Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

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My thoughts are reaching out to you, my friend. My sincere condolences! She is now with the angels and is looking down on you, you are not alone!

Lo siento mucho mi querido Amigo, I pray that our Lord give you the strength to accept it.

iI'm not in too good a mood today, I lost my childbride yesterday, and in a seprrate incident my dove. so please forgive me.

Oh, my dear friend Joseph. I read your post and it put me on my knees, and I stayed there for some time, in prayer.

My prayers are for you and your dear child bride, so great a burden is the loss of a soulmate, that it touches the spirit of all of us that have come to know her, from your words.

There are never enough words at a time such as this. Only know that we all love you and share your pain.

You and all of your family will be In my humble prayers.

May Our Lord bless you and hold you up beyond your human abilities, for the days ahead.

God bless


iI'm not in too good a mood today, I lost my childbride yesterday, and in a seprrate incident my dove. so please forgive me.

I am so sorry for your loss my friend. I wish there were some way to take away your sorrows. I must agree with Cactusjumper and Loke, for as long as we keep our loved ones in our hearts, they are with us still, and you will never be alone, you have so many friends.

I sent you an EM, know that you are in our prayers compadre.

Don Jose,

At this terrible time in your life, lean on your friends and family. That's what they're here for.

We are all praying for the strength you need now.

Take care,


Such sadness is hard to endure. Some never recover from their loss, those that do, never forget. In times like these the words don't come easy, but I can say that as the days pass, it will get somewhat easier. I always approach these things with solemn, sincere and respectful attitudes. Remembering those who have passed on, for me, is to remember the good times, times of joy and love. Knowing that they are still with us makes it easier to cope with. I wish you the best of luck in the coming days. May your friends be close to console you. rockhound

Howdy Oroblanco,

I am sure John meant no harm, we all think different. We can not judge others intentions without knowing the person. If my grand-kids tried to cheer me up with a cartoon, it would mean a lot to me.


Howdy Oroblanco,

I am sure John meant no harm, we all think different. We can not judge others intentions without knowing the person. If my grand-kids tried to cheer me up with a cartoon, it would mean a lot to me.


IF Ed T (John White) were a kid, I would not have said anything. An adult ought to know better, it is inappropriate.

Apologies to Don Jose, hope this episode did not add to your troubles.

I am sorry for your losses amigo. Wish I could help somehow. You've done so much for us, and now, we are helpless. Cherish those memories you have of them as I know you will. As Oroblanco said " you will never be alone".

Señor Don Jose, I am so sorry to hear of you losses.......I will keep you in my prayers.
Vaya con Dios siempre.

Jose I am so sorry for your loss. The hurt will never go away, but it hurts less as time goes by. Please feel free to EMail me if there is anything I can do to help with the pain. Remember all of the good times you had with her. That is what helped me when my brother passed away.

IF I believed that you could handle the trip, I feel as IF I should take you to my version of Tayopa in Durango Don Jose...IF I were to show you what I have seen and explain to you what I believe to be the solution to the PSM's Don Jose...Maybe I might be able to lift your spirit a little to help you forget your sorrow for a moment...

Though I am sad to say that I do not believe that I will be driving to Durango anytime soon...I could show you the image of the king and queen on the rock near the arroyo that I believe are the beginning of the trail that lead to the mining real of Guadualupe de Tayopa...And IF I could muster the cajones to get on a mule for a week long trek...I'm certain that you like mules much more than this city slicker...Wouldn't it be something to see the Platinum mines of Tayopa???I hope to see them once again in my lifetime...But who knows IF I ever will???

To think that I almost took Oro to said Real long long ago...

IF I believed that you could handle the trip, I feel as IF I should take you to my version of Tayopa in Durango Don Jose...IF I were to show you what I have seen and explain to you what I believe to be the solution to the PSM's Don Jose...Maybe I might be able to lift your spirit a little to help you forget your sorrow for a moment...

Though I am sad to say that I do not believe that I will be driving to Durango anytime soon...I could show you the image of the king and queen on the rock near the arroyo that I believe are the beginning of the trail that lead to the mining real of Guadualupe de Tayopa...And IF I could muster the cajones to get on a mule for a week long trek...I'm certain that you like mules much more than this city slicker...Wouldn't it be something to see the Platinum mines of Tayopa???I hope to see them once again in my lifetime...But who knows IF I ever will???

To think that I almost took Oro to said Real long long ago...

Forget it Ed I would not go anywhere with you.

2018-02-04 02_20_45-Start.webp our friend. :notworthy:
Front row, third from the left !

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In my opinion, whatever is written about Don Jose should include his own words from several years ago. Here's his quote from Mar.27, 2011:

"While I may not have acquired riches or fame in the campaign, I 'have' accumulated wonderful
memories and experiences which can never be be reexperienced or bought. Memories of traveling
by myself / mule, in what was basically unexplored territory in those days. Of being on top
of lonely pine covered mesas by a small campfire listening to coyotes tell of dinners and love
found or lost, Listening to the gentle sigh of the deliciously scented clean air, which hinted of
frost by morning. Or of being deep in tropical canyons exploring ruins that probably had not
seen another human since the last survivors left centuries ago. I was able to sense a feeling of
complete freedom, a feeling which very few humans today are privileged to experience. It is
difficult to put into words."

"I had the unique opportunity to find just how much I could rely upon myself, and not others.
this was experienced in traveling in uncharted country, twice experiencing bandits, lack of food,
heat and cold, sometimes continuing to exist simply by willing my body to place one foot ahead,
then the other until I managed to reach safety, or my camp. It was a growing up period, which
while rough, I would never change."

Source: http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/tayopa/182238-history-tayopa-13.html
Post 190

<><><><><><><><>>>><><><><> Don, I agree fully,and wholeheartedly that the post is very likely, the best post, to be seen.

If you would agree to allowing it to each of the other threads. (Each of use will agree to credit you for finding, this, most perfect description of our fearless leader. ) And that should be the only words , other than your subject choice. I can understand all of the reasons not to, and will respect your decision.


I will post the rules that we are bound to, to the best of my ability,
Along with the technical reasons for them , then place the opening thread in the space that we have been granted. For our grand experiment, tomorrow.

And let the good times roll!


Okay. As most of you know, by now that this project has been difficult to start up, for many reasons.

I have asked many questions to you and to the mods. And have worked to protect Don Jose's welfare.
Treasure net granted permission for this project, Probably due to the respect that they hold for Don Jose. Most certainly not out of respect for my ability to spearhead it.

It is in the spirit of honoring our fellow treasure seeker, and friend Don Jose de la Mancha de real Tayopa, that we are on this thread, ready to begin to bring to life this project.

In order to protect Treasure net's copyright, they have set limits and made recommendations as to where we can do this and where we should not tread.

Among the recommendations is the title, it should be short and use words that will make it easy to find by the search engines. And we should add to that title, the subject matter that each of
us will be using as subject matter. i.e. Tayopa search. or border guard.... or early discoveries... etc...

The best short title that includes as much of the common ideas and the Mod's recommendations, should be used by all in order to create a group effort, Visible and effectual.

The theme title: DON JOSE DE REAL TAYOPA, A LIFE WELL SPENT. (Then add,< Tayopa>, or <WWII>, OR <what ever you wish to bring to the table...) Then make your opening statement. It should be that your thread is <"NOT OPEN FOR POSTS. There is a thread that says READ ME FIRST! that is for remarks.">

The location for our posts has been designated by the Moderators, It is to be in the "EVERYTHING ELSE" forum.. They chose that location to keep other's from complaining.
Once visited and subscribed to, it will not be hard to track. And yes, I do know that it is not where most of us would want it. Nonetheless, that is where we have been assigned.

IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT WE DO NOT ADD ANYTHING OR EDIT HIS WORDS. If we do anything that disrupts the welfare of either TNET's or Don Jose's copyrights will be removed by the mods. and if it becomes a problem, the mods may lock the thread.

Each post that you COPY AND PASTE. MUST INCLUDE A LINK BACK TO THE ORIGINAL SOURCE, In order to protect Don Jose's copyright.

The letter of the law and the spirit of the law concerning Copyrights, may get blurry to some, and we all should be watching what we do in the name of defending Don Jose's honor, to the point of NOT ADDRESSING any one that, posts as a reader of the posts. The mods will remove the post and if they miss one you can contact them to handle it. If they choose to move an interrupting post to the READ ME FIRST thread you should feel free to go there to defend our friend.

We can and should watch each other's backs.

We can't possibly create a book, not legally and not practically. The entire purpose of this project, is to HONOR AND HIGHLIGHT Don JOSE'S lifetime well spent.

I have gone over and above some of the guide lines, in order to protect Don Jose's rights of Copyright.

If you find anything lacking, that would further protect those rights, please bring it up. We do not want to endanger Don Jose's own book by allowing someone to swoop in and scoop up all of the riches that we bring to light.

If anyone wishes to go beyond this scope, and dig deep into Jose's works and prepare a private document for Jose, you must have the permission of both, DON JOSE and TREASURENET.COM. and work within those boundaries, and not affiliate it with this project.

Thank you all for your patience and desire to be part of this.



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