Crosse amigo what have ye got against our Mongol friends?

Heck look at their history, they built an empire of
over 12 million square miles (over three times the size of the entire USA and larger than Russia) including most of China and Russia (how many nations can claim to have conquered both of those countries) and established peace over a vast area. In fact it was so safe and peaceful across the entire Mongol empire, that people could travel the whole of it in safety, which is how Marco Polo was able to go from Europe to eastern Asia in perfect safety. Their amazing horse-mail service was a model for our Pony Express system, and the great Kublai Khan is often credited with inventing (or at least first to widely promote) the use of paper currency, directly backed by silver and gold of the Khan, which was far more convenient for trade and carrying money. People traveled thousands of miles to visit the capital of Karakorum, the hub of the ancient Silk Road network, which was described in glowing terms by those who returned from it.
War with the Mongols of course was a terrible thing, but in many cases the wars were begun by neighboring countries (check out the example with the Mongols versus the empire of Kwaresm, spelled also with a Qu and other variant ways) much to their own sorrow. Amazingly the Mongols were
extremely tolerant of ALL religions including Christianity, and some negotiations were even made between the Pope and the Khan to form an alliance against the expanding Muslim empire at the time.
Besides, as Real de Tayopa put it,
some of those oriental chics are BEAUTIFUL!
Please do continue,