Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Hey Real Tayopa, I'm back, after nearly 14 months between the hospital and rehab. I see you've still not harvested Tayopa. good Luck. rockhound

Not to speak for my pard Real de Tayopa but it is great to see you are back and posting again! Glad to hear your bout with the hospital and rehab worked out the good way.

Please do continue, coffee anyone? Sock coffee for the hard cases of course! :tongue3:

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:

time for a little rant on environmental activists?
in my youth I was a supporter of the Sierra Club, being from Calif. and that stuff
but I found that their goals were not as stated, they wanted to exclude all but their members - walking
and subgroups within them were most interested in eco-terrorism
but their utter failure was to admit and accept the fact that people do pollute and more people pollute more
one can, and should, educate to pollute less which seems to merge into consume less, hardly good for the poor

it follows that to pollute less the number of people could be limited, and many popular parks do so
do environmentalists have fewer children?
even if we have a lesser impact per individual, the number of people is ever greater
the principality of consumerism, the USA, has inspired the world to add glitz to their existence
so we have rising populations AND standards of living, supported by every government
competition for resources is via economics, (unless Syrian oil which is simply stolen)

so who are the environmentalists opposed to?
big business/any business really, bikers and 4 wheelers, roads and dams, houses outside the fence
but it will always be a rear-guard action against the rising tide of the population

why do environmentalists not advocate for worldwide involuntary birth control?
or say national population limits, enforced as that government chooses to do so
perhaps an impartial UPC could adminster this? (hostile aliens)

Gidday Bill good point Birth control is so much of a dirty word in politics not even environmentalist do not want to touch it. Around the world is global population growth is the key driving strain on natural resources.No one has any idea in address the issues.

China in their defense tried with a one child policy the problem was the mentality couples only wanted boys and thus today there is a disproportionate male gender imbalance in china. India failed miserably in birth control because parents relied on children to support them in old age. And the hope is at least some of your children is alive to look after you in old age.

Most successful modern economic countries tend to have less children. Some countries the population is in decline. The baby boomer generation population are coming to an end. Japan Italy Australia. The mean average age of population of Australia is in their fifties. If it was not for emigration populations would befalling in some developed countries however this is offset by immigration. But not without its problems. Other countries are totally out of control population wise and poverty is wide spread.

Another thing we have become from our economic success become in general a very wasteful throw away society gobbling up natural resources way beyond our needs. Our OWN worst enemies but most environmentalist concentrate on what is trendy.

Since whales have been protected the last 40 years whales have skyrocketed in population. Yet whales eat millions tons of krill that other fish eat. Since the population growth of whales have increased so has the consumption of Kill an important food source for fish populations. While it is true demand by human population growth has put pressure on fisheries environmentalist overlook the growth of whales as a contributing factor also? Why because its not trendy.

Population is a driver for demand on natural resources. The rise of mega cities are creating temperature rise in urban areas and strain on the environment.


I dont think many powers are going to respect many environmental restrictions in the coming years when it comes to important minerals for their industries...it probably may hugely depend on who will be at the white house next year,,,, but even China is not that committed to many international agreements and if it sees the US not respecting many of the restrictions it will be emboldened as well ... The same is true to Russia and many rising economies like India ,Brazil etc. Particularly within the next five to ten years I foresee a scramble for the minerals of Antarctica,,,whatever treaty there has been concerning that continent, the various powers I mentioned wont be deterred anymore ,,,some countries have some claims on the peripheries of the continent and there were some land disputes as well...the well known one being between Chile and UK,,The dispute at one point was so hot that the Chileans flew some pregnant women to the continent to bear babies there and hence to claim there are Chilean "citizens" of the continent already :laughing7:8-)...in any case many powers like Russia and China probably may not have been represented in the initial low scale land grab or dispute at the periphery of the continent..,hence they (as well as the USA) may assert thier power by moving and claiming deeper territories despite the international treaties to only use the areas for scientific studies etc... the increasing melting of ice showing mineral rich bare lands is making this possibility very real by the day. Hence this decade may see a new fight and rush for minerals in the once frozen Antarctica...gone would be the days when only scientific bases at the periphery were allowed. I once applied to a job in one of the bases as they advertise different kinds of jobs from time to time ranging from a simple electrician and a cook to an atmospheric scientist ,,,I was thinking no one would apply to go there .But to my dismay I found out that actually the jobs are very much contested. They may be financially rewarding as there are arrangements to take care of all the accommodation needs of the employees and basically one's salary is just saved in a bank as there is no way to spend it there 8-)

But the marines and the navy of the ambitious big nations may soon conquer that icy land...


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TT, have to say your future world sux
Starship Troopers, the book not the movie
and what if one does not wish that future, how to opt out?
I will tell you - no children, I made the choice at 18, my brother later
no biggie, both have extremely high IQs but the gene pool will make it up in volume
what a crazy world
it is clear where Pirates come from

I dont think many powers are going to respect many environmental restrictions in the coming years when it comes to important minerals for their industries...it probably may hugely depend on who will be at the white house next year,,,, but even China is not that committed to many international agreements and if it sees the US not respecting many of the restrictions it will be emboldened as well ... The same is true to Russia and many rising economies like India ,Brazil etc. Particularly within the next five to ten years I foresee a scramble for the minerals of Antarctica,,,whatever treaty there has been concerning that continent, the various powers I mentioned wont be deterred anymore ,,,some countries have some claims on the peripheries of the continent and there were some land disputes as well...the well known one being between Chile and UK,,The dispute at one point was so hot that the Chileans flew some pregnant women to the continent to bear babies there and hence to claim there are Chilean "citizens" of the continent already :laughing7:8-)...in any case many powers like Russia and China probably may not have been represented in the initial low scale land grab or dispute at the periphery of the continent..,hence they (as well as the USA) may assert thier power by moving and claiming deeper territories despite the international treaties to only use the areas for scientific studies etc... the increasing melting of ice showing mineral rich bare lands is making this possibility very real by the day. Hence this decade may see a new fight and rush for minerals in the once frozen Antarctica...gone would be the days when only scientific bases at the periphery were allowed. I once applied to a job in one of the bases as they advertise different kinds of jobs from time to time ranging from a simple electrician and a cook to an atmospheric scientist ,,,I was thinking no one would apply to go there .But to my dismay I found out that actually the jobs are very much contested. They may be financially rewarding as there are arrangements to take care of all the accommodation needs of the employees and basically one's salary is just saved in a bank as there is no way to spend it there 8-)

But the marines and the navy of the ambitious big nations may soon conquer that icy land...


Hola TT

One thing that is going for Antarctic even if they was able to mine there. The working and operating conditions for a modern mining facility would be extremely expensive to operate at this stage. Ore concentrates are harder to process frozen. and oil inside bearings of conveyor belt rollers and industrial conveyer drive gearboxes would seize up. No water treatment of ore could be done there or ore mined as slurry would progressive freeze. The mineral ore processing plant would highly dependent of highly expensive energy heating systems and hydraulics not shutting down. Even with anti freeze in gearbox oil the viscosity of oil would change the effectiveness of lubrication thus inhibiting bearing life. Thus maintenance cost will be expensive and complex in such challenging conditions conditions. Thus operating extraction cost at present are too high for mining in remote frozen location.

Yet mining do happen in extreme north of Canada but they still have a road logistic contact where Antarctica has not even got port or any infrastructure to support such mining services at present, But who knows in the future with AI and Robotic mining technology?


TT, have to say your future world sux
Starship Troopers, the book not the movie
and what if one does not wish that future, how to opt out?
I will tell you - no children, I made the choice at 18, my brother later
no biggie, both have extremely high IQs but the gene pool will make it up in volume
what a crazy world
it is clear where Pirates come from

Hola Bill have you even read a science fiction story "The Streets of Ashkelon" Based on our history of discovery of the new world It gives a probable outcome if we discovered an alien world.

Look it up.


I think it would be good book for kids to read at school as it poses some excellent ethical questions.


Hola Bill have you even read a science fiction story "The Streets of Ashkelon" Based on our history of discovery of the new world It gives a probable outcome if we discovered an alien world.

Look it up.

Hola Kanacki
see you and raise you one
It's Hard to Be a God, a soviet film with subtitles

btw I very much like HH
will add an edit in 1/2 hr

edit: anyone finish the flick the first time?
I found it sooooo miserable

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I think it would be good book for kids to read at school as it poses some excellent ethical questions.

the purpose of school today has nothing to do with "posing excellent ethical questions"
- indoctrination is the order of the day, never present the illusion of choice

TT, have to say your future world sux
Starship Troopers, the book not the movie
and what if one does not wish that future, how to opt out?
I will tell you - no children, I made the choice at 18, my brother later
no biggie, both have extremely high IQs but the gene pool will make it up in volume
what a crazy world
it is clear where Pirates come from
Cheer up Billa... whatever the future and whatever the movers and shakers of society do ,you just simply live and enjoy your life within your God given boundary and provisions...

Sorry nooded off did that um 21st century thing called sleep.��that is what ya get on a 24hr world. I used to live in a world where ya did ya shift and tune out. But today we are all hardwired into the net. Some thing never seen in history.


Hola TT

One thing that is going for Antarctic even if they was able to mine there. The working and operating conditions for a modern mining facility would be extremely expensive to operate at this stage. Ore concentrates are harder to process frozen. and oil inside bearings of conveyor belt rollers and industrial conveyer drive gearboxes would seize up. No water treatment of ore could be done there or ore mined as slurry would progressive freeze. The mineral ore processing plant would highly dependent of highly expensive energy heating systems and hydraulics not shutting down. Even with anti freeze in gearbox oil the viscosity of oil would change the effectiveness of lubrication thus inhibiting bearing life. Thus maintenance cost will be expensive and complex in such challenging conditions conditions. Thus operating extraction cost at present are too high for mining in remote frozen location.

Yet mining do happen in extreme north of Canada but they still have a road logistic contact where Antarctica has not even got port or any infrastructure to support such mining services at present, But who knows in the future with AI and Robotic mining technology?


Thanks Kanacki....You may be right in the technicalities,,, the only new dynamics could be the rapidly melting ice exposing bare lands, mountains and valleys,, which probably could change the game a bit and open new possibilities to the ambitious...


Sorry nooded off did that um 21st century thing called sleep.��that is what ya get on a 24hr world. I used to live in a world where ya did ya shift and tune out. But today we are all hardwired into the net. Some thing never seen in history.



In all the years I known you, Ya never sleep you go into coma. :laughing7:


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Hola amigos it is all to easy to worry about the future. There is a whole industry that profits from such fears from the what if question?

The Dali lama was once asked about what life will be like in the future?

The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly. If you are so anxious about the future that you do not enjoy the present. You therefore do not live in the present or the future. You live as if you are never going to die, and then die having never really lived.


Gidday Kanacki

I will be in the casino before long rolling the dice living for the moment. I gather no time in the near future our little project in Indonesia with happen soon?



Nothing will be happening for a while but all the agreements are in place and all interested parties in the project are still interested by understand the circumstances of why the project cannot move forward for the meantime. So we are not going to get a slick project you pulled off in the Philippines.

But who knows until covid 19 is under control the project will proceed and we will see what happens no rush. Whats there is not is not going anywhere. Hardluck tells me your becoming as thick as thieves with the fabled Mr X.



Nothing will be happening for a while but all the agreements are in place and all interested parties in the project are still interested by understand the circumstances of why the project cannot move forward for the meantime. So we are not going to get a slick project you pulled off in the Philippines.

But who knows until covid 19 is under control the project will proceed and we will see what happens no rush. Whats there is not is not going anywhere. Hardluck tells me your becoming as thick as thieves with the fabled Mr X.


Gidday Kanacki as you know its a long game....I will be in Casino soon with Mr X we are on first name terms. He is very old and frail but he likes his beer and cigarette. There is retied police detective who drinks at the casino. Who knows who Mr X is....and he knows I know....

He tried to befriend Mr X but fell short...Yet now he glares at me with Mr X from across the casino. I just look back at him giving him a Cheshire cat grin and a wink.

There may be 500 grand reward for recovering the gold by the insurance company. They pulled a con on their insurance payment by only paying 4.5 million from the original 5 million insured and 25 years later set to make 16 million. If the gold is officially recovered for them they receive a 11 million windfall.

Me thinks it will be hell freezes over before they will ever see a bar of that gold.


Nothing in hurray amigo island time:icon_thumleft:


Well I hope your behaving and not trying to charm the pants off all the bar maids.:occasion14:


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