iI'm not in too good a mood today, I lost my childbride yesterday, and in a seprrate incident my dove. so please forgive me.
My condolences Don Jose.
The hurt to read such news cannot come close to the hurt felt writing of it.
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iI'm not in too good a mood today, I lost my childbride yesterday, and in a seprrate incident my dove. so please forgive me.
iI'm not in too good a mood today, I lost my childbride yesterday, and in a seprrate incident my dove. so please forgive me.
iI'm not in too good a mood today, I lost my childbride yesterday, and in a seprrate incident my dove. so please forgive me.
Howdy Oroblanco,
I am sure John meant no harm, we all think different. We can not judge others intentions without knowing the person. If my grand-kids tried to cheer me up with a cartoon, it would mean a lot to me.
IF I believed that you could handle the trip, I feel as IF I should take you to my version of Tayopa in Durango Don Jose...IF I were to show you what I have seen and explain to you what I believe to be the solution to the PSM's Don Jose...Maybe I might be able to lift your spirit a little to help you forget your sorrow for a moment...
Though I am sad to say that I do not believe that I will be driving to Durango anytime soon...I could show you the image of the king and queen on the rock near the arroyo that I believe are the beginning of the trail that lead to the mining real of Guadualupe de Tayopa...And IF I could muster the cajones to get on a mule for a week long trek...I'm certain that you like mules much more than this city slicker...Wouldn't it be something to see the Platinum mines of TayopaI hope to see them once again in my lifetime...But who knows IF I ever will
To think that I almost took Oro to said Real long long ago...
In my opinion, whatever is written about Don Jose should include his own words from several years ago. Here's his quote from Mar.27, 2011:
"While I may not have acquired riches or fame in the campaign, I 'have' accumulated wonderful
memories and experiences which can never be be reexperienced or bought. Memories of traveling
by myself / mule, in what was basically unexplored territory in those days. Of being on top
of lonely pine covered mesas by a small campfire listening to coyotes tell of dinners and love
found or lost, Listening to the gentle sigh of the deliciously scented clean air, which hinted of
frost by morning. Or of being deep in tropical canyons exploring ruins that probably had not
seen another human since the last survivors left centuries ago. I was able to sense a feeling of
complete freedom, a feeling which very few humans today are privileged to experience. It is
difficult to put into words."
"I had the unique opportunity to find just how much I could rely upon myself, and not others.
this was experienced in traveling in uncharted country, twice experiencing bandits, lack of food,
heat and cold, sometimes continuing to exist simply by willing my body to place one foot ahead,
then the other until I managed to reach safety, or my camp. It was a growing up period, which
while rough, I would never change."
Source: http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/tayopa/182238-history-tayopa-13.html
Post 190