kanacki. you are so right when you say the journy is sometimes, believe it r not, the most important part.you couldn't buy my memories of the search for Tayopa and others. I suppose that I'll take on a partner to finnish the depository and Tayopa It is undescribable to realize that you have solved a part of the puzzle where other's could not. Crow filled me in on the infamous trio's negotiations with Nautilis some 5 or 6 years ago, before the gag order was in effect. He designed the dust cover of the story of Tayop, a wonderfully artistic creation.,.
Absolutely ! Please bring it on.
Have you ever wondered where the gold of the Pharaohs came from?
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So much gold that it sparked a whole region of the old world to develop through trade. Creating the mighty empires and the beautiful cultural objects we see today..
For many years there was debate where this gold was sourced from?
The answer came from that academics care not to mention when they promote the status quo that there is no such things as treasure maps.
Regarding cutting up the pie, you are so right, my friend. I estimate that if each significant member of a marine search, salvage, recovery, conservation, and etc. treasure hunting team were independently asked what % does he/she believe should be theirs, I have no doubt the total percentage would approximate 300%. The challenge to these egos is to show that each participant has unique skills that should be reflected in a fair division of the pie--that contains only 100%.
In my experience, the pie might be divided between the provider of capital, the provider of equipment, the permit gatherer, the researcher, certain members of the crew and, of course, the party (state or country) controlling target area.
Then adding to your "And those who are not getting a cut will cry out patrimony or environmental claims against the project." are those who sue you (without substance) for stealing their reserach, permit and/or treasure; thern being faced with the legal expense of defense.
I'm stop here and imbide a couple of drams of my favorite coffee enhancer........
In 1993 there was an exploration project publication publish below that took the explorations further.
Gee my apologies it seems I may exceeded my quota in posting pictures. In 1993 there was a more difinative push in exploration an Canadian company got interested in following in the footsteps of the Pharaohs. and discovered while almost all the reef gold was gone there was still very high qualities of gold in the host rock. After long negotiations with Egyptian government they started an open cut nine. Producing hundreds of thousands of ounces of gold per year. Not only that but two other mines have come on line.
All because two resourceful people searched for the ancient mines that was marked on an ancient map. By definition of the term treasure map? It qualifies under the definition of being not just a treasure map but a real treasure map.
Hello Mdog
I am not sure when the mines fell into disuse. Perhaps some time after Hellenistic period in Egypt as a guess?
Here is a map of the established ancient gold workings.
View attachment 1660221
===========In 1993 there was an exploration project publication publish below that took the explorations further.
Gee my apologies it seems I may exceeded my quota in posting pictures. In 1993 there was a more difinative push in exploration an Canadian company got interested in following in the footsteps of the Pharaohs. and discovered while almost all the reef gold was gone there was still very high qualities of gold in the host rock. After long negotiations with Egyptian government they started an open cut nine. Producing hundreds of thousands of ounces of gold per year. Not only that but two other mines have come on line.
All because two resourceful people searched for the ancient mines that was marked on an ancient map. By definition of the term treasure map? It qualifies under the definition of being not just a treasure map but a real treasure map.
Kanaci, Crow filled me in on your Eirie some two years ago. Both he, and Hardluck both thought that you were crazy, but they both now think that you have an artistic heart. All boys, both young and old, all have a hanckering for tree houses. You have done a magnificent job. but I.m afraid even that wouldn't hold me for more than six months or so. I have an uncurable case of - whatever you may wish to call it - that has ruined me for a conventional life ,through acquiring several boxes of dime novels of Doc Savage and others. I was a loner as a kiddie and learned to use my immagination at an early age. I would be at a paradiscal retreat at a place such as yours and I would be dreaming of another lostb Tayopa to find, They say that anyone that catches this sicknes is lost for a conventional life, while at the same time they acknowledge that the stay-at-home,guy who attends to his family needs with a job that he may dislike, dreaming from of when he may retire and be free to go off on wild adverturse then finds it is too late, sigh , sigh. He is a real hero in my opinion. I take no medicines, but am handicaped from -- ah thats for another day. ( no purple heart) anyway I think you should post a few pictures of your tree houses. as I said all of the Lords children love tree houses. Incidentally whose idea was it to accept shares ?
Did Kathryn Bard, Rodolfo Fattovich and Andrea Manzo make a similar, discovery or was theirs in a different area ? I thought I saw an article which had given them credit for the discovery of that stela ( spelling ? ). There were others that had been badly worn and then the one that had been found face down which was almost in perfect condition. Just curious.
Interesting topic and your memories are just mesmerizing. I hope someday you can author a book, or series of books , and share more stories and details, if allowed. Everyone here is interested and Don Jose's book is still.................. being organized.
Hola Senor Don Jose