Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

impressive, one man alone
good target, excellent execution
a tricky part, how did he come to know?

and then to deal with being watched, no transgressions - ever

Well it appears he was a bit of ladies man in his day. He was married once and had three daughters but was divorced and somewhat estranged from his three daughters. Buy the mid 90's he was living in Sydney in apartment above Kerry Packers executive assistant.

Well it comes in many peoples lives people get lonely and talk...Kerry Packer executive assistant ran the show for Kerry for years as a very loyal employee. She had dedicated her life to serving him. In fact she may even loved him? Who knows? She never had children and never a relationship she was not eye candy but she was very efficient in running the day to day tasks for her boss. However the years of some times thankless toil began to take a toll on her. She had become a closet alcoholic.

Kerry Packer was dead against anyone is his organization having a drink. Although a mad gambler he detested alcohol and those who drink. I think it might of arisen for his experiences of his father that was rumored to have been a mean drunk. In the mid 1990's packer empire was hemorrhaging a lot of money and he brought in an American executive to restructure the company.

This executive saw Kerry Packers personal assistant as being in way of him restructuring the company and found out she had a drink problem. Thus used it against her to drive a wedge between her influence over Kerry Packer ultimately getting her fired from her job. So you see you see how upsetting for a lonely middle aged women who once worked one of the most powerful men in the country on the scrap heap with almost nothing.

So you see a 61 year old man living by himself and lonely portly middle women in which both like to drink a relationship of sorts formed either it was through pillow talk or in drunken spell she revealed the where location of gold.

Contrary to belief of police that Mr X never worked was not true he actually worked a normal job since leaving prison in 1970's. You see when he was arrested BY the police in 1960s was very tardy back then than actually identifying his correct name. He actually went to jail under his alias and so from that time on police only believed the name on his police records. In reality it was never his name.

Another thing amigo police did not quite understand was motive......


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All the time amigos the police thought the motive for stealing the gold was greed. To see it and turn it into cash.

That is why police was baffled and intrigued when Mr X carried on his normal life. He kept the same old battered ute even today yesterday it was parked in the casino car park. Even the police was impressed they wire tapped his phones followed him about Sydney and finally frustrated they tried to rattle his cage.

They approached him and got the candid reply.

The police officer said have a Christmas Mr X we might be talking to you soon. Mr X looked the detective in the eye and candidly replied that depends on you if I have a good christmas or not. So the detective got a cheeky candid ambiguous reply letting him know that it was him.

To this day the gold has never been recovered or any one charged.

Mr X totally disappeared off the radar leave official, insurer criminals and police in Awe.....



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THE key is to carry on, without deviation. Very Well Played
but with the cops it ain't no game, perhaps in Oz they are more restrained

THE key is to carry on, without deviation. Very Well Played
but with the cops it ain't no game, perhaps in Oz they are more restrained

Indeed he lives a very humble and simple life as an old gent nearing the end of his days. It was never about the money it was principle of crap thing that was done by Kerry Packer to his loyal assistant.

It was a one finger salute to the rich and powerful by the everyday Joe blow so unassuming he almost invisible.


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In Australia presumption of guilt is not evidence of guilt. They had no evidence what so ever.

Even so it did not stop people from trying amigos. One of the most corrupt cops with cronies tried to bash the secret of the gold out of him. He was hit over the head with a tomahawk.They still got nothing out of him. Years later when I first met him he was still being shadowed by a ex cop who knew who he was. The fact of the matter a 500 grand reward for a prosecution or recovery of the Gold is incentive for some to stalk him.

So amigo it may a perfect crime it did not come along without some painful stings, hounded by police, a bashing and suicide of one of his daughters and even more estrangement by family was pretty high price to pay.

Reporters wrote stories about him as Mr X while the real person live a very quiet modest life. Meeting the man now old and frail and very unassuming it even hard to see he was once capable of commuting such a crime.


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society does not make it easy to live outside of their strictures
the price of independence I suppose
I am a volitionary expat, never to return

society does not make it easy to live outside of their strictures
the price of independence I suppose
I am a volitionary expat, never to return

You will be pleased to all the Trio are Expats in one form or another. There is a freedom of not belonging to one or another marching to your own drumbeat.


I too talk with oldsters and am impressed with many of their tales. Best locations were/are seedy old boatyards and worked over gold mining properties, but these crusty old guys also had 50-70 years to collect (and edit) their tales.
Tales from the darkside not my interest, but amazing how more is always added to the illicit list.

If is one prepared to look amazing stories can be found in everyday people.


You will be pleased to all the Trio are Expats in one form or another. There is a freedom of not belonging to one or another marching to your own drumbeat.


Or listing to the drumbeat(engine) while you sail... Arrrggghhh

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Or listing to the drumbeat(engine) while you sail... Arrrggghhh

My little lad is going to school now and the kids in his class had a show and tell what their parents do for a living?

My little lad stood up in all innocence and wide eyed with pride and said my dad is a pirate who looks for treasure.:laughing7: The teacher said to little Nick to stop exaggerating. Until she met Dad and she humphed Okay you right Nick your Dad is a pirate.:laughing7:


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11 months straight in Kanacki's "Drumbeat" is enough to turn any scurvy dog into a pirate arrrrrrgh avast ye matey:occasion14:


Yes no more sense of freedom mateys is to sail the deep blue sea as free as bird trading good among islands 99% have never heard of.

The KWAI the last active cargo sailing vessel afloat. The last of the dawn traders of old amigos.


Skippered by Kanacki's 3rd son 3 out of his 4 sons are skippers. The vessel is virtual supermarket, petrol station post office you name it.


Sailing around the island bring supplies to very remote locations no other vessels visit. The only sounds amigo is wind the engine the sails and sweet sounds of guitar and Uke strumming the tunes of lost loves and places visited....

The whole world is on that ship with its raggedy old crew looking more like pirates than sailors.. The outside world seem so far and remote.

Yet to the islanders she is a star amigos a rainbow of hope when her sails are seen from the shore.


The sun and sea blackens you into old a crusty old salt. The waves and sky dances with dazzling shades of blue beyond the wildest imagination and stirs you soul amigo. Most islanders are so grateful just top receive the simplest of things that you are always welcomed with open hearts. With song dance and grateful hugs amigo.

There is none of the pettiness and virtue signaling there as we have now in our so called civilized world They always smile even with the very little they have and every little thing we take for granted is cherishes and appreciated. The kids with no toys other than their imagination are full of laughter and joy.

Like series of enchanted fairy lands lost among the might Pacific the schooner sails through at night like a sea of stars. It is hard to know if you are awake or dreaming as it seems both have merged into one.


When one steps into this world at first one feels they have never lived? Yet it weaves it magic around you, gone are the troubles of the world. You live for the day and every breathing moment. Time my friends has no meaning.

Such is the freedom. My time on those enchanted seas are never forgotten amigos.


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Crow , your attachments are not making it through... A note pops up declaring them invalid.

I found 361 for tonnage for your craft. Plus other info I'll leave alone in case your pics and topic are of another vessel....

Crow , your attachments are not making it through... A note pops up declaring them invalid.

I found 361 for tonnage for your craft. Plus other info I'll leave alone in case your pics and topic are of another vessel....

I tried re-posting the picture the vessel is KWAI She sails out of Hawaii into central pacific. Crow



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