Missing Boaters- An Ongoing Saga of Bickering and Unsubstantiated Accusations

Re: Missing in the Bermuda Triangle- An Ongoing Saga

This is a sad situation. I am enjoying the ongoing saga. This mystery of what happened to them?? Thank you for keeping us posted here. If they got picked up by Bahamas authority, you think they could of made a phone call by now?? If they were victims of crime, then, we may never hear from them (shark chum, etc.). That would be very unfortunate for them. And that square item on the island? What's that? And where's the boat? etc.. ** or ** could they of tried to fix the boat (if there was a problem with it), and try to make their way to their original destination?? And not make it, and sunk and were lost at sea?? Or, if they did make it to their original destination, or a populated island, then they would be in contact with their people. hmmm? Scratching head, trying to figure out the mystery!! :icon_scratch:

Thanks for keeping us posted on new & updated info.

Re: Missing in the Bermuda Triangle- An Ongoing Saga

Sometimes these things happen when dealing with foreign governments. Nothing worse than being incarcerated in a foreign country. They should contact the Bahamas Embassy for help. Im thinking the Bahamas authorities got them. They were the first on the scene.

Re: Missing in the Bermuda Triangle- An Ongoing Saga

Rando said:
A few people have mentioned fire.

Fire isn't as easy as you would think, and also GOOD fuel may be at a premium. The trick is to be able to maintain a fire and KEEP it going with something that can produce smoke handy, so you can put it on the fire in the advent of rescuers in sight.
The vegetation may LOOK plentiful, but who knows how it will burn..
And then if you ARE successful, a lot of people are foiled when they actually DO get one started, and then realize that they didn't gather wood BEFOREHAND.

This is easier said than done.

Sure, a lot of us say they could make a fire in a pinch, but have you ever tried it?
I have, and it's a LOT of work compounded by luck.
Sometimes you get lucky in a hurry, but most of the time, you just get pissed off and discouraged.
And I have had a lot of formal training, and experience.

Combine that with fatigue, hunger and desperation, and you've got a near impossible situation.
I can start a fire in the swamp with wet wood and do it all the time but I dont rub sticks together. I use a cigarette lighter and dry palm fronds or Dade County Pine "lighter wood" to get it started, but I also keep a small magnifying glass and a magnesium fire starter. I should practice using a fire drill. Its not easy.

There first concern would be drinking water. The only way would be to collect rain water or morning condensation. We did have a huge rainstorm in the area.

Re: Missing in the Bermuda Triangle- An Ongoing Saga

They did survive long enough to be spotted. The Bahaman government was first on the scene. I think they got 'em.

"..speaking to the pilot himself its very clear that those two men were the guys we are missing. We are actually going to come out to the island and look around for things that were left behind and maybe we can recognize any signs of them. Richards brother & sister flew around the island on Saturday and Edwins family went out Friday, you can still see the partial S.O.S. which they took pictures of."

"We are just so confused, but still doing our best to reach out to many different contacts until we can get some answers."

quote ROXY

Re: Missing in the Bermuda Triangle- An Ongoing Saga

Thinking about making a fire, if you had strips of a car tire and burned that, it would give off black smoke & stay burning for awhile. At least that's what I've heard. And yes, with fatigue, exhaustion, the weather elements, bugs, and need for food and water, can wear a person out. Makes me think if I ever get out on a boat & get stuck on an island, to carry a months worth of supplies to survive!! It's easy to play armchair survivor though! lol.

As a truck driver, we are required to carry plenty of food and water to last us at least a couple weeks. You get tired of can food, but you can survive if you need to. This is only if our trucks get stuck in some insane snow storm somewhere, sometime. But we plan our trips and watch the weather closely. If we get stuck or breakdown, we have satellite help, and we try to be close to towns or cities for help. Plus we work hard to keep our trucks in good running condition. It can mean our survival if we don't keep up the maintenance.

I would like to find out if the Bahamas authority got them. Will wait and see.

I have also heard that there is some kind of setup to turn sea water into drinking water. Some kind of filter or something like that?? That would be a must have for anyone on a boat! A standard part of any survival kit.


Re: Missing in the Bermuda Triangle- An Ongoing Saga

I never go to the Everglades without enough supplies to survive a few days.

Heres some more quotes from Roxy:

"I truly hope they are sitting in Jail somewhere its kind of the only thing that makes since right now. Someone told me earlier in the post that has also left me thinking. What if they were hijacked for they’re boat and the people were some what nice enough to put them on a lost little island instead of feeding them to the sharks?

I don’t know there’s just so much, and again this is one of the little stories that can make since, because like you say there’s no way they would have made it out there without refueling, so im thinking someone must have had a boat, hijacked them, dropped them off, and next day after being spotted someone heard of the two men from Miami and have them detained.


So confused!"

Re: Missing in the Bermuda Triangle- An Ongoing Saga

I also thought about what if their boat sank nearby and they were only able to swim to the island. Then the authorities picked them up??

The mystery continues...


Re: Missing in the Bermuda Triangle- An Ongoing Saga

Im sorry I couldnt keep this thread updated because I was out of town. As far as I know they will have a sad Christmas. The family chartered a plane back to the island and found some items allegedly belonging to the missing men such as a wrapper from the brand gum he chewed. I will search for the updates. http://www1.wsvn.com/news/articles/local/MI139464/

Re: Missing in the Bermuda Triangle- An Ongoing Saga

Sometimes these things work out Ok !

Yes, I am being flippant.
Odds are these guys were on no "fishing trip", they were running drugs and I have no sympathy for them, at all.

Re: Missing in the Bermuda Triangle- An Ongoing Saga

Xraywolf said:
Sometimes these things work out Ok !


Yes, I am being flippant.
Odds are these guys were on no "fishing trip", they were running drugs and I have no sympathy for them, at all.
These men were not on a fishing trip. They were making the crossing to visit the parents on Christmas of one of the men who apparently is from Bimini.

Re: Missing in the Bermuda Triangle- An Ongoing Saga

bigcypresshunter said:
Xraywolf said:
Sometimes these things work out Ok !


Yes, I am being flippant.
Odds are these guys were on no "fishing trip", they were running drugs and I have no sympathy for them, at all.
These men were not on a fishing trip. They were making the crossing to visit the parents on Christmas of one of the men who apparently is from Bimini.

Quoted from [your] first post in this thread:

The Vessel departed Haulover Marina Saturday, Dec 12 for a day of fishing offshore Bimini however has not yet returned.

Re: Missing in the Bermuda Triangle- An Ongoing Saga

It wasnt my quote. It was a copy and paste news release. Sorry I should have clarified that. I always copy and paste in blue. But if you bothered to read past the first line you would have known they were visiting family. One man is Hispanic the other is Bahamian with family in Bimini.. I think they are American citizens because they have children here residing in Miami.

Re: Missing in the Bermuda Triangle- An Ongoing Saga

bigcypresshunter said:
It wasnt my quote. It was a copy and paste news release. Sorry I should have clarified that. I always copy and paste in blue. But if you bothered to read past the first line you would have known they were visiting family. One man is Hispanic the other is Bahamian with family in Bimini.. I think they are American citizens because they have children here residing in Miami.

Didn't think, and didn't say, it was your words.
Thats why I said "Quoted from [your] first post", which it was.
If it runs counter to what you think, then I guess you shouldn't have posted it.

You don't know their intention was to visit family.
I doubt if most guys running drugs say "Off to run some drugs, see ya in a few days!".

Re: Missing in the Bermuda Triangle- An Ongoing Saga

Xraywolf said:
bigcypresshunter said:
It wasnt my quote. It was a copy and paste news release. Sorry I should have clarified that. I always copy and paste in blue. But if you bothered to read past the first line you would have known they were visiting family. One man is Hispanic the other is Bahamian with family in Bimini.. I think they are American citizens because they have children here residing in Miami.

Didn't think, and didn't say, it was your words.
Thats why I said "Quoted from [your] first post", which it was.
If it runs counter to what you think, then I guess you shouldn't have posted it.

You don't know their intention was to visit family.
I doubt if most guys running drugs say "Off to run some drugs, see ya in a few days!".
Im starting to wonder about your comprehensive ability. I told you it wasnt my words. I repeat- it was a copy and paste news release and I dont regret posting it.. I was reporting the news when I got it and you need to read past the first paragraph to get the updates. Sometimes the news gets a little twisted when it first comes out. So far the boat has been reported as being 17 foot, 18, 24 and 30 foot long. Lots of rumors and confusion. It has been proven that one of the mens parents reside in Bimini and are now helping with the search. A family member said they have made the crossing in summers past, to visit family, but never in the winter. They may have brought fishing rods but the main purpose of the trip was to visit family on the holidays. There has been no mention of drugs. Their vehicle and boat trailer were found sitting at the boat ramp. I would think after several drug runs, they would have a bigger, faster boat, which they do not. However you are entitled to your opinion and at this point nobody knows what happened. You just came off a little cold with the Gilligans stuff.

Re: Missing in the Bermuda Triangle- An Ongoing Saga

Seems to me they May have been Rescued
by the wrong People.

Re: Missing in the Bermuda Triangle- An Ongoing Saga

I suppose it is possible to be drug related but at this point we dont know. Do drugs come from Bimini?

It seems like a hijacking but they didnt have anything valuable. Or did they?

Re: Missing in the Bermuda Triangle- An Ongoing Saga

I Don't think drug related,
But Personally I Believe Less then 1% of
all things suggesed to be
Drug related actually are.

I Think The words "Drug related"
Are just an Excuse used By People that
want to Blame all Bad things in Society
on them.

Possable Pirates of some type could
be involved Though. Many different types of Pirates
at sea.

Re: Missing in the Bermuda Triangle- An Ongoing Saga

I was originally thinking they were in jail for visa issues or something but they would have gotten a phone call by now. Now Im thinking sea pirates.

Heres an interesting update for those that are following this saga. This is the forum where Roxy (I think shes the mother)makes her posts. http://www.thehulltruth.com/boating...lover-bimini-12-dec-09-urgent-callout-25.html

This is a copy and paste in blue from the forum..
I was looking for footage from WSVN news online that I saw on TV. It had the family just getting off the plane in Ft Lauderdale and they were showing all the stuff they found on the island.

The cutting board was said to absolutly belong to the missing boat and they also had some articles of clothes that they tried to set on fire. They also said they could clearly see a spot under some bushes where the missing men were trying to hide from the sun.

Thats a LOT of evidense to be found to still say the men were never on the island. If this was an attempt to make themselves dissapear there would be no reason to plant that stuff on the island. Much easier to just be "lost at sea".

Now....the stuff on the island would have you believe that the boat was actually at the island or at least close enough to the island that you could swim with the stuff. And for that boat to make it to Great Harbor it would HAVE to have fueled up in Bimini. If that were the case someone at one of the three fuel docks should remember that. Unless.....they pulled up to one of the houses on South Bimini and someone had some gas waiting.

This is a puzzle for sure. I believe these guys actually made it to Bimini in that little boat in those rough seas. But I also think they had other intentions other than fishing or they met up with some foul play.

The missing pieces to the puzzle are...

1) Where is the boat? It should have been spotted by someone by now weather it was floating offshore or capsized. By now it would have been spotted.

2) How did they end up in great Harbor when their destination was Bimini? Thats a 100 mile detour.

I think its possible that they met up with someone in Bimini and boarded another boat and took some stuff with them. Their boat could still be in Bimini. I would get on a golf cart and drive the islands looking for the boat, also cruise the few canals they have looking for it.

Finding the boat would answer a lot of questions.

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