jI am a little hesitant to send this e-m. I taped Taoism, Confucianism, Christianity, and other sources while investigating Radionics. during my investigation I found myself cast as "healer" for a while. However I did not create the healing freq. I merely transferred them. I used the person's palm as a tuner. I found that lightly stroking their palm it would hang up or seemingly develop a resistance when I conected to the frequency. of their illness. as an example, there used to be a bone adjuster, o a natural Chiropractor n a small village towards SanBenardo there lived a woman that was a natural Chiropractors,
One day la Bertie wanted to see her ( la Bertie never let me work on her after the Card incident ) When we arrived only her son was available, she was very sick. " Let me see if I can help her. I turned her hand palm up
and commenced lightly stroking it, when she jumped up, and ran to another room. Her son, and La Berti commenced to look at me questionly when she stuck her head from the curtains that served as a door and announced "you shocked me"

She would not let me go any further, but she was cured.
. More if wanted.