Real of Tayopa
Bronze Member
After old China I considered new challlenges and explorations. Dan and Ginger Lamb of "enchanted vagabonds" fame, were my inspiration to turn towards Mexico. Mexico at that time was still recovering from it's populastion decline due to her recent reveloution. So i seriously considere >Looking for Mayan relics. i soon found another who was also interested in this. Thus began a very serious conversation on how we could do it on a serious lack of finances..We discussed food, Equipment, livind and defensive materiel. On the equipment we settled on cooking and living equipment, minimal. One alluminum Cooking pot fo making Coffee and tea and decided that most of our meals would be broiled or boiled, rice and beans were to be our mainstay with nisc native plants. We then spent the next two yeaars on guns. Obviously they had to be pistols. Next was the question af what calibre and type. We eventually settled on .22's for three reasons. 1) because of importation would be easier, 2) hollow point for making the bullet more efficient and finally, most important, not only could we carry lot's of them, but because while money was useless in the jungle .22's were at a pemium, in every family that we met, 3 or four .22's would bring a stack of mixed grain tortillas a foot high , or it's equal.. While they were considerd min for self defense, they by careful aiming they would be adequate - besides we would be armed with 3 foot Collins machetes, a weapon of considerable importance in themselves. We considered taking watches but decided against it, instead using Venus for getting up to make our morning coffee, which was for us, tea for any visitors ( conserved our coffee) so would politely refuse our offer leaving the coffee for us -so we accomlished our pupose of conserving our coffee, selfish no ? Most of the Indians that we met did not like tea ( something that we knew) so we accomplished the protocol, which is very important to get along with your neighbors, if you have any. our clothing was two sets of levies, high topped tennis shoes, leather wouls soon rot and underwear.