Mikel, Thanks for the observation about the words 'joint' and 'hemp'. I was unintentionally being clever without even realizing it. That is very unusual for me, I can assure you

May I ask? are you moving to a new home. Colorado always sounds an exciting place when its shown on T.V. very rugged. Well if you and your family are moving house I wish you well, and hope it all goes smoothly.
I also use essential oils, even if they don't work as they are supposed to, there is usually a nice scent from the oils.
Good Luck Mikel, hope it's ok to call you that.
Rockhound. I bought some of that devils claw salve only today, so I will be giving it a try. Will report back later on it's success
You gents take care now and keep me in touch with, well whatever you want to.
Hey Hey Hey Jose you gone all quiet on me. Sheesh you gents are fickle lol lol
Until another off the subject comes to mind, cheerio Guys