About the quakes, I remember waking up when young and we lived in Southern cal, hearing the dishes rattle. About Waltzer's mine, I think the earth quake that hit after he left to "go back East and then home", wiped out his spring that he made his camp at and maybe even caved in his shaft. Not talking about Waltz and his "LDM", not Wagoner either, but Waltzer. Lots of the "lost mines" were found later by others that did not know or figure out that their claims were the lost gold stories. Arizona was one of the most prospected areas after the gold rush in Cal., for the ones that didn't have enough money to sail back around the Horn to get back East. Of course a lot of this is just my thoughts slowing coming together in my mind. Things that I have heard, read or pieced together and the facts start making the puzzle clear. One for sure, Lost Yuma's Gold. Another I agree with was the Lost Adam's. When they talked about crossing the "Green River" on their trip, that had to be the "Verde". I have seen the Verde at the Sheep's Crossing and it was a pale Lime green.