Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

WE have the pleasure of scorpions here, among other critters……..best to hunt him down and eliminate the pest.
Vaya con Dios mi amigo

Are you referring to the waterfalls ? no.

Hola Don Jose no waterfalls at this site as this is another site. When you was in Solomon islands did you ever visit Malaita the Suafa bay in the North of Malaita? Got another treasure story for you. Very few people understand the Islands and her secrets. There is many treasures to be found in Solomon Islands that very few if any really know about. If fact I would be surprised even if there is a metal detector in the entire country.

Join me for coffee? :coffee2:


Senor Kanacki, there are many of us waiting for some coffee with Señores Crows y Don Jose supplement (just a little coffee).

Hello All

Back for a short visit. Kanacker good to catch up with ye again ya old pirate. Is the old love tub still holding together? Better scrub her up she may be needed for another voyage later in year.


Ah Crow when are you going back to the Crowsnest? I have to slip anchor tomorrow and sail to Micronesia. Your lady love and son are waiting for you.


Crow. She passed her inspection very well. Just few small things. The only problems Starboard aft bilge pump leaks. Forward Hatch cover had to be replaced. That arrived today. Anyway small things not enough to delay her. looking forward to catching up with you again in July, if not July November good hunting my friend.

I just got an weather up date that a cyclone in forming in coral Sea, I need to be in open sea by Thursday and need to be clear of the great barrier reef to run out storm out to sea.. You can feel one brewing. Better hope your flight has not been cancelled by Friday.


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Don Kanacki, would love to join you for coffee. No, my experiences on Malaita were very limited, does that mean that I didn't earn my coffee ?

Don Jose I think you have more than earned your coffee. :coffee2:

Times move so fast my friend. The weather hastens my departure for open sea. To morrow on the tide I shall sail. so I have to brief.

The Solomon's as you know holds a few secrets that few know of. There is 6 lost Spanish settlements in the Solomon's. Plus the fate of 180 colonists on the ship Santa Isabel is not known. But the story I have from Malaita in 1850's is of a shipwreck sailor from whaler who was a carpenter cooper by trade was washed up on Malaita. The sailor was spared from being the Mary KI KAI. And was adopted by the local chief who was waring with other chiefs in the northern part of Malaita. Eventually the sailor became chief and for 8 or so years was picked up by another ship. And was unable to return.

During his time there he amassed a fortune in pearl shell , pearls and gold nuggets from two rivers that runs into the bay. In 1884 he persuaded a merchant backer in Sydney to fund pearl gathering expedition with a schooner to christmas island. However it was not his intention as he planned to hijack the ship and sail to Malaita. The sailed Vanuatu and in heated moment shot and killed the skipper. The gunshot was heard by a British navy vessel nearby in harbor. HMS Lizard. Officers came over to the schooner and investigated and arrested the sailor for murder and pieced together the story. They found maps of Northern Malaitia and a penciled in marker at a small island in the bay.

However no follow up investigation was ordered and the sailor was shipped to Fiji and tried for Murder where he was executed by Hanging. His body is still buried in Suva to this day. In the 1890s the story eventually broke in some newspapers telling of the strange story. To this day no one is sure that this alleged treasure was ever recovered. In one of my voyages around the island a few years ago I found the small island. However the island has a land owner who live on this small island is hermit and does not trust outsiders and will not let anyone land on his tiny island. He is just a simple fisherman. Some where on this Tiny island a fortune in pearls and gold nuggets.

Still today gold can be sifted from the rivers with a good gold dredge. The Solomon's indeed my friend Just like Tayopa has many secrets that few know about. And just a few of the many such yarns of the old roving vagabond tropical tramps who know of the Pacific.

So with that I bid you all farewell for now as I get ready to weigh anchor, until next time.

Cheers Kanacki





Senor Kanacki, buen viaje, safe travels and please visit us on TN when you can.
Vaya con Dios

Senor Crow…….you have other obligations besides you youngest crow and wife………you have your family here on TN to keep amused.

Senor Don Jose……..any updates on Tayopa…….

Safe travels Kanacki. Many more years of health, happiness, and prosperity to you & yours. Salud!

Where ya been?! We've all been looking forward to you spinning more of those wonderful yarns you always send our way!

All the best to all of you!

Enjoy your vacation Ed.

Don Jose I think you have more than earned your coffee. :coffee2:

Times move so fast my friend. The weather hastens my departure for open sea. To morrow on the tide I shall sail. so I have to brief.

The Solomon's as you know holds a few secrets that few know of. There is 6 lost Spanish settlements in the Solomon's. Plus the fate of 180 colonists on the ship Santa Isabel is not known. But the story I have from Malaita in 1850's is of a shipwreck sailor from whaler who was a carpenter cooper by trade was washed up on Malaita. The sailor was spared from being the Mary KI KAI. And was adopted by the local chief who was waring with other chiefs in the northern part of Malaita. Eventually the sailor became chief and for 8 or so years was picked up by another ship. And was unable to return.

During his time there he amassed a fortune in pearl shell , pearls and gold nuggets from two rivers that runs into the bay. In 1884 he persuaded a merchant backer in Sydney to fund pearl gathering expedition with a schooner to christmas island. However it was not his intention as he planned to hijack the ship and sail to Malaita. The sailed Vanuatu and in heated moment shot and killed the skipper. The gunshot was heard by a British navy vessel nearby in harbor. HMS Lizard. Officers came over to the schooner and investigated and arrested the sailor for murder and pieced together the story. They found maps of Northern Malaitia and a penciled in marker at a small island in the bay.

However no follow up investigation was ordered and the sailor was shipped to Fiji and tried for Murder where he was executed by Hanging. His body is still buried in Suva to this day. In the 1890s the story eventually broke in some newspapers telling of the strange story. To this day no one is sure that this alleged treasure was ever recovered. In one of my voyages around the island a few years ago I found the small island. However the island has a land owner who live on this small island is hermit and does not trust outsiders and will not let anyone land on his tiny island. He is just a simple fisherman. Some where on this Tiny island a fortune in pearls and gold nuggets.

Still today gold can be sifted from the rivers with a good gold dredge. The Solomon's indeed my friend Just like Tayopa has many secrets that few know about. And just a few of the many such yarns of the old roving vagabond tropical tramps who know of the Pacific.

So with that I bid you all farewell for now as I get ready to weigh anchor, until next time.

Cheers Kanacki

Safe voyage my friend. And may the winds of fate blow you back to my door.

Kanacki is free as a bird to roam to oceans, which seldom seen these days. However even birds are all slaves to whims of the weather. He has to out run two Cyclones. One of North Queensland Australia with the winds to push him south east for a week or so. And another off, north East of New Caledonia then riding the back of that massive hurricane forming in the Pacific dragging him up in the Northern Hemisphere then tack the fickle winds to Miconesia.

Once ya sailed on the Drumbeat ya Kind get a soft spot for the old love tub. Knowing every creak and every groan like if shes living breathing enity. But I can be rest assured my friends she is good hands as its Kanackis little Baby.


Senor Kanacki, buen viaje, safe travels and please visit us on TN when you can.
Vaya con Dios

Senor Crow…….you have other obligations besides you youngest crow and wife………you have your family here on TN to keep amused.

Senor Don Jose……..any updates on Tayopa…….

Hello Doc, indeed but I beg for your patience. I am up for some sweet sweet loving from my beautiful ocean princess. And quality time for my little pirate. So my friend be patient as this old pirate is trying to be good these days.


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