Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

About the quakes, I remember waking up when young and we lived in Southern cal, hearing the dishes rattle. About Waltzer's mine, I think the earth quake that hit after he left to "go back East and then home", wiped out his spring that he made his camp at and maybe even caved in his shaft. Not talking about Waltz and his "LDM", not Wagoner either, but Waltzer. Lots of the "lost mines" were found later by others that did not know or figure out that their claims were the lost gold stories. Arizona was one of the most prospected areas after the gold rush in Cal., for the ones that didn't have enough money to sail back around the Horn to get back East. Of course a lot of this is just my thoughts slowing coming together in my mind. Things that I have heard, read or pieced together and the facts start making the puzzle clear. One for sure, Lost Yuma's Gold. Another I agree with was the Lost Adam's. When they talked about crossing the "Green River" on their trip, that had to be the "Verde". I have seen the Verde at the Sheep's Crossing and it was a pale Lime green.

I sure don't know what that could be. If the glow is in the exact same spot every time, even when the power is out and yet it went out for some time. I don't think a reflection would stop reflecting, it would be a regular thing and dependent on the source of the light. I would suggest to maybe get to the property line before dark, and wait to see if it shows up. At least you could get a closer look, maybe take along field glasses too.

Please do continue amigos & amigas, keep 'em coming and that includes our fearless leader too!

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

Unfortunately, the brush is so thick, I can't even see the chimney from the property line. As far as coming from the same place every time, it sure seemed to, as far as I could tell. I couldn't see the source of the light, or the base of the chimney because of the brush in the area, but it seemed, as far as I could tell, to be directly in front of the chimney. And, the glow has never come back. I postulated some kind of solar light? But, I can see no reason for anybody to put a solar light at that location, and, if they did, why remove it? A mystery for sure.



Spent the better part of 2 days switching my account from yahoo. I had been with them for about 15 years. They recently sold out yahoo and AOL to Verizon. Their new policy is what made me switch. It seems that now they will open and read each and every email sent or received and keep these emails for any future reference they need. Did I mention Invasion of Privacy? It seems there is no length they will not go to read and confiscate all correspondence from their website. Good Luck. rockhound

lights / fires are commonly asociated with treasures here in mexico, in fact I posted o this

I was trying to show my grandson where we live in California on your map, but it's 'buried' under red pin marks; and the Forest Service's map was no better; too many fire symbols to show where we live.

Don, that is what I would call a hostile environment!!

I live between the Oklahoma, fracking oil well, earthquakes and the New Madrid fault line, which had a 2.5 magnitude yesterday. None of them have amounted to much here, but the New Madrid fault line is about forty years late for a big one.

Nobody wants to talk about it much, so I set my alarm to go off if it hits 2.5 or higher. The last time it had a big one, the Mississippi River flowed north for three days and rerouted when it came back southward!!

Not loosing any sleep over it, but if it wakes me up, I’ll know what it was.


About the quakes, I remember waking up when young and we lived in Southern cal, hearing the dishes rattle. About Waltzer's mine, I think the earth quake that hit after he left to "go back East and then home", wiped out his spring that he made his camp at and maybe even caved in his shaft. Not talking about Waltz and his "LDM", not Wagoner either, but Waltzer. Lots of the "lost mines" were found later by others that did not know or figure out that their claims were the lost gold stories. Arizona was one of the most prospected areas after the gold rush in Cal., for the ones that didn't have enough money to sail back around the Horn to get back East. Of course a lot of this is just my thoughts slowing coming together in my mind. Things that I have heard, read or pieced together and the facts start making the puzzle clear. One for sure, Lost Yuma's Gold. Another I agree with was the Lost Adam's. When they talked about crossing the "Green River" on their trip, that had to be the "Verde". I have seen the Verde at the Sheep's Crossing and it was a pale Lime green.

You reminded me of a little trick we learned as a low tech earthquake detector warning system, that we used in our mine when ever we were working in it. Stand a glass bottle (beer or pop) on its mouth on a large rock in the tunnel eight or ten feet behind where you are working. If that bottle suddenly tips over, get the H-LL out of that mine pronto! It worked every time and I am here to talk about it as proof.

Keep 'em coming amigos!
:coffee2::coffee::coffee2: :coffee2:

I’ve been in a cave during a quake, but didn’t know what it was at the time.

It sounded like a jet flying right over the cave.

I didn’t know that it wasn’t a jet until I brought it up at work, the following Monday at work. One of our group was sitting at the mouth of the cave, and said that he didn’t hear it!!!

The next importtant date is with the VA o the 18 th, I'll know more about them then, although tey stil havent commenced on my ability on apparently to see / visualeze my maculo. i CAN HOW THE EXACT PLACE WHER THE HEMMOROGES STARTED..WHICH HAS BEEN DECLARED IMPOSSIBLE.

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Good afternoon Jose.
Nice to see you posting!

I believe that doctors get trained to be very close minded by the drug company that pays for their education!!

Snake oil salesmen, with a PHD. And the D stands for drug. ( cartel)


You reminded me of a little trick we learned as a low tech earthquake detector warning system, that we used in our mine when ever we were working in it. Stand a glass bottle (beer or pop) on its mouth on a large rock in the tunnel eight or ten feet behind where you are working. If that bottle suddenly tips over, get the H-LL out of that mine pronto! It worked every time and I am here to talk about it as proof.

Keep 'em coming amigos!
:coffee2::coffee::coffee2: :coffee2:
*lol* It may work every time ... but did it ever fall over? :dontknow:

The next importtant date is with the VA o the 18 th, I'll know more about them then, although tey stil havent commenced on my ability on apparently to see / visualeze my maculo. i CAN HOW THE EXACT PLACE WHER THE HEMMOROGES STARTED..WHICH HAS BEEN DECLARED IMPOSSIBLE.

Many things have been declared "IMPOSSIBLE" that actually are possible. I suspect that you can actually see more of what is going on inside your eye that anybody realizes. It is just hard to interpret. I am also sure that there are many things that you can feel and sense happening inside your body that the medical profession (and most other people as well) will tell you can't......


Please tell me your thoughts about a something that is being used increasingly here in the UK, and that is Hemp oil. It is quite recently being sold now in Pharmacies . Why I ask is that I am trying to relieve the pain of arthritis in some of my joints, and I am wondering if this would help. I have to admit to being a little scared of anything with the word 'hemp' in??? I have half made up my mind to give it a try, as long as I don't start seeing 'pink elephants'

I would like the thoughts of you learned posters, particularly if you have found it has helped you.


p.s. please dont laugh at me, for asking this, but is this oil taken orally or can it be rubbed into the skin, or is that another product

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Hemp oil will definitely relieve your pains. Unfortunately, it will not help your arthritis. The only thing that I have found to help the stiffness and make movement easier is glucosamine chondroitin. The hem oil being sold now is only a cousin to the famous cannabis, which is a drug. The hemp has no hallucinogenic ingredients in it, so it completely safe to use and even ingest. In the U.S., you can purchase capsules, pills and even a solidified liquid formula in a tube, where you place a pinhead size under your tongue for maximum absorption. Good luck. rockhound

Thank you rockhound, that is a very useful reply. I have made up my mind to buy some. Incidentally would it interfere with any other meds you have to take


Uni. My wife tried the drops, with very little success. She didn’t have any contraindications at all.

She has been using “ essential oils “
for all sorts of ailments, for a long time. Some of the oils seem to work well, while others failed completely.

No pink elephants [emoji208]....

As for me, I’m about ready to move to Colorado, where its legal for recreational uses. My doctor is open minded about the hemp oil but doesn’t prescribe any form of hemp for medical purposes.

So if I lived in Colorado, I think that I could use it for recreation and not have to deal with the medical issues!?!

By the way, I admire your use of the words “hemp” and “ joints “ in the same paragraph, without noticing it at all!

Funny how words can turn on your intention.

I hope you can find some relief for pain. That is no joke.


I have tried the drops and the salve. Both worked well for me. On my hands, the salve gave me more relief than did the drops. But on my joints, the drops seemed to work better, with longer lasting effects. The costs associated with both are prohibitive, so, I would caution about purchasing any large amount to start off with. But then, isn't all medicine expensive? Another thing that worked for me is Devils Club salve. When rubbed on my hands it gave some relief also. It never interfered with any of my other medicine Good Luck. rockhound

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Don Jose:

I tell myself that in your absences you have been dictating your book.

Good luck to all,

The Old Bookaroo

i'll know aftre the 18 th of this nonth. Hpe that son't make any mistakes

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