More Interesting New Findings From The Beale Ciphers

It would seem our old friend has been working with the C2 cipher for the last few weeks. He has made some interesting statements about the unknown author's decipherment of the Page know as 2.

Our friend states that the word iron only appears once in the cipher. The word Ton was used in the original decipherment and most likely should be TEN!
Packed in Ten pots! Not packed in iron pots!

If the professor is right this would be a historical find!

It would seem our old friend has been working with the C2 cipher for the last few weeks. He has made some interesting statements about the unknown author's decipherment of the Page know as 2.

Our friend states that the word iron only appears once in the cipher. The word Ton was used in the original decipherment and most likely should be TEN!
Packed in Ten pots! Not packed in iron pots!

If the professor is right this would be a historical find!

So let's just keep changing the original source materials, continue writing new code, etc., until we can get what we need to work? It's always the same form of things in all of these proposed certain solutions...alter, change, rewrites, etc., etc., until we can make things workout for us....:laughing7: Now "ton" is really "ten." :laughing7: Eight letters in "iron pots" only seven letters in "Ten pots." I can hardly wait to hear what to becomes of the missing letter/code?....:laughing7:

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It would seem our old friend has been working with the C2 cipher for the last few weeks. He has made some interesting statements about the unknown author's decipherment of the Page know as 2.

Our friend states that the word iron only appears once in the cipher. The word Ton was used in the original decipherment and most likely should be TEN!
Packed in Ten pots! Not packed in iron pots!

If the professor is right this would be a historical find!

Well guess what your professor is wrong so he does not have an historical find.

Code 2 says "Buried in iron pots with iron covers" The author has it almost completely correct except for two mistakes and this was a memory mistake of his trying to keep all of those ciphers in his mind and in their correct order.

2, 108,220,106,353,105,106,60,275,72,8,50,205,185,112,125,540,65,106,807,188,96,110 is the line saying,
"in iron post with iron covers"

The two mistakes the author made was the second cipher 108 should have been 10 and 8.
The other mistake was the 188 third from the end should have been 138. It is 100 percent accurate and it says "iron" two times not "ten" or "ton" So tell your professor to take up fishing.

Well guess what your professor is wrong so he does not have an historical find.

... So tell your professor to take up fishing.
...or , as Emma Jean Rose did, use Eliyahu Rips PhD, Torah "Bible codes" in Hebrew for a new and different cipher solution, or if he is into spiders, peruse the Red Knee Poe Enigma Project.
There are many keys out there than can provide a Beale cipher solution as there are ways to skin a cat.

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Well guess what your professor is wrong so he does not have an historical find.

Code 2 says "Buried in iron pots with iron covers" The author has it almost completely correct except for two mistakes and this was a memory mistake of his trying to keep all of those ciphers in his mind and in their correct order.

2, 108,220,106,353,105,106,60,275,72,8,50,205,185,112,125,540,65,106,807,188,96,110 is the line saying,
"in iron post with iron covers"

The two mistakes the author made was the second cipher 108 should have been 10 and 8.
The other mistake was the 188 third from the end should have been 138. It is 100 percent accurate and it says "iron" two times not "ten" or "ton" So tell your professor to take up fishing.

I see!

This is the direct decipherment. So you are changing the numbers to get what you want?

Looks like ( in 1 Ton Pots ). To me!

I see!

This is the direct decipherment. So you are changing the numbers to get what you want?

Looks like ( in 1 Ton Pots ). To me!

Looks are deceiving. I am not changing anything somethings you just have to understand. It is called understanding and figuring things out. You can do it your way but you must remember that the author made mistakes and the printers make mistakes. What I have given you is correct. 220 is an "R" where do you get a "T"


This is the direct decipherment. So you are changing the numbers to get what you want?

Looks like ( in 1 Ton Pots ). To me!
The Beale perilous adventure party must have all been supermen to lift those 2000lb pots.
...and where did the get those 1 ton pots?
"Everything necessary for our purposes and for the prosecution of the work had been obtained from Santa Fe"- THE BEALE PAPERS

The Beale perilous adventure party must have all been supermen to lift those 2000lb pots.
...and where did the get those 1 ton pots?
"Everything necessary for our purposes and for the prosecution of the work had been obtained from Santa Fe"- THE BEALE PAPERS

If you take an empty pot and put it in a vault or excavation and fill it with a measurement of gold. It would be possible to fill it with the amount needed!
A one ton pot is a size used in the late 1700's
5 ton
6 ton
And so on look it up it is interesting.

Looks are deceiving. I am not changing anything somethings you just have to understand. It is called understanding and figuring things out. You can do it your way but you must remember that the author made mistakes and the printers make mistakes. What I have given you is correct. 220 is an "R" where do you get a "T"
This is what I used!
Did you modify the one you used to get all you deciphering?
themselves(220) by(221) abolishing(222) the(223)

LOL! That was a good one! :laughing7:
This fast becoming the theatre of the absurd with all these conflicting "solved" cipher solutions..

They are working very-very hard to validate what they have even yet to establish as being real. Thoughts of fame and glorious treasure causes this human phenomenon, something I'm sure the author was fully aware of as he was penning his story. So far these hopefuls have rewritten the story, the ciphers, etc., etc. And now this latest confession, "iron pots" becomes "one ton pots."....:laughing7: And the best part, they can even tell you where the author made "his mistakes"......:laughing7:

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This is what I used!
Did you modify the one you used to get all you deciphering?
themselves(220) by(221) abolishing(222) the(223)

Go to Anglefire Beale Treasure of Ron Gervais for an exact copy of the Job Print Pamphlet and the numbering of the DOI is on page 17. right (220) themselves (221) by (222) abolishing (223) the (224) You are looking on the right side of (220) when you should be looking on the left.

There is one cipher in that line that proves the Beale Papers was fabricated by the author and that being (807)

On page 19 of the Job Print Pamphlet (807) is "valuable" and the letter "v" is used for the "v" in "covers" This proves that the author made up the whole story because if you go back to page 18 you will find the author numbered the words of the DOI and made a mistake numbering "480" two times thus throwing his count off by a count of ten. Every letter after 480 and upwards should have been off by a count of ten yet here is the author hitting (807) for the letter "v" when he should have gotten (797) to be written by Thomas J. Beale. Yet (797) is "these" which is a "t" and not the letter "v".

I will continue to research on the Beale Treasure but there is only a one percent chance of the Beale Treasure being an actual buried treasure. I know I have flip flopped back and forth but from now on the Beale Treasure is fiction and James Beverly Ward was the author of confusion for the money. Bigscoop and ECS you both are absolutely correct in believing the Beale Treasure is a HOAX a better word would be a JOKE ON ALL OF US FOR WASTING OUR TIME AND MONEY FOR AN ILLUSION.

No person, no computer, nothing at all can decipher C1 or C3. All you have to do is check out C2 and the author's decipherment and his final text to find out there is absolutely nothing to the story. JUST A DREAM OF THE BELIEVER.

Good day gentlemen.

I forgot to mention you have to go to PAGE 23 on the Angelfire Beale Treasure. Click on the Job Print Pamphlet link at the end of the paragraph. Then go to the pages listed above.

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Go to Anglefire Beale Treasure of Ron Gervais for an exact copy of the Job Print Pamphlet and the numbering of the DOI is on page 17. right (220) themselves (221) by (222) abolishing (223) the (224) You are looking on the right side of (220) when you should be looking on the left.

There is one cipher in that line that proves the Beale Papers was fabricated by the author and that being (807)

On page 19 of the Job Print Pamphlet (807) is "valuable" and the letter "v" is used for the "v" in "covers" This proves that the author made up the whole story because if you go back to page 18 you will find the author numbered the words of the DOI and made a mistake numbering "480" two times thus throwing his count off by a count of ten. Every letter after 480 and upwards should have been off by a count of ten yet here is the author hitting (807) for the letter "v" when he should have gotten (797) to be written by Thomas J. Beale. Yet (797) is "these" which is a "t" and not the letter "v".

I will continue to research on the Beale Treasure but there is only a one percent chance of the Beale Treasure being an actual buried treasure. I know I have flip flopped back and forth but from now on the Beale Treasure is fiction and James Beverly Ward was the author of confusion for the money. Bigscoop and ECS you both are absolutely correct in believing the Beale Treasure is a HOAX a better word would be a JOKE ON ALL OF US FOR WASTING OUR TIME AND MONEY FOR AN ILLUSION.

No person, no computer, nothing at all can decipher C1 or C3. All you have to do is check out C2 and the author's decipherment and his final text to find out there is absolutely nothing to the story. JUST A DREAM OF THE BELIEVER.

Good day gentlemen.

Franklin, now for a confession that might stir your interest a bit. In the past you have witnessed my constant pointing out of various facts that render the narration to be “fiction, deceptive, inaccurate, and completely penned by the unknown author, including the alleged letters.” However, I have always chosen my words carefully and I have never used the word, “Hoax.” Why? Because there is still one possibility left that, if the case, would leave some measure of truth in the tale. And it's because of all the factual evidence against the tale that this one remaining possibility still exist, so allow me to try to explain as this is the only area where ECS and I still have some divide. Now mind you, this possibility is still a very small possibility but since I have yet to be able to eliminate it then I still have to leave it on the table, so here goes;

What if the author really was looking for a missing piece of paper, one that he knew had to exist somewhere in the Bedford region but still completely unaware as to who might actually posses that vital piece of paper? If this were the case then how would this author expose enough detailed information to a completely unknown person through his narration without offering too much accurate and detailed information to the general public? Could he not write a similar tale, one that would surely draw the attention of the unknown paper holder, and might not this similar tale also have to include the ciphers and an example of how they might be used? All he would have to do is to alter each cipher enough that they could never be solved, thus the general public would forever remain in the dark, the holder of the vital missing piece of paper surely taking notice of the now closely relating details and ciphers in the narration? So in essence the narration could have been designed to attract the attention of only one unknown individual while still allowing for an entertaining and completely safe and unsolvable story to the general public.

It's a stretch, yes, but it would also explain “every deception and dependency in the entire narration.” It would also explain why Ward may have been used as a third party contact, this allowing Ward to screen any possible inquiries before forwarding any of them to the unknown author. Did it not ever strike you curious that the Thomas J. Beale of Richmond is the only such name of record during the entire period, this man being of the right age and in 1884, just one year prior to the publication, also living in/near the very city where the author claims the men were from, right down the road from Ward? And there's more, after doing a complete profile of every Jackson Ward alderman I could discover during the period they were all successful free men of color, another curious fact that lends itself very nicely to the narration's description of Thomas J. Beale as he might have appeared in 1817-1822?

Also curious is the fact that many of these aldermen had been enslaved before their free-man status, which begs the question as to who that man was who had lived in the Morriss home for a number of years without any remuneration at all? Many people assume this to mean that Morriss himself never received any pay for his kindness, however, the statement could just as easily mean that this unknown person had resided with Morriss without pay or earnings just as a slave would have existed.

Now all of this may sound far-fetched, however, what if the holder of that missing piece of paper had knowledge of all of this? Surely his fullest attention would be gained by the publication of that narration, the general public left completely in the dark as to the true nature and purpose of that entertaining narration. Just some food for thought as it is the only remaining possibility if any measure of truth exist in the Beale narration. And one last fact to consider, all of the main characters in the narration were close to I'm betting Thomas J. Beale was too.

Just keep in mind, that even if that vital Ward & the Richmond T. J. Beale connection can be made, this still leaves everyone with bogus/altered ciphers and a bogus key so no chance of a remedy to either without the the real ones and the vital missing paper the author referenced.

Naw there is no hope for this story. It is a DEAD END. End of story.

Go to Anglefire Beale Treasure of Ron Gervais for an exact copy of the Job Print Pamphlet and the numbering of the DOI is on page 17. right (220) themselves (221) by (222) abolishing (223) the (224) You are looking on the right side of (220) when you should be looking on the left.

There is one cipher in that line that proves the Beale Papers was fabricated by the author and that being (807)

On page 19 of the Job Print Pamphlet (807) is "valuable" and the letter "v" is used for the "v" in "covers" This proves that the author made up the whole story because if you go back to page 18 you will find the author numbered the words of the DOI and made a mistake numbering "480" two times thus throwing his count off by a count of ten. Every letter after 480 and upwards should have been off by a count of ten yet here is the author hitting (807) for the letter "v" when he should have gotten (797) to be written by Thomas J. Beale. Yet (797) is "these" which is a "t" and not the letter "v".

I will continue to research on the Beale Treasure but there is only a one percent chance of the Beale Treasure being an actual buried treasure. I know I have flip flopped back and forth but from now on the Beale Treasure is fiction and James Beverly Ward was the author of confusion for the money. Bigscoop and ECS you both are absolutely correct in believing the Beale Treasure is a HOAX a better word would be a JOKE ON ALL OF US FOR WASTING OUR TIME AND MONEY FOR AN ILLUSION.

No person, no computer, nothing at all can decipher C1 or C3. All you have to do is check out C2 and the author's decipherment and his final text to find out there is absolutely nothing to the story. JUST A DREAM OF THE BELIEVER.

Good day gentlemen.

I forgot to mention you have to go to PAGE 23 on the Angelfire Beale Treasure. Click on the Job Print Pamphlet link at the end of the paragraph. Then go to the pages listed above.

You are mistaken, but the Hart papers version has with the 10 and 8 separate. The anglefire is just a copy.

That is because the Hart Papers are the original copy of the cipher codes with only a few changes made by Clayton I. Hart. As for me being mistaken, NO.

"It is needless to say that I shall await with much anxiety the development of the mystery" THE BEALE PAPERS (closing sentence)

The development of this mystery has caused much anxiety for those who have attempted to either solve the ciphers or prove the story to be true. Neither endeavor has ever had a successful conclusion for those who should have "let the matter alone".
On these threads many theories and solutions have been presented concerning the Beale story, from the possible to the totally absurd, and when questioned, discussed, and debated, hackles ire raised cause the statements to become points of honor and all out arguments erupt.

If one's intention of posting information as "fact" expecting instant acceptance of claimed "fact" takes it as a personal affront when the information is questioned and insults the questioning poster, reveals much about that posters intentions and information, and in the words of the Beale Papers "unknown author","let the matter alone".

That is because the Hart Papers are the original copy of the cipher codes with only a few changes made by Clayton I. Hart. As for me being mistaken, NO.

If we look at the Hart Papers we must also look at the Declaration they used. At word 150-160 there is no A before new Government. Even in the Declaration I have from the 1830 the A is not there! This would be a problem with every word after the A if you were to keep using the corrupted version of this Declaration for your decipherment of just the Ciphers known as Page 2. There are over 30 words that would have errors in just the first 100 numbers you deciphered if this corrupted Declaration is used.

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