Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

We could keep one hid for days, without him noticing. He kept a good watch on his gas cans though. After all gas was over 25 cents a gallon!!!

Other than the day that the gas price wars drove the price down to 19 cents and Papaw loaded his truck with 55 gallon drums and stocked up.
I can remember when gas was 19 cents a gallon and I still could not afford to fill the tank. When I got older, I made up for it and bought a Chevy 4x4 short-bed and got maybe 5 miles to the gallon with it and was happy as could be.

Tis the season for Christmas stocking coffee, where's Oro?

Don Jose, they had an episode on one of the channels the other night with a guy searching the river for a Yacumama. All the people who said they saw it said it was 50-60 meters long with a head about 1 meter wide. Sound like the one you saw maybe ?


Right between the first day of winter and Christmas!

Okay, they can put the snow [emoji300]️ machine up till next Christmas [emoji319]


Now THIS is what I would call a good canpfire session.

Great pic!!
Memory takes me back 60-65 years when I lived next to a farm in northern Illinois--and had a similar view; perfect for the Season.
Merry Christmas,

Merry Christmas to all !!! May the new year to keep you healthy and give you many happy moments .

Getting the menu ready:
Oven baked ham
Deep fried turkey
Green bean casserole
Sweet potato casserole
Hot rolls
Mashed potatoes & gravy
Iced tea
Bottle of wine

And of course, plenty of coffee!
for El Jefe' if he is in the neighborhood!!

Merry Christmas to all !!!


My camping trip was not so glorious. My cousin and I decided to go camp out near the lake the night before trout season, which opened t he first Saturday in April. We took some snacks and drinks and also my 2 man sleeping bag. It was supposed to keep us warm down to zero. After we settled in and was about to go to sleep s flashlight woke us up. It was a county deputy wondering what was going on. After a few minutes explaining our situation, he decided we were crazy but not criminal, and left. Sometime later on that night my cousin punched me and asked if I was cold. COLD, no I was frozen stiff. The temps were in the teens that night but the sleeping bag manufacturer must have lied about the rating. We got back in the truck and went on home to sleep out the night. As it turns out we missed most of the first day of trout season. rockhound

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Right between the first day of winter and Christmas!

Okay, they can put the snow [emoji300]️ machine up till next Christmas [emoji319]


This was taken through my bedroom window, this morning. (The top pic)

And the bottom shot, down here, was Thursday afternoon, at 4:51 pm. The end of the shortest daylight day of the year, along with a screenshot with the compass pointing to the last of the sun [emoji295]️ vanishing behind the hills.
Still short shirtsleeve weather...

That was a quick change, day and a half!



Now THIS is what I would call a good canpfire session.

I agree!!!
But don’t pour the coffee pot out just yet!

Gotta be more out there somewhere...


I know I have a [emoji91] story somewhere among the cobwebs....

Oh! I actually remembered one that fits.

A few years before The hunting crime spree.

I remember a fire truck [emoji602] turning off the main road next to our house and watching it go down our road.

It couldn’t be good, as our extended family were the only folks on that road.

I ran out to the road with Mom right on my shadow. She looked down the road in horror as the truck stopped in front of my cousin’s house. ( same one that drove the car in the previous story)

I watched the firemen jump out and run to the other side of the road!!!

I was a little confused by that, and even more confused when I saw my aunt running across the road too!

There wasn’t a house on that side of the road.... just a , now flaming, chicken house. Yep, two of my cousins thought they could build a small fire on the ground in the middle of the floor and keep it under control by simply sweeping the straw away and just burn a few straws at a time.

It never dawned on either of them that the chickens [emoji239] would object to the small fire [emoji91]..

It didn’t take much time to get all of the chickens flapping their wings and the whole place was blazing, chickens and all!

The first thought that I had, that any of my cousins were involved was when my aunt was charging back to her house, with my cousin running along beside her, getting swatted with every step he took... By the time they got to the gate, he figured out that the fewer steps he took the fewer swats he got. By the time they got to the porch his feet were no longer touching the ground.

I’m pretty sure that was the last time he played with fire [emoji91]...

Chicken house was a total loss.


Squirrel dumplings,kilt salad and now noodling to boot! Lol!!!
How many other hidden qualities have you been holding out on us?

No, no, no.....me no noodle. Love to catfish, but no likee the possibility of getting on a first name basis with a Cottonmouth. Nope, nada, not gonna stick MY hand in there.

Getting the menu ready:
Oven baked ham
Deep fried turkey
Green bean casserole
Sweet potato casserole
Hot rolls
Mashed potatoes & gravy
Iced tea
Bottle of wine

And of course, plenty of coffee!
for El Jefe' if he is in the neighborhood!!

Merry Christmas to all !!!


What time should I be there? ;D

Sure miss those days when we could go missing for a day or two without anyone going out to look for us. Thanks for the laugh Dit, and no I didn't laugh first, put that stick down. It was Don Jose whose sprayed his coffee, and the Kahtahlua, or was that Oroblanco's dog that jumped out of the way?:dontknow:


You lucked out amigo, you were second so Weekender got poked instead. And you're welcome, lol.

I miss those days too, Homar. Kids nowadays will never know the freedom we had growing up, especially in the country. We learned how to survive by our wits ( or lack thereof ), and grew up better prepared for real life in my opinion. I look at kids today and wonder how on earth they would survive without an adult looking after them 24/7.

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Right between the first day of winter and Christmas!

Okay, they can put the snow [emoji300]️ machine up till next Christmas [emoji319]


There you go again, making me homesick. The mountains may be bigger here but there's nothin' like the Ozarks at Christmas time. Sigh

Beautiful pic, Mikel!

Just want to wish everybody here a Wonderful Christmas and a Prosperous New Year!!
May yall find all the treasures you have always been seeking! - and may the force be with you!


Ain't in Grick Marius., besides there were no dancing lovelies, $ 500 dollar ones.

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