Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Hi Crow. I remember my time on the new Hebrides, Efate was a nice quiet town. As for the outlying ils, there are many, some no more than coconut plantations. It will be rough for them.

Aye just one of the many a port of call for tropical tramps. One of the most beautiful laid back places in the Pacific. It will take time for the country to get back on their feet again.



Here is some pictures of Vanuatu

The Diving there is awesone!


The island group has a few activing volcanos that add a night time display on some islands.

105370792 s.webp

Snorkling is visual delight to the eyes.


The blue hole has to be one of best swimming spots I have seen.


At night the active volcano that is constantly erupting puts a display for toursts in a free fireworks display.


The island group is riddled with beautiful waterfalls

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Yep the island group is delight to the senses underwater in sea and in the rivers so crystal clear.

coral gardens.webp

To parts of the tropical islands that like the Sahara desert.


To crystal clear river of iridescent blue.


The Blue hole is awesome swimming hole


To strange tree houses with Hippy characters living native with nature.


Age old customs that inspired Modern Bungee Jumping.


Just some of the awesome sites of the Cannibal seas.


Some amazing tropical beaches to discover.

beach-lonnoc s.webp

I hope these islands recover as soon as possible.


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I have been to Vanuatu and it is beautiful! Hope for a quick recovery on the islands.

Vindicated. When I mentioned that we had the red haired giants down here it was suggested that I had been using Peyote.

Huge skeleton' discovered in Bulgaria's Varna Posted by TANN ArchaeoHeritage, Archaeology, Breakingnews, Bulgaria, Europe, Southern Europe 7:00 PM Archaeologists have found what they describe as the remains of "a huge skeleton" in the Black Sea city of Varna's downtown area. Initial reports suggest the man lived late in the 4th or early in the 5th century AD. 'Huge skeleton' discovered in Bulgaria's Varna Most of the upper body part of the skeleton found in Varna was lying under the newly discovered fortress wall of ancient Odessos [Credit: BGNES] It is "easy" to see that the size of bones is "impressive" and that they belonged to "a very tall man", Valeri Yotov, who is part of the team carrying out excavations there, is reported as telling local news websites. Yotov, however, has stopped short of giving details. The skeleton was stumbled upon in the area of the wall of the ancient city of Odesos. Yotov suggests the man might have died during while working or during a ceremony held near the walls. His posture, with hands laid on his waist and his body pointing to the east (head) and west (feet) is a clear indication for archaeologists he was buried. Reconstruction works are being carried out in the central area of Varna, Bulgaria's third-largest city dubbed the "Black Sea capital". Last week, the Varna archaeologists found remains of the Odessos fortress wall, fragments of another earthen jar and a hand mill from late Antiquity.

Read more at: The Archaeology News Network: 'Huge skeleton' discovered in Bulgaria's Varna

Senor Don Jose………perhaps it was the peyote cafe supplement?

There are isolated reports of red haired giants, and skeletons of same from around the world………..just one more thing that does not fit into the conventional narrative of history and as such will be attacked…….hint, debate topics on their merit and or truth and not resort to calling names because it is not PC or deviates from the conventional story vomited forth by those who control us.
Surely our black feathered one must have come across stories of giants, skeletons and the like in the course of his research? Perhaps he could squawk a few words on this……..and he does not have any peyote supplement.
Vaya con Dios

Senor Don Jose………perhaps it was the peyote cafe supplement?

There are isolated reports of red haired giants, and skeletons of same from around the world………..just one more thing that does not fit into the conventional narrative of history and as such will be attacked…….hint, debate topics on their merit and or truth and not resort to calling names because it is not PC or deviates from the conventional story vomited forth by those who control us.
Surely our black feathered one must have come across stories of giants, skeletons and the like in the course of his research? Perhaps he could squawk a few words on this……..and he does not have any peyote supplement.
Vaya con Dios[/QUOTE

Indeed I have but I have no conclusive thoughts on the matter. While I enjoyed the stories of discoveries and alleged discoveries giants. One has to put them in the catagory of other mysteries of the world. While all terribly interesting in their own right. Like treasure legends some will have merit, others do not. They like treasure legends are open to exploitation by driven agendas, hoaxes and all manner sensationalism. Sadly the truth is somewhat some where between the two point of extremes.

As you can see below how easy today images can be Photoshopped. The original picture was a dig for a dinosaur. A project in united, states in one of universities was to change the context of the image. see next picture.

excavation.webp 3-Paradise-land-of-PreLunar-Hypernorean-Giants-4-C.webp

Still there is websites still claiming the picture was real.

However does that mean giants never existed? No not in the context of imagination some one of that size in the above photographs. Giants a more realistic size did and still exist. Is it a race? I suspect it is more a genetic mutation that can be found right through out the world through history and even today. As the pictures show below.

63f0b0e9b6582e617a41fefff38d52c2[3].webp 226908_f520.webp giant chinese.webp giant-mound-builder.webp giant chinese.webp giant humans-iroquois-indians-New York.webp ov51452a59.webp human-giants.webp tallest native american indian.webp sddefault.webp Machnow-giant.webp

Little wonder when bones of people of exceptional height were discovered especially in dry areas where the body dries and semi mummified with remains of hair blond, black or brown as the hair drys out it loses its color and turns reddish brown. I have seen hundreds of mummies in deserts of Peru. All hair turn red to reddish brown over time. little wonder its it not that the belief that some race of red heads are running around?


Regarding the red haired giants here in north western Mexico, I have seen evidence personally, they do/did exist. also the diminutive people.

My first contact was about 1955 when I had walked to Chinapas in Southern Chihuahua from Alamos in Sonora, some 55 miles over a mountain range.. I was treated as the guest of honor in Chinapas since they had had no foreign visitors for some years, as a result they opened up their store of stories, from lost treasures to legends. Later the same thing happened while I was living with the Yaqui's. I seem to have a report with the natives, a confidence that I have worked hard to never betray.

The first reference to the giants came when one of the local Indians, knowing of my interest in History etc , took me to see the Cave with the inscriptions., "The Painted Cave'.

We left early one morning afoot and climbed steadily for hours until we finally reached a large sloughed off part of the cliff, almost at the crest. It was perhaps 25-30 ft high and 60- 70 ft long. It was literally covered with drawings with iron oxide making a reddish paint.

It actually ran from left to right starting at the top and working it's way down. They must have erected some form of scaffolding to work the upper parts. I questioned my guide as to who had done this, he merely shrugged and said "The old ones".

Whoever had done it had duplicated life size the foot prints of every living creature of the region. There were human foot prints, deer, mice, etc. . but what impressed me most was the print of a human foot, perhaps 20 - 24 " long in perfect detail. I asked him why were they soo big, he replied "that was their size".

When we returned to Chinipas, I commenced to question different people about these giant foot prints. One gentleman told me that the last one had been killed about 1900. His father had killed him when he encountered the giant on his land. I asked him "Why"?, he merely shrugged and said "it seemed right at the time.". sheesh.

later, back in Alamos, a schoolteacher in Camotes, a small village nearby, sent for Me to go see the skull of a giant. Naturally I went. He had the skull on top of a table in his dinning room, along with a femur. Frankly I do not remember the exact details now, but it was approximately 1/3 + larger than a normal human skull. The femur was about the same in length. Crude estimates would place this giant at around 9-10 tall.the skull was still covered with wisps of reddish hair.

He told me that it had come from the giants' burial caves in the nearby "Cerro de La Campana", the bell hill. It lay approx, a days ride by mule north east in view. but he couldn't go just then. Before we managed to get together he was transferred to Mexico city.

I have always intended to go investigate, but something always took precedence. sniff.

Up at Tayopa one of the local; Indians found a sealed cave. He opened it with expectations of having found a treasure site, but only found two giants wrapped in woven cloth. He was so disgusted that he threw them down the face of the diff. I told him to go retrieve them and that I would pay him good money for them. However, when he went, he could not find them. i told him that he had probably destroyed a true treasure in both $ and history He has since passed the word around to take care of any future finds and report them to me...

I also had contact with the small people, which i will talk about tomorrow..

Real,Amigo.:coffee2: speaking of giants, how about the ten foot red headed giants of lovelock cave at lovelock Nevada. great find, great story. np:cat:
plus did you ever check out Cynthia Irwin- Williams geologist , and especially early man at Hueyatlaco, an archeological site at Valsequillo basin, near puebla Mexico. np:cat:

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NP :coffee2: :coffee2:, The colony that I remarked on, used th cerro de La Campana as their burial cave

The little onse were encountered on the Gloria Pan search They were on top of the Mesa, a difficult climb.

The ruins of their casas were still fairly intact when I was last there. A normal sized man could place his arm on top
of the roofs.

This is also where i encountered the giant aquatic serpent while swimming across the rio fuerte. I never swam nude after that . :laughing7:

Senor Don Jose, it appears you are well adjusted to latino life as the story coming "mañana" is truly according to the latino "mañana", now approaching 3 days……..
Consider including what you write, as part of your book………

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Talking about 'mañana' ... Don Jose, may I (dis)respectfully inquire about your current page-count??

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