Real of Tayopa
Bronze Member
wow, a bunch of $ 400, with an $ 500 throw ih Marius Τέλος, καλά Χριστούγεννα και καλές γιορτές σε όλους!
With a stick, Jefe......poke them with a sharp stick.....
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Now where's my New Years Eve story you promised?
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No, no, no noodle. Love to catfish, but no likee the possibility of getting on a first name basis with a Cottonmouth. Nope, nada, not gonna stick MY hand in there.
noodle, never did that and after coming home from Boot Camp and going up to Coolidge Dam to go fishing, never would. We went up to the top of the Dam to see what side we wanted to go swimming and fishing in. Watched 6 feet of Carp almost beach it self getting away from a "Big" catfish. It was bigger than the Ford Pickup that I borrowed from my brother in law for the trip. Took a grappeling (treble) hook about 3 inches across, baited it and tied it to a piece of rebar that was sticking out of the Dam about 18 inches with a circle on the end. We used 1/4 inch braded nylon closeline and tossed it over on the Dam side. We went fishing on the river side (Gila River). The next morning we went back up on the Dam and found the rebar was bent over and there was only 3 feet of the close line left. From then on anytime I saw people Noodling, I wished them small catfish, ie under 3 feet in length. When they lie by the Dam and just suck in the food that drifts by, they get really big.
Sleeping fires, eh? Well, I have an embarrassing fire story to share, but the first one that laughs gets a poke with a sharp stick.
Back when I was still wet behind the ears, must have been about 12 or 13, my brothers all went on a weekend camping trip down on the creek....and I didn't get to go. Guy thing they said. Well, that didn't seem fair to me, so I packed up a backpack and my sleeping bag and slipped out the back door to follow on my bike.
Unfortunately, they had a big head start on me and I arrived at the designated spot only to find they were nowhere to be seen. Faced with going home in defeat (not in my vocabulary even at that early age), I chose instead to just make my own dang camp. Faced with spending the whole night alone, with wild beast of every kind infesting the dark woods around me, I picked what I thought to be the perfect spot. A beautiful big flat rock ledge hanging out over the creek bank. Figured I'd build a fire on the side facing the woods, to keep the critters at bay, and I would put my bedroll next to the fire on the creek side, where I should be safe from attack in my sleep.
I built a big fire and laid my bed out nice and close, spreading my weapons (pocket knife, rope, small hatchet) around me strategically, alongside my foodstuffs and the rest of my gear. The perfect camping setup. Finishing my peanut butter sandwich and coke, I spread the coals from the fire in a long line next to my sleeping bag to keep me warm and lay down to sleep. There were a lot of coals as I had built a pretty big fire and wanted them to last the night. It was so warm I had to scoot my bed over closer to the water side of the ledge to keep from cooking myself.
Couldn't have been an hour later I remember hearing a faint pop, like a coal flaring up, and I rolled over to make sure it hadn't rolled towards me....and a gunshot...a huge splash and I was in the water, along with my bedroll, and all my gear. Took me a good 30 yards dog paddling to get back on dry ground in the dark, soaking wet, all gear lost, no find that the beautiful rock ledge I had built the fire on had split along the coal line clean as a whistle and fallen three feet into the creek, taking me and my camp with it.
Several cold hours later I made it home just as mom was putting breakfast on the table. She took one look at me and never batting an eyelash asked " Catch anything? ".
Best biscuits I've ever eaten soaking wet.
I’d bet that Dit laughed at it before she typed it, however; that may have been the first time that she did....
Walk softly and be aware of the sharp stick!