Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter


:coffee2: :notworthy:

Thanks, Dit. I did enjoy mine. it lasted all weekend.


Today I am dedicating it to our own Dit. If'n I wasn't happily married, and could go back some 50 - 60 years I would go for her. She is very well educated, a geoligist, has a terrific sense of humor, and is PRETTY.

Hers's an old song, before her time and music, but srill very nice

For those of you that prefer the words - -- in Spanish -----


:heart::heart::-*:heart::heart: ......... seven.....eight....nine..... :love5:

We may never know what would have happened if the count had made it to zero!??!?

Short, we have been firends for almost 10 years, I have learned to respect Dit for herself. She is a wonderful gal, that can more than hold her own in any subject' Ask her about theorchid wasp :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:

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Don Jose-
I feel likes it's been quite awhile since we've gotten any new news regarding Tayopa!

Soooo....anything new to report? Anything interesting, tantalizing, intriguing, or even, dare I say, heartbreaking when it comes to getting to the conclusion of this centuries old mystery that you're sitting on? I'm really hoping for your sake that things haven't come to a complete standstill simply because of money!
If that is the case (and you're willing to answer my next question), how much in total do you truly feel it would take to do everything you believe would be needed to seek out, find, dig up, unbury, & open the main entrance?

FYZi: This is just a curiosity thing...please don't kill the cat!

Thank you in advance.
All the best as usual-

P.S. Also, not to totally jump down your throat all in one single post but I have to imagine that you're getting close to finishing your book and that this'll be the year that I (and many others here on Tnet and elsewhere) finally get that (signed) copy of your book I was personally promised, ohhh, say, roughly 3-4 years ago now!!

Though I'm sure you've had many offers regarding this same thing, if you're having complications with making progress completing the book, please allow me to (AGAIN) offer my services as your official transcriber! I'd even be willing to sign a full confidentiality agreement in a heartbeat!
I don't want the treasure...that sucker is yours! I want the story....that's yours to have lived, and ours to now enjoy! Just my personal opinion.
Again, all the best to you!

Lethargy, pure lerhargy JAA. In retrospect I would have to make it a fictional story to make it Interesting, also it is extremely uncomfortable for me to write in the first person . I have waffled back and forth on the basic structure.

I can relate to that... the "I" thing.
Having partners has helped some, just getting to type we, he, them or us has saved me on many occasions.


Lethargy, pure lerhargy JAA. In retrospect I would have to make it a fictional story to make it Interesting, also it is extremely uncomfortable for me to write in the first person . I have waffled back and forth on the basic structure.

The entire book doesn't have to JUST be about Tayopa! That of course would be a major component of it, however, based on the multitude of stories from your life that you've told us here on Tnet, I'm still pretty damn confident that it would turn out to be one hell of an exhilarating book!!

No have yourself a big ol' cuppa Joe and get back to work!!

Al the best-

Hey Don Jose

How about Greek shopping therapy ?

shopping therapy.webp

Hey! She's only 3 or 4 steps behind you, Marius.....and what's in that bag.....watch out!! :o

Marius, you HAVE A POT. horrors, come to think of it, I' don't have enough material there to' have' a pot. sigh.

We have also some fancy coffee clubs


Quit changing the subject Marius, about that lil pot ------ ?? And here I thought that Gricks were reay to be carried home on their shields, or dance with the Grick Girls.

:occasion17: :occasion16: :occasion13: :usflag:

Happy Birthday USA!!!!!

Best Wishes to All on this Our Independence Day, and Thank You to those who have defended Our Freedom!

Let It Ring, and Long May She Wave. :notworthy:

:occasion14: :occasion18:

Last night I found out the hard way, just how horribly out of condition I am.I had occasion to move forward out of my chair, suddenly th chair moved out from under me and I found myself sitting on the tile floor, It took me 30 minutes to finally get back into the chair again. I, who always prided myself on my physical development was effectively helpless, no muscle tone. I

I have started a rebuilding series of exercises in the hope that it isn't too late, sigh, Gotta be back in condition for my 150 birthday.party.

Yes, this 'was' me.


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Don Jose,

A few weeks ago, my wife probably saved my life by insisting I go immediately to ER. I did, and I had a 95% blockage in, what the Dr. called the widow maker artery in my heart. Simple stint later, and I feel like a new man. You should get to your doctor.

Good luck,


Jose , I don't want to drag your thread down, but wanted to thank you for all of your help and kindness for my sister's husband.
He is no longer fighting his battle with cancer, as of yesterday afternoon, and is residing in his real home.

I will not forget the kindness that you showed, for as long as I have memories.

You are truly a kind man and a good friend.


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