Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Hola Crow he was an interesting fella with a passion for history. I understand he was mining engineer. Once again its late amigo Old Kanacki needs some shut eye.


Hola Crow he was an interesting fella with a passion for history. I understand he was mining engineer. Once again its late amigo Old Kanacki needs some shut eye.


Well matey its seems our loitering and lurking on this forum given the "General" ideas we have nothing to do? So he has given me a pile of little jobs to complete to keep this old crows stick beak busy for a while. We might have projects stopped because of covid 19 but not various research and information gathering.

I have not doubt as we both do he has already the information he just want us to confirm what he already knows.


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Hola Crow you know its the endless tussle of one up man-ship between the master and his apprentices.:laughing7:

Just when you think you have found all the information Hardluck pulls a rabbit out of the proverbial hat.:notworthy: And bang hes got you again. Its a fine day indeed Crow when find out some thing Hardluck has not found out first.:occasion14:


Hola Crow you know its the endless tussle of one up man-ship between the master and his apprentices.:laughing7:

Just when you think you have found all the information Hardluck pulls a rabbit out of the proverbial hat.:notworthy: And bang hes got you again. Its a fine day indeed Crow when find out some thing Hardluck has not found out first.:occasion14:


Never a truer words spoken on amigo. :occasion14:

Dealing with hardluck pushes you to a whole new level.

If you have asked me 3 decades ago some of the stuff I am doing today I would never believe it. Some times even now old Crow is blown away. It seems we have vested interests in so many projects now that it seems we have a cash conveyor belt. Many projects will fail others will soar. But diversification is the key to growing a investment portfolio.


"But diversification is the key to growing a investment portfolio."

Amen to that, Crow.

In all years I got slugged taxes as wage and salary earner finally woke up how the wealthy gets richer.

Here is an interesting clip below.



geeze , the best that I ever earned was $300,000 and equivalent shares, in one year. I became emersed in adventures, flying, and looking for .lost mines, with a touch of mercenary flying . In the In process I fou.nd three lost mines, Tayopa, La Gloria Pan, El Naranjo, and anothIn er. I found that the old . Spanish miners only worked down as deep as they were able to supply aii with the fire method, then work theii way back to the surface. using the workings to store the was rock, so you never knew what the values of the mine were. Sometime I rather wish that I had had * hard rock *
I loved Kanac'si version of the Hawka dance in the high lands of New Guinea.


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geeze , the best that I ever earned was $300,000 and equivalent shares, in one year. I became emersed in adventures, flying, and looking for .lost mines, with a touch of mercenary flying work. the In process I fou I loved Kanaci8s versioa of the Hawki dance.nd three lost mines, Tayopa, La Gloria Pan, El Naranjo, and another. I found that the old . Spanish miners only worked down as deep as they were able to supply aii with the fire method, then work theii way back to the surface. using the workings to store the waste rock, so you never knew what the values of the mine were. Sometime I rather wish that I had had * hard rock *
I loved Kanac'si version of the Hawka dance in the high lands of New Guinea.


Gidday Don Jose amigo.

It is indeed ya had a wonderful adventurous life my friend. You know once you let the adventurer come out you never the same again and there is no turning back to an ordinary life once drank the waters of high adventure.


kinda at a loss here, no section on biga## commercial mining?
so I will trash Don José's thread, sorry RoT



A shy lizard and a threatened snake have brought plans for Australia's largest mine to a halt holding up 16.5 billion project supplying coal to India to supply power stations to bring electricity to millions of people.



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These cases are examples on how multi billion dollar mines can be held up. Nautilus minerals went through the same crap. Except for them it the ongoing legal challenges bankrupted the company. Thus handing over more strategic control over rare earth minerals to china.

In the case Rio Tinto the trio worked for them before they changed their name from CRA . There was blind arrogance that destroyed a cave with thousand year old rock paintings. The name might of changed but the culture of arrogance is still the same.

Just have a look how close the cave was to the blast holes.



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When we worked for CRA the nickname was criminal rogues and *******s..:laughing7:


time for a little rant on environmental activists?
in my youth I was a supporter of the Sierra Club, being from Calif. and that stuff
but I found that their goals were not as stated, they wanted to exclude all but their members - walking
and subgroups within them were most interested in eco-terrorism
but their utter failure was to admit and accept the fact that people do pollute and more people pollute more
one can, and should, educate to pollute less which seems to merge into consume less, hardly good for the poor

it follows that to pollute less the number of people could be limited, and many popular parks do so
do environmentalists have fewer children?
even if we have a lesser impact per individual, the number of people is ever greater
the principality of consumerism, the USA, has inspired the world to add glitz to their existence
so we have rising populations AND standards of living, supported by every government
competition for resources is via economics, (unless Syrian oil which is simply stolen)

so who are the environmentalists opposed to?
big business/any business really, bikers and 4 wheelers, roads and dams, houses outside the fence
but it will always be a rear-guard action against the rising tide of the population

why do environmentalists not advocate for worldwide involuntary birth control?
or say national population limits, enforced as that government chooses to do so
perhaps an impartial UPC could adminster this? (hostile aliens)

Hey Real Tayopa, I'm back, after nearly 14 months between the hospital and rehab. I see you've still not harvested Tayopa. good Luck. rockhound

These cases are examples on how multi billion dollar mines can be held up. Nautilus minerals went through the same crap. Except for them it the ongoing legal challenges bankrupted the company. Thus handing over more strategic control over rare earth minerals to china.

In the case Rio Tinto the trio worked for them before they changed their name from CRA . There was blind arrogance that destroyed a cave with thousand year old rock paintings. The name might of changed but the culture of arrogance is still the same.

Just have a look how close the cave was to the blast holes.


interesting stories Crow...Speaking of cave with rock paintings, what is your take on the implications to the potential discovery of such a cave? Besides the cultural and historical value to the country in question, would it be rewarding to the person who finds and reports it ? Just a hypothetical question,,,


Gidday TT

In regards to finding rock art in caves or wall etc.. ya talking about Australia here? SFA er....nothing. The government does not make the sites public as a lot are in remote places but since the advent of FWD and recreational vehicles, idiots can drive and some people trashed them for fun. Thus destroying 46000 year old prehistoric rock art. There are thousands of caves overhangs with rock art in them. Some caves are caged off to stop people destroying them. Others are totally unprotected other are more looked after by park rangers. But still some people think it is cool to scratch their name into thousands of year old rock art. For me I can respect the site is a sacred site to local indigenous population but also for humanity.

However cultural sacred sites can be manipulated.....

For example a former Cattle station called Century was under the native title legislation given back to Kackadoon people of north Queensland. They chucked up a big protest they the government off loaded a worthless cattle station with no cultural connection to them and it was not proper compensation for stealing their land. And told the government to stick their grant up you know where?

You know what? MIM (another mining Company I had Worked For ) had the exploration lease and for paltry 2 dollars transferred the lease to another company to be rid of it. Well the company who took it on discovered one of world largest Zinc Deposits.

Well over night after the public announcement the local Kackadoons screamed Sacred site sacred site became the chant.....A total back flip from protest the week before.

That is how hypocritical all races become when money becomes at stake.


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