Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Hello My friends.

I hope you are enjoying your coffee my friends? And the yarn or er yarns. :-)

Catching up with Crow is always a pleasure my friends. I you think I can talk ,,,er Crow will give me a run for my money? Yet a night drinking with Crow is always a please my friends. He is up there with some of the best with treasure stories. A few year lavaliere we had talked about voyage down the Australian coast down Sydney and to Lord Howe island then on Norfolk island then across the Tasman sea to Auckland in New Zealand then down to Wellington. then if wee can get permission to sail the islands in the sub antarctic region south of New Zealand.

Cruising the Pacific my friends is like a magic carpet ride and you never know what you will encounter along way? We had a location to visit in mind connected to a story of historical events. But at the end of day we was realistic in expectations. At the end of the day while all treasure legends are interesting, many are just legends but few others have a grain of truth to them. Part of this voyage was just sheer pleasure in exploring the locations where these events took place.

However the sub antarctic regions are a very challenging place to sail. We studied the old sea and new sea charts, we planed the voyage.

After making plans Crow toasted the success of our voyage and winked "We must be nuts?"

To be continued....



Hello Again it evening and I will continue the yarn.

Well you could imagine having a few ales with Crow in his bar of shame the stories come out after few ales. And some of them might be true? :-)

Crow told me an interesting yarn about an island of Malaita in Solomon islands that might have an amazing discovery awaiting those daring to seek?

There are many stories through out the islands. And storytelling is love of the natives of these islands. stories of strange creatures in the jungles. Such as Monster rat and Monkey faced Bat. While these tales seem far fetched most likely local myths and legends. It would be a sad day to see those stories die however in plausible they may seem. Yet stories persist as folk tales.

Crow went on say Once such author of a book Marius Boirayon wrote claims there are puzzling and enigmatic ruins situated in the western part of (North) Malaita, close to Mount Mala.

While the skeptic will point out rightly so Marius Boirayon makes a lot conclusions without any real evidence of his claims. In fact many of claims are in realms of pseudo science in keeping with the tin foil hat brigade where he claims giants walked the island, UFOs flying snakes and hairy men etc...

According to Boirayon's words, the ruins constitute some remains of the civilization of Ramo, a group of warlike giants who used to inhabit these lands.

In Boirayon's own words he claims

I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that there are many remains of a lost civilization of the giant race scattered in different parts of Malaita. I say “civilization” for a very good reason. Around a mountain near Mt. Mala in North Malaita’s interior, is a perfectly fitting large stone block wall spiraling around the mountain. This path leads to a flat area on the top of the mountain where another large stone block wall separates off a higher, split-level flat area where a stone altar can be found. Further on is a burial site which has a perfectly flat 18ft x 6ft x 1ft stone slab upon it. The bush people who live further away from that area say that a Ramo of great importance is buried there?

He goes on to claim he has a description of the site?

You can see his drawing of site below. He believes that a lost tribe of Jews arrived on the island in millennia. And makes fanciful description of the site as you can see in the picture below.


However as Crow highlighted that perhaps Boirayon has heard the local folk tale of a lost ruin and put his own twist on it? In light of this it would be easy to right off the whole story of a lost ruined temple of city as a myth?

But stories was coming out of the island of a ruin in the mountains covered by jungle had been circulated years before even Boirayon was born. But still of course do not make them true?

There is a hypothesis put forward by a Polish author Igor Witkowski in his book "Axis of the World" claiming that tens of thousands of years ago representatives of the highly advanced Indus Valley civilisation began their journey eastwards towards South America (modern Bolivia), stopping on their way at Pacific islands and leaving behind megalithic structures?

Therefore, provided that Boirayon's claims of these ruins are true, they could refer to a structure and tomb/grave built by descendants of the inhabitants of Harappa and Mohenjo Daro as proposed by Igor Witkowski?

It is true I have have seen myself many megalithic structures on many islands of pacific. Most likely if these ruins exist my hypothesis is connected to Lapita people common ancestor to Melanesian, Polynesian and Micronesian peoples. The Lapita culture was a prehistoric Pacific Ocean people who flourished in the Pacific Islands from about 1600 BCE to about 500 BCE. Archaeologists believe that the Lapita are the ancestors of historic cultures in Polynesia, Micronesia, and some coastal areas of Melanesia.

Still the very concept of a lost stone ruins either settlement or temple buried under forest canopy in the mountains of Malaita is interesting not say the least is it not?

But for us it was just another of many such yarns and our interest lay in much firmer recorded history with much less speculation.

Coffee my friends...


Amen Kanaci on Crow, here is an example of his work, my Bookcover.image001 (1).webp

as for the lost tribe of the Isrealites they migrated across the Med basin to the vicinity of Atlantis off of the coast of Spain " the place of the white sand and Herons"where they stayed for some time, then migrated across the Atlantic, moved across the Amercain south west, interbreeding on the way, then finally turned south where they became the Azetecs, which is why But I egree on Malaita, I still think they enjoy kai kai, although it is illegal look at the effectiveness of prohibtion. Cortez was origionally acepted so freely at first. he fit their legends so perfectly. There are many Jewish words in the Azetec language., and surroung aera's This is the picture that I came up with on my search for Atlantis, " Treasure net, Atlantis"


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as for the lost tribe of the Isrealites they migrated across the Med basin to the vicinity of Atlantis off of the coast of Spain " the place of the white sand and Herons"where they stayed for some time, then migrated across the Atlantic, moved across the Amercain south west, interbreeding on the way, then finally turned south where they became the Azetecs, which is why But I egree on Malaita, I still think they enjoy kai kai, although it is illegal look at the effectiveness of prohibtion. Cortez was origionally acepted so freely at first. he fit their legends so perfectly. There are many Jewish words in the Azetec language., and surroung aera's This is the picture that I came up with on my search for Atlantis, " Treasure net, Atlantis"


Hello Don Jose

I cannot personally conclude either way? But if there is stone ruins on Malaita? Then I think if the natives reveal their sacred site perhaps either scientists will discover more information about the origins of past inhabitants on the island.


The island like many of islands in the region was subject to brutal tribal clan wars and victims of the fighting was ritually eaten. It has only been about 90-100 years since these cannibalistic practices have virtually stopped. Although there has been exceptions.

In the picture below is stone altar used in the cutting up of humans.


The jungle on the island is thick my friends who knows what the jungles hides?


Hello My friends I hope you all being enjoying the coffee and voyage of the Drumbeat?

You have had the pleasure so far voyaging across the cannibal seas to Australia. Encountering. WW2 relics and the old stomping ground of our esteemed friend Don Jose. Stories of shipwrecks, blackbirders. lost stone ruins. A lost gold mines and clues to hidden treasures.

But for the me the islands biggest testament is relics left behind by those who fought in WW2 a silent testament to the sacrifice made by a generation the likes of we most likely will never see again.

Here is a toast to you Don Jose and your generation that has done us so proud. A few dive pictures below a fitting memorial from those dark days.







I think the bomber is a B-17 and the fighter aircraft I am not sure maybe zero? But my friends in remarkable condition considering they have been at the bottom of the ocean for 75 odd years?



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Kind hate to admit it, but I did have lil help. This is a photograph of me then, not now sigh.

9taken in Calif, not in the Islands.

new doc 2018-06-30 20.56.01_1 (2).webpnot the picture that I sent, but it will do while I continue looking.

gracias Mac, but that is not the picture intended.

] Tayopa title .jpgTitle  to Tayopa, effective to 2048 under the changes tn.webp


  • .jpgstatus of the Tayopa title..webp
    .jpgstatus of the Tayopa title..webp
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los Remedios 2.webp. one of the mines of Tayopa, los Remedios. oops. that is the marker for what I call "Teters mine 'the source of the Paramo placer.


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7 pp Santo nino back fill.webpthere were 3 backfills including one almostto the ceiling Los Remedios

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