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Good evening Don Jose, did your adventures lead you to Canada? On perhaps a treasure hunt or maybe leisure? If so when and where? While traipsing around the the bush in B.C. and here in Alberta I have located a few old mining camps. The 1 here in Alberta is clearly depression era according to the relics that I have detected and dug up. The ones in in B.C. are much older and more interesting. What might be interesting to you is the fact that the Spaniards, as you well know travelled up the west coast of B.C. as far as Alaska. This was probably in the late 1700's. At this point in history I am sure the privateers were hot on their trail and engaging them at any opportunity. My question is ,do you think they moved inland from south coast of B.C. to seek more gold as there empire dwindled? Surely they knew what they were looking for. I explored a remote mining camp some 200 miles east of the Pacific in B.C.s southern interior region. We forded a river on the valley bottom at low water time and I detected numerous artifacts that I thought were lost by Chinese miners including a railroad lock and and an ornate gold gilded suspender clip. What was really peculiar was a rock cairn approximately 3' x 3' square of perfect round river rocks of the same size in the shape of a pyramid covered with moss tucked away from the now obvious cabin, shack sites. Do you think this was of Chinese or possibly Spanish making. It is a long hike in and out and I hope that I can find it again to send you pictures. Thanking in advance to Don Jose and everyone else who reads this, oldsmith.