pk the goatee it is.
I had been carefully nurturing an exquisite goatee ( in my opinion ) We were runing low on supplies, so we decided to stock up. After a few days on the trail, we finally broke out of the Jungle to a small store with a small cluster of houses surrounding it,
As my associate and I broke out into the clearing my goatee was at it's finest..While we were at the store we were surrounded by a bunch of girls, hoping to secretly marry, or whatever , one of us in order to escape their future.
As We were proudly showing off our faltering Spanish I heard the word 'Goat' whispered, accompanied by giggles.That did it, they certainly didn't know the way to a man's heart, in any event that Magnificent Spanish Goatee disappeared the next morning. Sigh,, females can be heartless.
No, we never subjected any of them to a fate worse than death

?.and there were a few very cute Mayan gals in the bunch
Of course if ther had been a DIT among them I might have weakened for a week or so.