post above just solidified that I have always stated? Do you get it now, see it now, understand why you can keep right on producing endless solves in any fashion you desire? You just pointed out why so surely you now understand the cold hard truth in regard to all of these previous claims of certain solves. You just posted "HOW YOU, AND EVERYONE ELSE HAS CREATED ALL THE PREVIOUS SOLUTIONS." Because you are 100% correct in holding fast that a 100% grammatically correct solution is "IMPOSSIBLE TO PRODUCE!" Thank you..:icon_thumleft:

Now you're getting it Franklin, at least some of it. "To date nobody has produced a 100% grammatically correct cipher because it can't be done." Yes, you can create/manufacture all manner of cipher solution through substitution, etc., just as everyone has had to do and always will, including you, me, and anyone else. Now then, what has your post above just solidified that I have always stated? Do you get it now, see it now, understand why you can keep right on producing endless solves in any fashion you desire? You just pointed out why so surely you now understand the cold hard truth in regard to all of these previous claims of certain solves. You just posted "HOW YOU, AND EVERYONE ELSE HAS CREATED ALL THE PREVIOUS SOLUTIONS." Because you are 100% correct in holding fast that a 100% grammatically correct solution is "IMPOSSIBLE TO PRODUCE!" Thank you..:icon_thumleft:

You can deny all you want to, I still say my decipherment is close to being absolutely correct. You prove that it is not. I did not just write down random words. The decipherment starts from the Tavern or Inn of Bufords and takes you all the way to the burial site. It took three and one half years night and day seven days a week to finish. I did not even go check it out until I had finished my work. The night I finished was the night Mel Fisher was on local television digging at Grahams Mill near 460 East. I took the decipherment to him and signed a contract. A contract which he was unable to full fill because of health reasons. It took another four years before I was able to get to the location where the treasure was buried according to what I had deciphered. And it was another two years before I dug. So as you can see it was over nine years before a dig on this site. Then we had to do it without landowner permission. The treasure may still be there? The job was never finished. So I still believe my decipherment is the correct one. No matter what you or anyone else gets on here and say it can not be done. I say anything is possible.

You can deny all you want to, I still say my decipherment is close to being absolutely correct. You prove that it is not. I did not just write down random words. The decipherment starts from the Tavern or Inn of Bufords and takes you all the way to the burial site. It took three and one half years night and day seven days a week to finish. I did not even go check it out until I had finished my work. The night I finished was the night Mel Fisher was on local television digging at Grahams Mill near 460 East. I took the decipherment to him and signed a contract. A contract which he was unable to full fill because of health reasons. It took another four years before I was able to get to the location where the treasure was buried according to what I had deciphered. And it was another two years before I dug. So as you can see it was over nine years before a dig on this site. Then we had to do it without landowner permission. The treasure may still be there? The job was never finished. So I still believe my decipherment is the correct one. No matter what you or anyone else gets on here and say it can not be done. I say anything is possible.

Nice work, Franklin.
I know you're wanting to share your experience which is the best part...even without the dig to fruition.

I would say nice work to you to legrand but I do not believe you are on to anything in PA.

Most are just pushing there books of fiction.
Which brings forth the question:
How much of the information posted as fact concerning the Beale perilous adventure story that is not mentioned in the Beale Papers come from these books of Beale fiction, some claiming to be based on 99% fact, others on found letters seen only by the author or based on the ciphers, but fiction nonetheless?

ECS brings up an interesting point. How much fiction has been brought in over the years of the Beale treasure searches? Reading through most of the ideas put forth by well meaning researchers, I see a lot of conjecture and fiction. As for Emma Jean Rose and her fictional books, she did base the book from her findings and researching of the Beale papers. Simply writing a book on what her research revealed would have been rather short and somewhat boring. So, as any good writer, she did "fill out" the book with fiction, thus its classification. But I can say there are three or four pages of the second book that is basically word for word of her findings. She has spent over 30 years of research on this. Her and her family has a dream of finding the treasure. At least they acted upon what she decoded and left their homes, entered the field and went to work. How many "researchers" on here can say they have actually dug for the Beale treasure?

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:laughing7:....Who's in denial? Not me as I accept the cold hard facts as they are and then try to work with them, not against them. So here you go, those cold hard facts you keep agreeing with and then return to denying them;

Below is the C1 cipher, a cipher that cannot produce a 100% grammatically correct clear text, the last 5 to 10% always resulting in the inevitable train wreck of incorrect alphabet placement in even the best of attempts. This is something that anyone with knowledge of this cipher readily accepts as fact these days.

So what generally happens is that the decoder starts making changes to the existing codes in this cipher and each time he does this he is, in reality, “writing new code” in place of “the original code.” So in essence he is manufacturing/creating new/replacement code to suit the clear text in progress. Hence my constant and persistent references to the manufacturing of solutions because that is really what is taking place. So instead of the original code producing a clear text what we end up with is “a new cipher in place of the original.” It doesn't matter if we change one code or several as any change at all results in the creating of a new cipher and the original C1 no longer exist. And when we do this, well, we no longer have a clear text for the original C1, but rather we have a clear text for the new cipher we have written to take place of C1. And since we have no clear direction from the original author of the code then our proposed solutions can't possibly be accurate as they were simply implemented by our own completely blind needs.

This same reality exist in the story itself, the minute we change the nature of the narration then the original narration no longer exist, that tale having been replaced with one of our own designs and purpose. This is something else we see quite often and in fact we're seeing that now in these very forums yet again, the nature of the original tale being replaced with something more convenient to the hopeful designs of the new creator's personal desires and agenda. These type of claims are almost always in connection with some complicated deciphering process “which requires the exact nature of the new tale that has been manufactured in place of the original to suit said agenda.”

The hard and cold bottom line here fellas is that the moment you make ANY change to the original codes or change the nature of the original story then “YOU HAVE MANUFACTURED NEW CODE AND/OR A NEW STORY TO SUIT A PERSONAL DESIRE AND/OR AGENDA.” PERIOD! This is why I have been telling you that I can create whatever you want me to create, because I can, just as everyone else has and still is........."ANYONE CAN DO IT, JUST AS THIS FACTUAL HISTORY CONTINUES TO DO SO." :laughing7::thumbsup:

71, 194, 38, 1701, 89, 76, 11, 83, 1629, 48, 94, 63, 132, 16, 111, 95, 84, 341, 975, 14, 40, 64, 27, 81, 139, 213, 63, 90, 1120, 8, 15, 3, 126, 2018, 40, 74, 758, 485, 604, 230, 436, 664, 582, 150, 251, 284, 308, 231, 124, 211, 486, 225, 401, 370, 11, 101, 305, 139, 189, 17, 33, 88, 208, 193, 145, 1, 94, 73, 416, 918, 263, 28, 500, 538, 356, 117, 136, 219, 27, 176, 130, 10, 460, 25, 485, 18, 436, 65, 84, 200, 283, 118, 320, 138, 36, 416, 280, 15, 71, 224, 961, 44, 16, 401, 39, 88, 61, 304, 12, 21, 24, 283, 134, 92, 63, 246, 486, 682, 7, 219, 184, 360, 780, 18, 64, 463, 474, 131, 160, 79, 73, 440, 95, 18, 64, 581, 34, 69, 128, 367, 460, 17, 81, 12, 103, 820, 62, 116, 97, 103, 862, 70, 60, 1317, 471, 540, 208, 121, 890, 346, 36, 150, 59, 568, 614, 13, 120, 63, 219, 812, 2160, 1780, 99, 35, 18, 21, 136, 872, 15, 28, 170, 88, 4, 30, 44, 112, 18, 147, 436, 195, 320, 37, 122, 113, 6, 140, 8, 120, 305, 42, 58, 461, 44, 106, 301, 13, 408, 680, 93, 86, 116, 530, 82, 568, 9, 102, 38, 416, 89, 71, 216, 728, 965, 818, 2, 38, 121, 195, 14, 326, 148, 234, 18, 55, 131, 234, 361, 824, 5, 81, 623, 48, 961, 19, 26, 33, 10, 1101, 365, 92, 88, 181, 275, 346, 201, 206, 86, 36, 219, 324, 829, 840, 64, 326, 19, 48, 122, 85, 216, 284, 919, 861, 326, 985, 233, 64, 68, 232, 431, 960, 50, 29, 81, 216, 321, 603, 14, 612, 81, 360, 36, 51, 62, 194, 78, 60, 200, 314, 676, 112, 4, 28, 18, 61, 136, 247, 819, 921, 1060, 464, 895, 10, 6, 66, 119, 38, 41, 49, 602, 423, 962, 302, 294, 875, 78, 14, 23, 111, 109, 62, 31, 501, 823, 216, 280, 34, 24, 150, 1000, 162, 286, 19, 21, 17, 340, 19, 242, 31, 86, 234, 140, 607, 115, 33, 191, 67, 104, 86, 52, 88, 16, 80, 121, 67, 95, 122, 216, 548, 96, 11, 201, 77, 364, 218, 65, 667, 890, 236, 154, 211, 10, 98, 34, 119, 56, 216, 119, 71, 218, 1164, 1496, 1817, 51, 39, 210, 36, 3, 19, 540, 232, 22, 141, 617, 84, 290, 80, 46, 207, 411, 150, 29, 38, 46, 172, 85, 194, 39, 261, 543, 897, 624, 18, 212, 416, 127, 931, 19, 4, 63, 96, 12, 101, 418, 16, 140, 230, 460, 538, 19, 27, 88, 612, 1431, 90, 716, 275, 74, 83, 11, 426, 89, 72, 84, 1300, 1706, 814, 221, 132, 40, 102, 34, 868, 975, 1101, 84, 16, 79, 23, 16, 81, 122, 324, 403, 912, 227, 936, 447, 55, 86, 34, 43, 212, 107, 96, 314, 264, 1065, 323, 428, 601, 203, 124, 95, 216, 814, 2906, 654, 820, 2, 301, 112, 176, 213, 71, 87, 96, 202, 35, 10, 2, 41, 17, 84, 221, 736, 820, 214, 11, 60, 760

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With all the claims made on these threads, who have you placed your money on:
Tad 10

They all can't be right, but they all can be wrong. :thumbsup:

And that's just the short list! :laughing7:

... How many "researchers" on here can say they have actually dug for the Beale treasure?
Justintime who was on that Josh Gates episode about the Beale Papers, and Franklin, but he also put out a Beale book classified as fiction based on 99% fact.

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