Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

She was and is.
I back tracked and found that I need to catch up from at the least 2013.

Sharp as a tack. Great research every place I looked.


She was and is.
I back tracked and found that I need to catch up from at the least 2013.

Sharp as a tack. Great research every place I looked.


Yeah, I keep poking around on TNet, and every where I go, I find the tracks of certain people. I can't see how I'll ever catch up on all of the stories, even just the ones in my area of interest. However, I always look out for Oro, Don Jose, Amy, Crow, Kanacki, Old Bookaroo, Gollum, Mikel, and several others too numerous to mention (my apologies to anyone I may have left out, as I said they were too numerous to mention). Great stories, terrific research....I just can't compete.


shortfinger:coffee2:I will let you slide this time, wake up have a :coffee2:np:cat:

Yeah, I keep poking around on TNet, and every where I go, I find the tracks of certain people. I can't see how I'll ever catch up on all of the stories, even just the ones in my area of interest. However, I always look out for Oro, Don Jose, Amy, Crow, Kanacki, Old Bookaroo, Gollum, Mikel, and several others too numerous to mention (my apologies to anyone I may have left out, as I said they were too numerous to mention). Great stories, terrific research....I just can't compete.



I am waiting to hear (read) some of your experiences amigo! :thumbsup:


I just got back from another short absence, and have finally caught up with all the posts that interest me most. It was a pleasant surprise to see Amy posting again. Yes she is quite a Lady, sure wish we had more researchers like her. I am sure she is also a reflection of the unholy trio's abilities to burn the midnight oil. Congratulations on your marriage girl!

Don Jose, I am sorry to hear what happened to you, but am glad to hear that you have managed to get yourself back to 90 percent just by shear will power. Maybe you can apply that same will power to your book? So mule sweat, or horse sweat makes you smell like a stud Compadre? :icon_scratch:

Shortfinger, all stories are unique, it's always nice to find new posts. I have never swam with a large snake like my Compadre, but I pulled a snake from under the fridge a few days ago.:laughing7:


Welcome back, Homar. I didn't do any swimming with giant snakes either, and I haven't had one under the fridge either (yet, knock on wood). However, about a week ago, the wife opened the front door to find a rattlesnake stretched out across the threshold. Of course, she slammed the door, then opened it up screamed for me and slammed the door again, two or three times before i got there. meanwhile, the dogs were wondering what was going on and were running up and down the front steps. I don't think they even saw the snake. it's a miracle that one of them didn't get bit. I think the poor snake was so confused he didn't know what to do or where to look.....



Short finger, hope ya didn't kill it ???? poor confused snake. :dontknow: :coffee2::coffee2:.

Unfortunately, the snake is now deceased. :unhappysmiley: I did give it a proper burial, however. Usually, I let them go or relocate them, depending on where they are when I find them, but this one was particularly persistent or maybe stupid.....This is only the second one i killed. The first one was sitting on top of the beer cooler catching bugs that were attracted to the lantern, and that was over 30 years ago....



Think of all of those rats and meeces that will now reproduce and chomp away on your property !

Oh well sigh, have some coffee :coffee2::coffee2:

Well, I have owls, hawks, and non-poisonous snakes to take care of those. They are pretty effective. However, I do wish they were better at getting rid of the ground squirrels. I'll second the coffee motion, and raise you a beer.



SF,. I forgot that you are in the country where the Owls, Hawks, and other critters play. You are a gentleeman for spreading the food supply around by eliminating some undesirable hungry mouths.

Snakes and snakes ... Not long after hitting the TX shores (and being quite ignorant of snakes, to me - at that time - a dead snake was a good snake) - my wife and I was sitting with the front door open - one of these balmy, southern evenings - and she suddenly starts screaming "There's a snake trying to get behind the bookcase". Right enough - there it was. I ran into the garage and got out my trusty 7-iron and managed to sueeze its tail against the skirting just as it was about to disappear behind the bookcase (one of these heavy, floor-to-ceiling bookcases). Being kinda squeezed like that - the snake let go of its offal (or poop if you like!) - and gawd, what a terrible smell!! :-( It took me a week before I had the carpet (oh yeah, white/beige carpet!) sufficiently cleaned. But that stink is the worst I've ever experienced - would put even a skunk to shame!! Shouted to the li'l woman to get my machete and managed to get said snake out the door where it was beheaded. I realized later it was just a rat-snake, so quite a useful beast to have around, though preferably not indoors!

I have later been told the all venomous snakes in TX have slit pupils while the non-venomous have round pupils - so from now on its easy ... just look in its eye!! *chuckles*

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Snakes and snakes ... Not long after hitting the TX shores (and being quite ignorant of snakes, to me - at that time - a dead snake was a good snake) - my wife and I was sitting with the front door open - one of these balmy, southern evenings - and she suddenly starts screaming "There's a snake trying to get behind the bookcase". Right enough - there it was. I ran into the garage and got out my trusty 7-iron and managed to sueeze its tail against the skirting just as it was about to disappear behind the bookcase (one of these heavy, floor-to-ceiling bookcases). Being kinda squeezed like that - the snake let go of its offal (or poop if you like!) - and gawd, what a terrible smell!! :-( It took me a week before I had the carpet (oh yeah, white/beige carpet!) sufficiently cleaned. But that stink is the worst I've ever experienced - would put even a skunk to shame!! Shouted to the li'l woman to get my machete and managed to get said snake out the door where it was beheaded. I realized later it was just a rat-snake, so quite a useful beast to have around, though preferably not indoors!

I have later been told the all venomous snakes in TX have slit pupils while the non-venomous have round pupils - so from now on its easy ... just look in its eye!! *chuckles*

Time for a "mirror" check and see who among us have that venomous slit pupil ???
Hey Don Jose, amigo, I found another saying which sounds like it was made for you"
" You Know You Have Had Too Much Coffee When...
Your life's goal is to "amount to a hill of beans".

nah simon, I wanna be a billionare, but the chances are so slim as to be zero, sigh.:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7: Guess that I'll take you up on your hill of beans coffee offer :coffee2:

Loke, are oro's eyes slits or round ???

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