Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

What does one have to do to become a Tayopa treasure hunter?

Thinking of you, mi Amigo's down in the Republic....Harvey looks to pack a wallop. Keep you heads down and your feet dry, and send word if you need anything.

I had been praying for rain, may have to be more specific next time.

Hola John, just be yourself, and post. All adventures are welcome here. I have sorta run out of true Tayopa stories.I have to save some for the book. ---- if ever.

hmm, $ 33,000 eh ?? Interested in a good used gold Mine ???

Holo, John,
You can bring more coffee to keep Don Jose awake and continuing with his story telling.
I'll continue to bring the coffee enhancer.

I had been praying for rain, may have to be more specific next time.

Wasn't me this time, haven't been dancing at all. I'll send you a good canoe paddle....or two....looks like you're gonna need 'em. Take care, my friend.

Hola John, just be yourself, and post. All adventures are welcome here. I have sorta run out of true Tayopa stories.I have to save some for the book. ---- if ever.

Jefe, some talking horses with a forked tongue are better left un-resurrected....lay off the voodoo, please? You'll have to count me out on this one. Adios.


Virtual coffee :coffee2: I had been working on a long winded post but as a newbie I lost it. Oh well. Maybe one day I will try to recreate it. It was about what if Tayopa was really a platinum mine and what if the Paramo placer is/was really a platinum placer? If Tayopa was really a platinum mine that might explain why there are very few records of its location. I don't know why I have platinum on the brain but if all of you were to see some of the platinum ore I have in my possession you too would have platinum fever as well. Go figure. Maybe one day I too may try to find the fabled glorious Tayopa. Who knows? Solamente sabe Dios. It sure would be nice if the locale I had visited really does have 35 kilos of platinum in it. I guess we'll just have to wait and see if it is meant to be. Maybe one day God may be willing to let me revisit the remote location again. My guide to said location has long since past and his daughter as well. I guess that my odds of returning to said location are practically slim to none. Until then I will remain here in the good old U.S. playing with my little coyote hole in the hills. I am still thinking about reclaiming me some Pt from catalytic converters though. I guess we'll just have to wait and see how things pan out. :icon_thumright:

Here is a little food for thought for all of you Tayopa adventurers... The Lost Mines of Tayopa Mainly "and 65 arrobas first-class Castilla ore from El Paramo, with a know assay of 22 carats, clean and without mercury" Notice the "known assay of 22 carats, clean and without mercury" Wouldn't it be something if the 22 actually was a play on a specific gravity of 22, and "clean and without mercury" as seeing that Platinum does not form an amalgam with mercury. Just a little food for thought for all of you Tayopa hunters. ;)

Wasn't me this time, haven't been dancing at all. I'll send you a good canoe paddle....or two....looks like you're gonna need 'em. Take care, my friend.

That explains the long dry spell:dontknow:, I'm far enough from the coast, hoping to at least get a drizzle.

Originally Posted by Real of Tayopa [AU, YER ONLY 72

Don Jose,]

I was less than impressed with the care my father in law, and Uncle Obie Stoker received from the VA. That was a number of years ago. Around a year ago I found out I had been exposed to Agent Orange for the entire year (65-66) while in Viet Nam. Health has been going downhill since I got back with doctors unable to find anything wrong.

Lady from Veterans United told me I should put in a claim and where to do it. Two months start to finish and they put me at 95% disabled. Within a week of getting that letter, I had $33,000 forwarded into my bank account and get just under $2,000 the first of every month. Other than they should have contacted me 50 or so years ago, I don't have any complaints.......whatsoever.

If anyone reading this was in Viet Nam, has diabetes, heart disease or neuropathy, get in touch with a Veterans Benefits Counselor. Don't just give up, it's more than worth the effort.

Good luck,

And check with the DAV which I did. Waiting now on what they will say about Type 2 Diabetes that is kinda mild, A1C Feb was 6.9 in June 7.2. My Destroyer was about 600 yards off shore down south when they were spraying. The ship would take in Salt Water and then make it into drinking and washing water.

I knew it was held at $36 / oz for a long time, but didn't know how the price worked it's way through the depression ...

I'm really curious how the Russian bank in China will effect the price...

It's main purpose is to amass as much gold from the market and gain control of the world. Between them and the push for the "global task force on global climate control ", and with it, the global tax to fund their efforts to tax us into the poor house while protecting the elite powers that cause the most of the problems.

I guess we'll see it when we see it...

Not sure about that. When Gold first climbed to $800 an Oz, in 73 or 74, Russia dumped tons of gold on the market and drove it back down to about $350, but memory is a little unsure on the $350 figure, maybe down to $250. The next big dump was the Bank of England trying to sell below market price of $200 for $250 to try and drive it down. Enland lost a lot of money on that and put people in jail for it, again if I remember the outcome correctly. BTW that didn't work. ;)

I had been praying for rain, may have to be more specific next time.
Be careful what you Pray for, God can answer prayers. Like when I was living in Waynesboro, Va. and they had 3 feet of snow. Everyone was praying that God would take it away. So he did. It rained for 3 days and 1/2 of the town was without power from the flooding. ;) I drove my next door neighbor crazy as he knew my cellar had to be flooded and I didn't have a generator(no noise), but I was pumping water out of the cellar into the alley. He didn't know that I had a waterbed syphon and a floating minnow bucket in the cellar with a hose in it. You can have water pressure without power.

If Platinum is combined with Osmium the resulting metal would have a specific gravity of around 22 on the nose wouldn't it? Just a little more food for thought...I could be wrong though. I am not expert on the Platinum metals group. It might explain the brittle part of the Platinum from Jamaica mentioned by early platinum pioneers though...

John, you wrote:
" I had been working on a long winded post but as a newbie I lost it. Oh well. Maybe one day I will try to recreate it."
Have you looked in your DRAFTS section? Maybe it's there-- that's where my 'lost' memos sometimes and suddenly (re)appear.

Thanks for the suggestion Mackaydon. I did a little searching but I could not find anything. I guess it was not really all that important anyhow. I had been working on it and I went back to proofread it and I went to click on something that I needed to correct...And I hit a wrong key and my post vanished. Anyhow like I mentioned I don't think that it was all that important anyhow. I came up with a new off the wall thought today though. Wouldn't it be something if the Peralta stones actually lead to Tayopa and not the ldm? This is my personal view on the Peralta stones. But what do I know? Anyhow...My long winded post is lost to time as is my little version of my ldm or Tayopa. I really don't think that I will ever be able to revisit either of the two. I am content in knowing that I have been to the ldm of the Peralta stones or Tayopa, and people can continue to search for them wherever they choose to search. Though I really will not give anyone any clues as to where the location is. It could be in the U.S. or it could be in Mexico. Though I will not go any further than that. I just don't think that I may ever get to return to my little coyote hole anytime in the near future. Here is another little tid bit that I believe. The Perfil map and the Molina map are maps that I too believe lead to the same area and I once stated that I had counted 13 mines total in the area that I had visited. Who knows? There may have actually been 17 or 18 mines total but I can not confirm nor deny such a claim. I am really not much of a newbie Mackaydon. I have posted on this site in the past under another name. But after my last ban I took a long vacation. This place really has not changed much since then. No wonder nobody can find the ldm or Tayopa. Oh, I take that back. We all know that Don Jose de Tayopa has found the one and only Tayopa. I'll let you all know this...The Perfil map depicts the view of the path that leads to the minas provincias...Or to what I call my little coyote hole...Good luck to all of you...There is much more to life than material riches. Who knows? Maybe one day I will try to return to my little coyote hole in the hills. :) If not...I just may try my luck in Reno. Without going to the ranch...hahaha

John, you wrote:
" I had been working on a long winded post but as a newbie I lost it. Oh well. Maybe one day I will try to recreate it."
Have you looked in your DRAFTS section? Maybe it's there-- that's where my 'lost' memos sometimes and suddenly (re)appear.
That's why I learned to copy my post before clicking on Post. you time out and loose it all and have to relog in. ;)

Gracias, Don Mackaydon, you are always welcome, with or without the booze.

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