Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

End the searh ? That has been successfully done. I have posted the co-ordinates in here. As for hypnotism i had a med teacher, teach me , and give me books on the subject, medical books, while i was in pre-med. He said that this was a very important future of medicine. i repeat, Tayopa has been accurately located. Do you want further proof, as to the why Tayopa existed? laymans language of course.? Besides it is safe.There will be no titles issued while the president President of Mexico is in office. Do you want present pictures ? There has been no work on Tayopa - no money! Sigh.

Estimado Amigo Don Jose,

I have never doubted your Tayopa find, I was referring to myself, as we all have a legend, or two which we chase. In my case, I have been chasing four legends in four States. I have only been at the site of two of them. On one of those (Texas) I was standing about two hundred yards from it, talking to the land owner while in my mind I was seeing the battle that took place there. She did not feel comfortable giving me permission, since she has the ranch leased to her brother. She gave me her card, and I know it is just a matter of talking to both. It is just 63 jack loads, mostly silver bars, and artifacts from one church. I am in no rush, but will try to get to it in this decade.
This year, Lord willing, I will be putting one of those other three legends to rest.


I would like to take Coazon de Oro’s advice. But, I cannot bring myself to a stopping place.

I believe that I need to follow through with parts and pieces of our common hobby/addiction.

Having learned so much about the search from the folks here, I believe that we owe it to ourselves, to teach and train young minds that which we have, in many cases, learned at our expense, from the experience and expense of those that have walked the pathways before us.

The true history of our world is not written completely nor accurately, as we find new evidence by walking down those pathways.

There is a new generation that we can foster into a new perspective of history.

In doing that, we may find the peace of mind that will allow us to “Live happily ever after. “

As for me, new discoveries that are within my reach, yet not within my grasp, will drag me back to new trails that hold new difficulties and new dangers that I am, presently unable to conquer.

I have the heart of a conquistador and the body of an armchair quarterback.

Teaching may be my only peace.


Hermano Mikel,

I really don't need riches to live happily ever after, but it would sure help. Just as you would like to share your knowledge with others, I would share the wealth with those in need. That is what would make me even happier. I know nothing about treasure signs, all that I have solved has been by the Grace of God. It is something that I can't teach. Maybe I just did.


I don't think it is possible to stop. Even if people like us find a great treasure, I think we start thinking of another. It is the hunt which drives people.

Howdy H P,

We can't help it, can we.:laughing7: I would still be left with three other legends to bring to a close. My other passion is horse racing, and that would take my mind off treasure legends. Being disabled, I found myself behind the computer trying to find what champion race horses had in common. I found it as easy as if all past champions were sorrel, why buy any other color? I developed a number system where I give the horse a number, with a fraction. Both the number and fraction have to fall in a certain brackett. The horse will never be a champion if both are not in place. They won't all be champions, but they have what it takes, they may be stake horses, or at the least, just winners.
I applied that system to breed a mare I had bought for $1,500, and got the best looking filly I have ever seen in my life, and I have seen many. She was destined to be a champion, but she broke her shoulder trying to jump the pen as a weanling. I then got a full brother to her, named him El Coco Rayado. A local man here was buying race horses, and came to see him, later taking the pedigree to his trainer, who said he was not that well bred. My horse had never been ridden yet, and I told him if my horse was not that good, I would race him against any of his forty horses in two months at 440 yards, but they chickened out.
I had to sell that horse when he was three, the buyer only ran him in match races, I had told him he could run him up to 500 yards which he once did. He ran him seventeen times in North Texas from 300 to 500 yards, won them all. They would bring stake horses from Oklahoma to rob him but he would always win easy. He was then taken to Mexico, and I never heard from him again.
I also applied my system to a mock buy. I ordered a sales catalog from the Houston sale, it had well over 350 consignments. I gave them all my numbers, and only a hand full had the right numbers. I picked just one horse from the whole catalog as the best one, then followed his racing career on equibase. He turned out to be a world champion, Azoom was his name.



This place has my full attention, for the time being.


i would like to thank my son for taking me to the VA hospital yesterday, he used his valuable free time to do this. A few days ago i, for some reason, lost my balanceanf fell backward s, nothing appeared to be broken, but i automatically put myself under hypnotic control and soon forgot it. Then a few days later as the hypnosis wore off l (as directed ) i commenced to feel some pain. He took me to the VA hosp, where they took a series of X-rays and found that there apparently nothing was broken, but the cartraliged seemed to be disturbed, They gave me some medicine ( I don't use hypnosis to override conventional treatment ) and everything appears fine today. That hypnosis thing is something we should discuss here, It has played an important place in my checkered life. What do you know about it ?


on Naranjal, Benito found the cave depository of El Naranjal, he gave directions to Berti, it is located in the first canyon that goes to the right, first step is to locate the drill rod in order to tie off a roon Naranjal, Benito found the cave depository of El Naranjal, he gave directions ta Berti, it is located in the first canyon that goes to the right, first step is to locate the drill rod in order to tie off a rope to use to decend to an inaccesable area The drill rod is driven into a large rockyou rapel down to the cave, it is inaccessable otherwise. more if wanted or are interessed in Naranjall.

I'm interested in whatever you can share. Sounds fascinating.

Estimado Amigo Don Jose,

I have never doubted your Tayopa find, I was referring to myself, as we all have a legend, or two which we chase. In my case, I have been chasing four legends in four States. I have only been at the site of two of them. On one of those (Texas) I was standing about two hundred yards from it, talking to the land owner while in my mind I was seeing the battle that took place there. She did not feel comfortable giving me permission, since she has the ranch leased to her brother. She gave me her card, and I know it is just a matter of talking to both. It is just 63 jack loads, mostly silver bars, and artifacts from one church. I am in no rush, but will try to get to it in this decade.
This year, Lord willing, I will be putting one of those other three legends to rest.


Been meaning to ask how you were getting on with your hunts. Hope you get them resolved. Please keep up to date.
Sounds like you could make a living betting on the ponies using your system. Your mind seems to be very logical, and maybe you can see patterns not apparent to others.
I miss having a horse. Been a long time.
Maybe you can write a couple of books. One on the horses, and one on treasure hunting.

This morning as I lay in my bed , I noticed a bright light in the sky i sleepily t thouht about what it was, it suddenly occurred to me that it was venus. I wondered why I had forgotten it, since my partner and I would use it as a sort of alarm clock when to get up and start coffee. We were n a hunt for Mayan ruins in the Quintana Roo jungle . We had none of the modern gadgets such as Flaslights h lights or wrist watches. We figured that since we were living off the jungle we couldn't, replace the batteries that we were better off without them. we would climb out of our mosquito nets ( complete with a " zippered"sewed in ground cloth) when the planet reached a certain deviation, and would enjoy our tea or coffee at day break. We were living off of the jungle. We sent 6 nonths looking, and only found one very small pyramid, which was duly reported to the Mexican authorities We walked from the western side of Mexico to the peninsula to see if we could do it and to toughen up for what lay ahead We carried 60 lb packs,.22 pistols for marginal defense and for hunting, and 500 rnds each..it was an experience i would never forget, nor want to. If you wish i can go into it more thoroughly.

Señor Don Jose, I would like to hear more about your journey looking for Mayan ruins.....

Don Jose

I second that also.


View attachment 1786863
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This place has my full attention, for the time being.


Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto, is part of a Roman catholic rite. It is missing the second verse.

Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto,
Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.

Meaning in English

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
As it was in the beginning, and now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen

It short hymn of praise to God in various Christian liturgies. A Liturgy is the customary public worship performed by a religious group. As a religious phenomenon, liturgy represents a communal response to and participation in the sacred through activity reflecting praise, thanksgiving, supplication or repentance. It forms a basis for establishing a relationship with a divine agency, as well as with other participants in the liturgy.


Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto, is part of a Roman catholic rite. It is missing the second verse.

Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto,
Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.

Meaning in English

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
As it was in the beginning, and now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen

It short hymn of praise to God in various Christian liturgies. A Liturgy is the customary public worship performed by a religious group. As a religious phenomenon, liturgy represents a communal response to and participation in the sacred through activity reflecting praise, thanksgiving, supplication or repentance. It forms a basis for establishing a relationship with a divine agency, as well as with other participants in the liturgy.


Howdy Kanacki,

Good to hear from you. I have given this a lot of thought, wondering how it came to be. There are several good reasons in that area for leaving such a beautiful memorial glorifying God.

1. It could have been a place of worship where they were trying to convert the Natives. In my honest opinion, if it was a rite, it would be complete. Looking more like a memorial.

2. They may have barely escaped thirst, or hunger. That area is very bountiful to rule out both. Sickness maybe?

3. A small group of men could have escaped a large group of Natives.

4. Tornado, they could have taken refuge from a thunderstorm, escaping from one of the strongest force on earth. It is something they had never seen before. Seeing the path of destruction would certainly compel them to glorify God for sparing them.

5. Silver, it is found in the area, and was seemed to be valued more than gold by the Spanish at that time.

As treasure hunters, any Spanish carving means treasure to most of us, but I don't know anything about treasure signs. While my money is on number 4, I won't rule out a treasure connection simply because I can't see one myself. I will leave that to those smarter than I, to hopefully educate me.


View attachment 1786863
View attachment 1786864

This place has my full attention, for the time being.


I can believe that!

Without telling too much......Any potential Alter?
As in holding a service.
"Relics" are common under Catholic alters. Well,some anyways ,but they are usually human remains ,parts of human remains.
A secure place would protect such relic. As well as those at a service perhaps.

I recall that liturgy from my Lutheran roots/childhood. Slight variance , but the same. And then again later during Catholicism catechism/services.

Welcome back Kanaki!
About that photo...

A friend of mine got it from another of his friends.
He took it to a professor to get it translated. The professor had the same translation, but he added (in his opinion) that the carver, was slightly dyslexic on one letter.

The “N” in the word SANCTO.

I don’t think that it was an accident. Take a closer look at it and the letter “C”.
The bottom of it is broken off and hanging close to the bottom.

The N isn’t just a reversal, it looks to be pointing down and to the left, with a Y shaped pointer.

There are a few dirt dobber nests inside the carvings, but most of the rest of the work is in great shape.

It lies below a ledge that has protected it for more than two centuries * and that is the best guess of historians that have tried to explain it.

It is in an area that has been defined as “difficult “ to access.
Even today, there is little information, other than an effort to connect it to Hernando de Soto.

Probably a good jump to make. But still a jump.

The records of his trek through this area, don’t all agree with one another.

But de Soto wrote about an encounter with, what he termed “ the most aggressive and terrifying people that he had ever faced”. So fierce that he and all of his soldiers were driven back across the River (White River) and walked all night and were afraid to stop or leave the trail until they could walk no farther, and collapsed in the trail.

They did retake the ground with much effort.

This single (paraphrased) passage from his own journal, lends itself to the number 3 from Homar’s list of probabilities.

Without knowing any assumable azimuth, nor the exact location, other than being just outside the watershed of the Buffalo River and near to a modern small town that is close to my and Weekender’s site, there is little more to work with.

I have been working on one common link, a man that I worked with that lived most of his life in that small town.

It is a long shot, but he may have at least heard of it.

I lived a little farther away than he did when I was about 7-8 years old but have no memory of it.

So much to learn.

By the way, Weekender translated the words, online , from the photo and found almost everything that we know in an historical record, in about ten minutes.

All he needed was to know that it existed!

That is a lot to put in one post.


Ps. The two centuries that I referred to, is the earliest known European/white settlers in the area. (Late 1700s to earlier 1800s. )

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I am a Traditional Catholic and usually it is part of what Señor Kanacki said. But sometimes "Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto". will be used alone.
Also sometimes the letters in centuries past look different from what we use today. The "N" being reversed may, or may not be normal for the time.
Certainly this is very interesting........
Please keep us updated......

The people who did this apparently had the tools and craftsmen along.

HP, I couldn’t agree more!
I did some searching for images of Latin alphabet, circa 1540.
Here are a few photos.

In all that I found, it was consistent that (N&C) look like our English alphabet, even the image that was carved in stone. Other than their oddities.


I have several more that are similar, but my phone is extremely slow down loading them, but I don’t want to shrink them down to send.

This is just a quick reference to show what they look like, elsewhere in the world.

Not stating that it is not possible that those two letters could look like the carving.

I do have some doubts that they were done by de Soto’s men. If they stayed in that area, I have not seen it recorded anywhere yet.

If they had left proof of de Soto being there, or if there were other carvings similar to this one, I believe that historians would have built their writings on that stone, rather than interjecting it as a possible explanation.

There is one mark on our keystone that points very close to the area around the carving. (Only know of the area of the carving)


I placed a line on my TOPO map and discovered that two mountain tops lie between the keystone (at the same elevation as the rest of the markers that lead back to the keystone) and create a point to point (Mountain top) trail!

This is what the trail markers look like.

Also, the distance is more than I originally thought. About two days of hiking over rough terrain.

After old China I considered new challenges and explorations. Dan and Ginger Lamb of "enchanted vagabonds" fame, were my inspiration to turn towards Mexico. *Mexico at that time was still recovering from it's population decline due to her recent revolution. *So i seriously considered Looking for Mayan relics.* I soon found another who was also interested in this. * Thus began a very serious conversation on how we could do it on a serious lack of finances..We discussed food, Equipment, living and defensive materiel. On the equipment we settled on cooking and living equipment, minimal. One aluminum Cooking pot for making Coffee and tea and decided that most of our meals would be broiled or boiled, *rice and beans were to be our mainstay with misc native plants. * We then spent the next two years on guns. *Obviously they had to be pistols. *Next was the question af what calibre and type. *We eventually settled on .22's for three reasons. *1) because of importation would be easier, 2) hollow point for making the bullet more efficient and finally, most important, not only could we carry lot's of them, but because while money was useless in the jungle .22's *were at *a premium, *in every family that we met, 3 or four .22's would bring a stack of mixed grain *tortillas a foot high , *or it's equal.. *While they were considered min for self defense, they by careful aiming they would be adequate - besides we would be armed with 3 foot Collins machetes, a weapon of considerable importance* * *We considered taking wat

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