Jr. Member
Estimado Don Jose, mi distante amigo:
Another year has gone by and amazingly we're still all here, so life must be treating us exceptionally good (or maybe only as good as it's going to get).
It's Memorial Day again here in the states and it's a good time to take a moment to be grateful for the service provided by all the men and women, both past and present, of our military. I know you have been real busy this past year getting things straight in Mexico, but from one old Jar Head to a slightly older Fly Guy, I just wanted to say “Thanks” for your time on The Canal.
I tentatively have a trip planned later this year to visit a large hardrock/heap leaching project in your part of the country. If our schedules coincide, please allow me to buy you a civilized cup of coffee and not that old nasty used underwear stuff the friend Oro forces you and your mule to drink.
Again, thanks for everything and keep up the good work on your projects.
Good luck,
Another year has gone by and amazingly we're still all here, so life must be treating us exceptionally good (or maybe only as good as it's going to get).
It's Memorial Day again here in the states and it's a good time to take a moment to be grateful for the service provided by all the men and women, both past and present, of our military. I know you have been real busy this past year getting things straight in Mexico, but from one old Jar Head to a slightly older Fly Guy, I just wanted to say “Thanks” for your time on The Canal.
I tentatively have a trip planned later this year to visit a large hardrock/heap leaching project in your part of the country. If our schedules coincide, please allow me to buy you a civilized cup of coffee and not that old nasty used underwear stuff the friend Oro forces you and your mule to drink.
Again, thanks for everything and keep up the good work on your projects.
Good luck,